Original Airdate: Saturday, June 13th, 1992
Rupp Arena
Lexington, Kentucky
Mr. Perfect and Vince start out the show again and make a couple racehorse jokes. I really miss Bobby Heenan during this era.
Tatanka vs. Barry Horowitz
With it being Horowitz, he gets a little more offense than the typical jobber. Tatanka hits the chop off the second rope and then the Samoan drop for the victory.
Match Rating: 1/2*
It's Update time again by with Mean Gene. We get more clips of the Papa Shango/Ultimate Warrior feud. We get an Ultimate Warrior interview and he cuts a signature nonsense interview.
Graig Brown vs. Shawn Michaels
Vince really said that the WBF Championship would be one of the best pay-per-views in history. This jobber also really spells his name "Graig". It's nice to see this one go a little bit longer than your standard Superstars match. Shawn hits his suplex for the victory.
Match Rating: 1/2*
Event Center now wit Sean Mooney. We get another Repo Man interview that is so similar to any of the other ones we have seen the last few weeks. Texas Tornado is now a religious uplifting talent. I'm not sure that he even wrestled much after this TV taping.
We get our first Razor Ramon vignette. Hall didn't quite have all the signature Ramon traits down here.
Natural Disasters vs. The Executioners
They sneak attack the Natural Disasters, but of course it doesn't work. The Disasters are just here to destroy the Executioners. They do some power moves and then hit a big splash. One of the Executioners tries to attack them again, but ends up getting shoulder tackled. Big splash for the win here.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Back to Sean Mooney in the Event Center and we get a Skinner promo. He refers to Crush as "Crunch or Crush". Undertaker and Paul Bearer still have their focus on Berzerker and Mr. Fuji.
The Mountie vs. Bill Koby
Mountie gets him in a tree of woe early and stomps away. He then hits a dropkick and pins him as he stands on his face. It took the Mountie longer to get his jacket off than it did to win the match. He then gets out his new shock stick and makes Koby tell him that he's the man. Koby then escapes. I have to say I am loving the Mountie character 27 years later.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Mean Gene is in the empty arena with Randy Savage. Not one of Savage's more interesting promos here. He says he will do whatever it takes to keep the title.
Kamala vs. Dale Wolfe
Vince says that he doesn't think Kamala knows what "lock up" means. I bet he does. Him and Perfect argue over whether or not everyone from Uganda is a savage or not. Imagine that conversation taking place on TV in 2019. They continue to do the schtick where Kamala doesn't know how to cover his opponent.
Match Rating: 1/4*
El Matador vs. Mike Samples
Samples throws some pretty awful punches, which Tito blocks. Samples gets up too early and totally telegraphs the finish, but who cares? It's a Saturday morning squash. Please give me more matches like High Energy last week
Match Rating: 1/4*
They have Big Boss Man on the phone and are showing photos of how beat up he is. Boss Man says he will be back and Perfect says he is stupid and hangs up on him.
Ron Cumberledge vs. Nailz
Vince says there's a hush over the crowd. There's not even the fake booing they usually pipe in. Nailz has to be in the top 10 worst workers to ever have a prominent role in WWE. He chokes him out for his finisher. Shouldn't that be a DQ? I can't even explain how terrible this is. Vince saying this guy doesn't belong in a ring is the understatement of a lifetime.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Sean Mooney says that Nailz was the toughest guy in his cell block. Papa Shango is back and talks some voodoo smack. Legion of Doom are back with a promo we have already seen on Superstars. Gotta love it.
Next week we get Crush, Undertaker, Money Inc., Legion of Doom and Papa Shango.
That was definitely not a great showing. While I wish there weren't monthly pay per views now, I do see why they added more as everything just feels like it is going nowhere. Oh, and Nailz is awful.
Overall Rating: 23%
Star Ratings & Show Reviews For The WWE Network
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
SmackDown 1-20-05 Review
Original Airdate: Thursday, January 20th, 2005
Bell Centre
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
Teddy Long is in the ring to start the show. Kurt Angle will be forced to issue an apology to Joy Giovanni. If he doesn't, he will remove him from the WWE Championship match at Royal Rumble and he will also not have another title match in 2005. He also told Kurt Angle that no one will lay a hand on him so that he can issue the apology. Once he gives the apology, anyone who wants a piece of Angle, can come and get some.
WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Eddie Guerrero & Booker T vs. The Basham Brothers
The Bashams just won the titles last week and are thrown right into the fire. They announce Rob Van Dam is out with a torn ACL. I know they were on last week, but I really have no recollection of Eddie and Booker teaming up. I know everyone says this, but man do I miss watching Eddie. Eddie hits an airplane spin and then a thumb to the eye for a fun spot. That is followed up by a double team that sees Eddie hold up whichever Basham and Booker nails him with a kick. The Bashams do the switcheroo, which is basically all they do. Booker T breaks out of the full nelson, but Danny slams him. We get another full nelson. Booker gets out and a hot tag to Eddie. We get the Three Amigos from Eddie. Orlando Jordan gets on the apron and Eddie hip tosses him in the ring. Doug Basham has one of the tag titles, but Eddie ducks it and ends up using the belt on Doug. The ref sees him standing there with the belt and Eddie tries to convince him that he didn't use it. Nick Patrick isn't buying it and he calls for the DQ. Fun opening match though.
Match Rating: ***1/4 (out of 5)
After the match Eddie and Booker argue and Eddie walks away. Danny Basham then attacks Booker. Orlando Jordan joins in. Eddie thinks about it and decides to help out Booker. They clear the ring after hitting a scissor kick and frog splash on OJ.
JBL and Amy Weber are backstage. JBL says that Kurt Angle crossed the line. He says that he and the Cabinet are going to destroy Angle.
Big Show and Joy Giovanni are now backstage. Big Show doesn't care what Teddy Long says, he wants to beat the apology out of Angle.
Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
Akio vs. Scotty 2 Hotty
It's kind of crazy that Scotty was still on the roster in 2005. This is apparently his return match. Both of these guys are pretty underrated in the grand scheme of things. Scotty hits the worm and gets the victory. That was pretty paint by the numbers and the crowd wasn't really buying it.
Match Rating: *3/4
John Cena is backstage now. This was basically just a time killer to get Cena to say "If you want some, come get some."
Big Show is still waiting by the door for Kurt Angle. I have to believe there is more than one door in the entire arena that Angle could walk in through. Teddy Long tries to talk him out of it.
Carlito is now coming down the aisle with his sling and petition. He has some fans sign it. Carlito cuts a promo that seems to go on forever until Heidenreich interrupts. Heidenreich signs the petition and says he wants Long gone too. God, this is awful. He is complaining about how afraid he is of caskets, but not of Undertaker. Then the lights go off and Taker is on the screen. He opens a casket and Heidenreich is in there. Taker says Heidenreich will rest in peace. This was a terrible segment.
Big Show is still waiting for Angle. The door opens and Show is up and ready, but it's just two girls who I have no idea who they are.
Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
John Cena vs. Rene Dupree
I forgot about Fifi. Dupree is dominating Cena here with his boring offense. Cena finally makes his comeback. Big clothesline by Cena and an elbow. The announcers are doing everything in their power to make the Royal Rumble important. Cena misses the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but ends up hitting it anyway. Cena hits the Pumps and gets Dupree up for the FU and hits it after a brief counter by Dupree. It's pretty easy to see why Dupree wasn't in a big role for long. Out of nowhere, Kenzo Suzuki attacks Cena.
Match Rating: *3/4
Big Show is still waiting...and now JBL comes up to him. He proposes that he and Big Show team up for one night only and attack Angle so that he's out of the match at Royal Rumble. Big Show says that is the first time that JBL has actually made sense and he'll think about it.
Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero
These two guys have had to have wrestled each other a couple hundred times. It's kind of crazy to think that in a few months I will be watching Kerwin White promos. They do a nice segment out of a monkey flip. During the break Mysterio missed a baseball slide and Chavo caught him with a clothesline. Chavo kicks the knee of Mysterio causing him to do a 360. Chavo misses the next kick and Mysterio hits a springboard moonsault. I just realized that I have hardly even paid attention to Michael Cole and Tazz this entire episode. Rey rolls through a sunset flip and hits a dropkick. Mysterio goes for a springboard crossbody but instead gets a dropkick to the gut. This is one of the more 50/50 matches you will ever see. Chavo ducks a 619 and then gets a face first sitdown powerbomb for a 2 count. The crowd loved that one. 619 and this time Rey hits it. Springboard splash and Mysterio wins. There was never a doubt that Rey was going to win, but they did a good job of making Chavo look like his equal. This was a really fun match.
Match Rating: ***1/2
Kurt Angle is coming through the crowd in dress clothes. Angle is in the ring and calls out Joy. He apologizes for any anguish he may have caused. Out comes Big Show and he sends Joy back to the locker room. Big Show comes to the ring and Angle says he will see him at Royal Rumble and tries to escape until JBL's music hits. The entire Cabinet is out. JBL says that Angle's going to get what he deserves and so is JBL. They then shake hands and out comes Jindrak and Reigns. They are now all surrounding Show around the ring. After a few failed attempts at sending a couple people at a time, they finally realize they should all go in there. Big Show still fights that off until he gets a low blow from Orlando Jordan. JBL then hits Show with a rough looking shot to the head. This beatdown is going on for way too long. Show is busted open now and Angle and JBL drill him with the steps through the ropes.
That is a hard show to rate. It two really fun matches and the other two were passable. The whole Amy/Joy stuff was pretty bad and just seemed so forced. Rey and Eddie continue to be the MVPs of this show, not that it should surprise anyone.
Overall Rating: 62%
Bell Centre
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
Teddy Long is in the ring to start the show. Kurt Angle will be forced to issue an apology to Joy Giovanni. If he doesn't, he will remove him from the WWE Championship match at Royal Rumble and he will also not have another title match in 2005. He also told Kurt Angle that no one will lay a hand on him so that he can issue the apology. Once he gives the apology, anyone who wants a piece of Angle, can come and get some.
WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Eddie Guerrero & Booker T vs. The Basham Brothers
The Bashams just won the titles last week and are thrown right into the fire. They announce Rob Van Dam is out with a torn ACL. I know they were on last week, but I really have no recollection of Eddie and Booker teaming up. I know everyone says this, but man do I miss watching Eddie. Eddie hits an airplane spin and then a thumb to the eye for a fun spot. That is followed up by a double team that sees Eddie hold up whichever Basham and Booker nails him with a kick. The Bashams do the switcheroo, which is basically all they do. Booker T breaks out of the full nelson, but Danny slams him. We get another full nelson. Booker gets out and a hot tag to Eddie. We get the Three Amigos from Eddie. Orlando Jordan gets on the apron and Eddie hip tosses him in the ring. Doug Basham has one of the tag titles, but Eddie ducks it and ends up using the belt on Doug. The ref sees him standing there with the belt and Eddie tries to convince him that he didn't use it. Nick Patrick isn't buying it and he calls for the DQ. Fun opening match though.
Match Rating: ***1/4 (out of 5)
After the match Eddie and Booker argue and Eddie walks away. Danny Basham then attacks Booker. Orlando Jordan joins in. Eddie thinks about it and decides to help out Booker. They clear the ring after hitting a scissor kick and frog splash on OJ.
JBL and Amy Weber are backstage. JBL says that Kurt Angle crossed the line. He says that he and the Cabinet are going to destroy Angle.
Big Show and Joy Giovanni are now backstage. Big Show doesn't care what Teddy Long says, he wants to beat the apology out of Angle.
Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
Akio vs. Scotty 2 Hotty
It's kind of crazy that Scotty was still on the roster in 2005. This is apparently his return match. Both of these guys are pretty underrated in the grand scheme of things. Scotty hits the worm and gets the victory. That was pretty paint by the numbers and the crowd wasn't really buying it.
Match Rating: *3/4
John Cena is backstage now. This was basically just a time killer to get Cena to say "If you want some, come get some."
Big Show is still waiting by the door for Kurt Angle. I have to believe there is more than one door in the entire arena that Angle could walk in through. Teddy Long tries to talk him out of it.
Carlito is now coming down the aisle with his sling and petition. He has some fans sign it. Carlito cuts a promo that seems to go on forever until Heidenreich interrupts. Heidenreich signs the petition and says he wants Long gone too. God, this is awful. He is complaining about how afraid he is of caskets, but not of Undertaker. Then the lights go off and Taker is on the screen. He opens a casket and Heidenreich is in there. Taker says Heidenreich will rest in peace. This was a terrible segment.
Big Show is still waiting for Angle. The door opens and Show is up and ready, but it's just two girls who I have no idea who they are.
Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
John Cena vs. Rene Dupree
I forgot about Fifi. Dupree is dominating Cena here with his boring offense. Cena finally makes his comeback. Big clothesline by Cena and an elbow. The announcers are doing everything in their power to make the Royal Rumble important. Cena misses the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but ends up hitting it anyway. Cena hits the Pumps and gets Dupree up for the FU and hits it after a brief counter by Dupree. It's pretty easy to see why Dupree wasn't in a big role for long. Out of nowhere, Kenzo Suzuki attacks Cena.
Match Rating: *3/4
Big Show is still waiting...and now JBL comes up to him. He proposes that he and Big Show team up for one night only and attack Angle so that he's out of the match at Royal Rumble. Big Show says that is the first time that JBL has actually made sense and he'll think about it.
Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero
These two guys have had to have wrestled each other a couple hundred times. It's kind of crazy to think that in a few months I will be watching Kerwin White promos. They do a nice segment out of a monkey flip. During the break Mysterio missed a baseball slide and Chavo caught him with a clothesline. Chavo kicks the knee of Mysterio causing him to do a 360. Chavo misses the next kick and Mysterio hits a springboard moonsault. I just realized that I have hardly even paid attention to Michael Cole and Tazz this entire episode. Rey rolls through a sunset flip and hits a dropkick. Mysterio goes for a springboard crossbody but instead gets a dropkick to the gut. This is one of the more 50/50 matches you will ever see. Chavo ducks a 619 and then gets a face first sitdown powerbomb for a 2 count. The crowd loved that one. 619 and this time Rey hits it. Springboard splash and Mysterio wins. There was never a doubt that Rey was going to win, but they did a good job of making Chavo look like his equal. This was a really fun match.
Match Rating: ***1/2
Kurt Angle is coming through the crowd in dress clothes. Angle is in the ring and calls out Joy. He apologizes for any anguish he may have caused. Out comes Big Show and he sends Joy back to the locker room. Big Show comes to the ring and Angle says he will see him at Royal Rumble and tries to escape until JBL's music hits. The entire Cabinet is out. JBL says that Angle's going to get what he deserves and so is JBL. They then shake hands and out comes Jindrak and Reigns. They are now all surrounding Show around the ring. After a few failed attempts at sending a couple people at a time, they finally realize they should all go in there. Big Show still fights that off until he gets a low blow from Orlando Jordan. JBL then hits Show with a rough looking shot to the head. This beatdown is going on for way too long. Show is busted open now and Angle and JBL drill him with the steps through the ropes.
That is a hard show to rate. It two really fun matches and the other two were passable. The whole Amy/Joy stuff was pretty bad and just seemed so forced. Rey and Eddie continue to be the MVPs of this show, not that it should surprise anyone.
Overall Rating: 62%
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
NXT 8-1-12 Review
Original Airdate: Wednesday, August 1st, 2012
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
Dusty Rhodes is here to announce that there will be a Gold Rush Tournament to crown the first ever NXT Champion. 8 competitors will be involved and it starts right here tonight.
Gold Rush Tournament Match
Richie Steamboat vs. Leo Kruger
Kruger's just a little awkward to me, not sure exactly what it is, but he's not that crisp. The crowd definitely has taken a liking to Steamboat. Kruger is saying that he hurt his knee and of course he is only using it as a distraction and clubs Steamboat. Kruger is doing a lot of showboating, playing up his heel persona. Kruger isn't doing a very good job of hiding his conversation with Steamboat. Steamboat attempts to make a comeback, but Kruger hits him with a nice spinebuster. Steamboat is able to kick out and eventually hit a flying crossbody off the top rope for a 2 count. Kruger gets Steamboat into a sleeper hold. These early NXT matches are very much late 80s/early 90s matches without the larger than life personalities. It's amazing how different the new NXT is. Then out of nowhere, Steamboat hits a nice move that I'm not sure I have seen before for a victory. That was certainly a random finish.
Match Rating: *3/4
Big E. promo time again and he is up next.
Big E Langston vs. Adam Mercer
Langston is such an underrated worker. Langston hits three consecutive backbreakers. Langston hits him with some spears and then the Big Finish for the victory. He looked good and the crowd was impressed. Good debut.
Match Rating: 1/2*
Audrey Marie vs. Raquel Diaz
Diaz does her shtick where she talks on her way down to the ring. I did not know that Tyler Breeze was married to Audrey. Diaz gets here in the Gory Bomb and gets the victory. That wasn't exactly very good. After the match shes uses lipstick to write a "L" on Marie's forehead.
Match Rating: 1/4*
We are backstage with 19 year old Paige. She basically says nothing.
Hunico & Camacho vs. Jason Jordan & Mike Dalton
Quite a bit of talent in the ring here. I have to say I hate Camacho's ring gear. He looks like he's from a catalog, which I am guessing is not what he was going for. They do a nice double team where they look like they are doing a double hip toss and stop him mid-flip and slammed him down. Dalton is sent off the ropes and Huico tosses him up to Camacho, but Dalton hits a hurricanrana into a pin for an upset victory. It's not very often you see the "already in the ring" competitors win, so that was a nice surprise.
Match Rating: *3/4
Gold Rush Tournament Match
Drew McIntyre vs. Seth Rollins
We get a rematch of last week's main event. McIntrye comes out strong, but Rollins fights back with his quick paced offense. McIntyre tries to hide under the ring, but slams Rollins' face into the ring when he goes to get him. McIntrye is working on Rollins arm when they go to commercial break. Rollins finally gets some offense in by countering into a DDT and is now fighting back with some strikes. Suicide Dive by Rollins now and he's now stomping in the corner. He hits the splash, but then McIntyre clubs him and gets a 2 count. Rollins off the second rope, but McIntyre catches him and hits a backbreaker. Rollins misses a Phoenix Splash but lands it, which leads to McIntyre missing a big boot, which then allows Rollins to hit the Stomp for the victory. I preferred their matchup last week, but this was still the best match of the show.
Match Rating: **1/4
Well, that wasn't a great episode by any means, but I am glad that there are now at least stakes. I also though Dalton and Jordan winning an upset was a nice wrinkle to what is usually a pretty predictable show. I don't see the other first round matches being much better, but maybe the second round will pick it up.
Overall Rating: 37%
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
Dusty Rhodes is here to announce that there will be a Gold Rush Tournament to crown the first ever NXT Champion. 8 competitors will be involved and it starts right here tonight.
Gold Rush Tournament Match
Richie Steamboat vs. Leo Kruger
Kruger's just a little awkward to me, not sure exactly what it is, but he's not that crisp. The crowd definitely has taken a liking to Steamboat. Kruger is saying that he hurt his knee and of course he is only using it as a distraction and clubs Steamboat. Kruger is doing a lot of showboating, playing up his heel persona. Kruger isn't doing a very good job of hiding his conversation with Steamboat. Steamboat attempts to make a comeback, but Kruger hits him with a nice spinebuster. Steamboat is able to kick out and eventually hit a flying crossbody off the top rope for a 2 count. Kruger gets Steamboat into a sleeper hold. These early NXT matches are very much late 80s/early 90s matches without the larger than life personalities. It's amazing how different the new NXT is. Then out of nowhere, Steamboat hits a nice move that I'm not sure I have seen before for a victory. That was certainly a random finish.
Match Rating: *3/4
Big E. promo time again and he is up next.
Big E Langston vs. Adam Mercer
Langston is such an underrated worker. Langston hits three consecutive backbreakers. Langston hits him with some spears and then the Big Finish for the victory. He looked good and the crowd was impressed. Good debut.
Match Rating: 1/2*
Audrey Marie vs. Raquel Diaz
Diaz does her shtick where she talks on her way down to the ring. I did not know that Tyler Breeze was married to Audrey. Diaz gets here in the Gory Bomb and gets the victory. That wasn't exactly very good. After the match shes uses lipstick to write a "L" on Marie's forehead.
Match Rating: 1/4*
We are backstage with 19 year old Paige. She basically says nothing.
Hunico & Camacho vs. Jason Jordan & Mike Dalton
Quite a bit of talent in the ring here. I have to say I hate Camacho's ring gear. He looks like he's from a catalog, which I am guessing is not what he was going for. They do a nice double team where they look like they are doing a double hip toss and stop him mid-flip and slammed him down. Dalton is sent off the ropes and Huico tosses him up to Camacho, but Dalton hits a hurricanrana into a pin for an upset victory. It's not very often you see the "already in the ring" competitors win, so that was a nice surprise.
Match Rating: *3/4
Gold Rush Tournament Match
Drew McIntyre vs. Seth Rollins
We get a rematch of last week's main event. McIntrye comes out strong, but Rollins fights back with his quick paced offense. McIntyre tries to hide under the ring, but slams Rollins' face into the ring when he goes to get him. McIntrye is working on Rollins arm when they go to commercial break. Rollins finally gets some offense in by countering into a DDT and is now fighting back with some strikes. Suicide Dive by Rollins now and he's now stomping in the corner. He hits the splash, but then McIntyre clubs him and gets a 2 count. Rollins off the second rope, but McIntyre catches him and hits a backbreaker. Rollins misses a Phoenix Splash but lands it, which leads to McIntyre missing a big boot, which then allows Rollins to hit the Stomp for the victory. I preferred their matchup last week, but this was still the best match of the show.
Match Rating: **1/4
Well, that wasn't a great episode by any means, but I am glad that there are now at least stakes. I also though Dalton and Jordan winning an upset was a nice wrinkle to what is usually a pretty predictable show. I don't see the other first round matches being much better, but maybe the second round will pick it up.
Overall Rating: 37%
Monday, February 25, 2019
Cruiserweight Classic Episode 7 Review
Original Airdate: Wednesday, August 24th, 2016
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
Rich Swann vs. Lince Dorado
Full Sail University is completely behind Swann here. Within in the first 30 seconds it is pretty apparent that both of these guys are insanely good athletes. Swann countering a headscissors with a cartwheel is pretty sweet. Some great action here that leads to a double scissor kick that lays both men out. Swann reverses out of a German suplex and then hits a jumping DDT. Swann drags Dorado to the corner and goes for a standing 450, but it's blocked by Dorado. Reverse hurricanrana by Dorado for a 2 count. Dorado misses the Shooting Star Press and Swann is now climbing the ropes. Phoenix Splash and that is all. Really entertaining match there featuring two guys who can do just about anything they want to in there.
Match Rating: ***3/4 (out of 5)
They are backstage with Gargano who is accompanied by Ciampa. Gargano says he is going to do whatever it takes to win the Cruiserweight Classic.
Zack Sabre Jr vs. Drew Gulak
A matchup between two pretty amazing technical wrestlers. Both of these guys are super aggressive to start. You don't have to like this style of wrestling to appreciate this one, as both are just so believable. This match is nearly impossible to write about. Gulak goes for a clothesline off the top rope, but ZSJ catches him into an arm bar. Gulak then turns it into a Gory Special which is then turned into a Boston Crab and then countered by Sabre Jr. into a pin. These guys are just beating the crap out of each other and the crowd is digging it. Now both guys are just hitting each other with palm strikes to the face. Gulak goes for the Dragon Sleeper, but Sabre Jr. counters it into a pinfall for the victory. Completely different match than the first one and just as awesome.
Match Rating: ***3/4
Johnny Gargano vs. T.J. Perkins
Let's see if this one can live up to the first two matches on the show. The crowd is split pretty 50/50 here. TJP is one of the more effortless competitors I have seen in some time. Gargano hits two of my favorite moves in wrestling with his rolling kick and then a slingshot spear. TJP ducks a kick and turns it into a sitdown powerbomb following a nice sequence of kicks. Gargano counters a dropkick off the ropes to the apron with a superkick and then Gragano does a running somersault and hits it, but drills his leg on the timekeepers table. Gargano hits a kick with TJP up top and tries to follow it with a lawn dart, but his leg gives out. Gargano is able to hit the lawn dart this time, but only gets a 2 count. We get another great sequence of kicks that leads to TJP putting the injured leg of Gargano into the knee bar. Gargano is desperately reaching for the ropes, but he can't take it anymore and has to tap. Another great match.
Match Rating: ****
Well that was one of the best hour shows that I can ever remember there being. Three tremendous matches that all had different styles. What a way to end the second round.
Overall Rating: 92%
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
Rich Swann vs. Lince Dorado
Full Sail University is completely behind Swann here. Within in the first 30 seconds it is pretty apparent that both of these guys are insanely good athletes. Swann countering a headscissors with a cartwheel is pretty sweet. Some great action here that leads to a double scissor kick that lays both men out. Swann reverses out of a German suplex and then hits a jumping DDT. Swann drags Dorado to the corner and goes for a standing 450, but it's blocked by Dorado. Reverse hurricanrana by Dorado for a 2 count. Dorado misses the Shooting Star Press and Swann is now climbing the ropes. Phoenix Splash and that is all. Really entertaining match there featuring two guys who can do just about anything they want to in there.
Match Rating: ***3/4 (out of 5)
They are backstage with Gargano who is accompanied by Ciampa. Gargano says he is going to do whatever it takes to win the Cruiserweight Classic.
Zack Sabre Jr vs. Drew Gulak
A matchup between two pretty amazing technical wrestlers. Both of these guys are super aggressive to start. You don't have to like this style of wrestling to appreciate this one, as both are just so believable. This match is nearly impossible to write about. Gulak goes for a clothesline off the top rope, but ZSJ catches him into an arm bar. Gulak then turns it into a Gory Special which is then turned into a Boston Crab and then countered by Sabre Jr. into a pin. These guys are just beating the crap out of each other and the crowd is digging it. Now both guys are just hitting each other with palm strikes to the face. Gulak goes for the Dragon Sleeper, but Sabre Jr. counters it into a pinfall for the victory. Completely different match than the first one and just as awesome.
Match Rating: ***3/4
Johnny Gargano vs. T.J. Perkins
Let's see if this one can live up to the first two matches on the show. The crowd is split pretty 50/50 here. TJP is one of the more effortless competitors I have seen in some time. Gargano hits two of my favorite moves in wrestling with his rolling kick and then a slingshot spear. TJP ducks a kick and turns it into a sitdown powerbomb following a nice sequence of kicks. Gargano counters a dropkick off the ropes to the apron with a superkick and then Gragano does a running somersault and hits it, but drills his leg on the timekeepers table. Gargano hits a kick with TJP up top and tries to follow it with a lawn dart, but his leg gives out. Gargano is able to hit the lawn dart this time, but only gets a 2 count. We get another great sequence of kicks that leads to TJP putting the injured leg of Gargano into the knee bar. Gargano is desperately reaching for the ropes, but he can't take it anymore and has to tap. Another great match.
Match Rating: ****
Well that was one of the best hour shows that I can ever remember there being. Three tremendous matches that all had different styles. What a way to end the second round.
Overall Rating: 92%
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Superstars 6-6-92 Review
Original Airdate: Saturday, June 6th, 1992
Rupp Arena
Lexington, Kentucky
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
Mr. Perfect calls the Big Boss Man beating last week the worst in WWF history. Mean Gene gets the pleasure of interviewing Papa Shango.
Bret Hart vs. Tom Stone
Shawn Michaels is still the guy they are pushing as the top contender for the Intercontinental Championship. Even in these pointless squash matches, it is so apparent how much better Bret is than most of the roster at the time.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Mean Gene shows us the highlights of the Boss Man beating again. Nailz has to be about one of the most awkward workers I can remember. This time around, I paid a little more attention to the crowd and most seemed to not care about this angle at all. Mean Gene announces that this mysterious man is called Nailz and we get our first interview.
Reno Riggins & Major Yates vs. Nasty Boys
The best part of seeing a Nasty Boys match is getting to see another High Energy promo. That's the gift that keeps on giving. I will say the Nasty Boys usually have more intense squashes than most others. Elbow drop off the top for the victory.
Match Rating: 1/4*
WBF commercial for the best drug free competition there is. WBF was a million times worse of an idea than the XFL.
Texas Tornado vs. Mike Collins
Tornado gives a couple creepy hugs on his way to the ring. They show a pre-recorded promo of him during his match and it's him picking his winner for the WBF Championship. That's the best they had for him in 1992. Discus punch and it's all over.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Event Center time as the Mountie is still hyping up his new shock stick. Virgil talks about all the weird wrestlers coming into WWF and how he loves to rumble in the jungle.
Beverly Brothers vs. Mike Samples & Scott Bailey
The Genius was right up there with legendary managers like Coach in terms of overall impact. The Beverly Brothers steal a pair of the foam LOD shoulder pads from a kid in the crowd and paint LOS on them. Blake has quite the mullet. Beau sure smiles a lot. They hit their finisher for the win. Once again they paint their opponent after the match and then put the kids shoulder pads on him.
Match Rating: 1/4*
El Matador says that everyone is gunning for the championships. Thanks for the insight, Tito. Kamala promo is exactly what you would expect.
Crush vs. George Anderson
Just in case you were wondering, Crush also gives his WBF prediction. Crush hits his usual power moves and then his stupid finisher where he crushes the poor jobber's head. After the match, he raises the arm of Anderson.
Match Rating: 1/4*
It's that time as we get Papa Shango for a live interview. Papa Shango's black circle is closing on the Ultimate Warrior. Pretty awful interview here. After, Papa Shango casts a spell on Mean Gene and he has the ooze coming from his wrist.
Kato & Kevin Kruger vs. High Energy
This is a perfect opportunity for this to be a 5 minute match, but I'm sure it will be 45 seconds. Mr. Perfect can't stop talking about High Energy's outfits, which I don't think anyone could blame him. These weren't cool in 1992. The top rope dropkick is a pretty solid finisher. That was about as good of a squash as there has been in the shows I have reviewed.
Match Rating: 3/4*
Repo Man vs. Dan Robbins
For a guy that's supposed to be sneaky, you'd think he'd want a less shiny outfit. He seriously wins with a half crab. What a time to be alive. He then ties up Robbins legs and drags him around the ring.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Back to the Event Center for another round of terrible interviews. Legion of Doom say that they're the only great team. Money Inc. talk about how rich they are. Don't the Nasty Boys get mad that Jimmy Hart also manages Money Inc.?
Next week we get Shawn Michaels, Kamala, Tatanka, Nailz and an interview with Randy Savage.
Well, that was another typical show with mostly pretty lame squash matches and the same old interviews week in and week out. The High Energy match was fun enough for what it is. Not much else to it this week.
Overall Rating: 28%
Rupp Arena
Lexington, Kentucky
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
Mr. Perfect calls the Big Boss Man beating last week the worst in WWF history. Mean Gene gets the pleasure of interviewing Papa Shango.
Bret Hart vs. Tom Stone
Shawn Michaels is still the guy they are pushing as the top contender for the Intercontinental Championship. Even in these pointless squash matches, it is so apparent how much better Bret is than most of the roster at the time.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Mean Gene shows us the highlights of the Boss Man beating again. Nailz has to be about one of the most awkward workers I can remember. This time around, I paid a little more attention to the crowd and most seemed to not care about this angle at all. Mean Gene announces that this mysterious man is called Nailz and we get our first interview.
Reno Riggins & Major Yates vs. Nasty Boys
The best part of seeing a Nasty Boys match is getting to see another High Energy promo. That's the gift that keeps on giving. I will say the Nasty Boys usually have more intense squashes than most others. Elbow drop off the top for the victory.
Match Rating: 1/4*
WBF commercial for the best drug free competition there is. WBF was a million times worse of an idea than the XFL.
Texas Tornado vs. Mike Collins
Tornado gives a couple creepy hugs on his way to the ring. They show a pre-recorded promo of him during his match and it's him picking his winner for the WBF Championship. That's the best they had for him in 1992. Discus punch and it's all over.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Event Center time as the Mountie is still hyping up his new shock stick. Virgil talks about all the weird wrestlers coming into WWF and how he loves to rumble in the jungle.
Beverly Brothers vs. Mike Samples & Scott Bailey
The Genius was right up there with legendary managers like Coach in terms of overall impact. The Beverly Brothers steal a pair of the foam LOD shoulder pads from a kid in the crowd and paint LOS on them. Blake has quite the mullet. Beau sure smiles a lot. They hit their finisher for the win. Once again they paint their opponent after the match and then put the kids shoulder pads on him.
Match Rating: 1/4*
El Matador says that everyone is gunning for the championships. Thanks for the insight, Tito. Kamala promo is exactly what you would expect.
Crush vs. George Anderson
Just in case you were wondering, Crush also gives his WBF prediction. Crush hits his usual power moves and then his stupid finisher where he crushes the poor jobber's head. After the match, he raises the arm of Anderson.
Match Rating: 1/4*
It's that time as we get Papa Shango for a live interview. Papa Shango's black circle is closing on the Ultimate Warrior. Pretty awful interview here. After, Papa Shango casts a spell on Mean Gene and he has the ooze coming from his wrist.
Kato & Kevin Kruger vs. High Energy
This is a perfect opportunity for this to be a 5 minute match, but I'm sure it will be 45 seconds. Mr. Perfect can't stop talking about High Energy's outfits, which I don't think anyone could blame him. These weren't cool in 1992. The top rope dropkick is a pretty solid finisher. That was about as good of a squash as there has been in the shows I have reviewed.
Match Rating: 3/4*
Repo Man vs. Dan Robbins
For a guy that's supposed to be sneaky, you'd think he'd want a less shiny outfit. He seriously wins with a half crab. What a time to be alive. He then ties up Robbins legs and drags him around the ring.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Back to the Event Center for another round of terrible interviews. Legion of Doom say that they're the only great team. Money Inc. talk about how rich they are. Don't the Nasty Boys get mad that Jimmy Hart also manages Money Inc.?
Next week we get Shawn Michaels, Kamala, Tatanka, Nailz and an interview with Randy Savage.
Well, that was another typical show with mostly pretty lame squash matches and the same old interviews week in and week out. The High Energy match was fun enough for what it is. Not much else to it this week.
Overall Rating: 28%
Friday, February 22, 2019
Monday Night Raw 1-17-05 Review
Monday, January 17th, 2005
Air Canada Centre
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
We start the show with The Highlight Reel with Chris Jericho. Just as he starts talking about being in the Royal Rumble and all that good stuff, Muhammad Hassan and Daivari's music hits and out they come. Hassan of course insults Canada and the crowd eats it up. Jericho says he has been working on learning to speak Arabic and that Daivari was hyping the new Fozzy CD. Hassan says that Jericho is the worst of both worlds. He was born in America and lived in Canada. Jericho then knocks out Hassan and the Walls of Jericho, until the numbers game catches up to Jericho and he ends up in the Camel Clutch while Daivari yells in his face. Out comes Benoit to make the save.
Backstage with Triple H and Ric Flair. Flair tells Triple H that he and Batista are playing phone tag, which worries Triple H. Serious stuff here.
La Resistance & Maven vs. Shelton Benjamin, The Hurricane & Rosey
Shelton and Hurricane dominate early until Maven hits Hurricane running the ropes, which is enough to slow him down. I remember when Conway was supposed to be the up and coming talent. However, there was no doubt that Benjamin was the young talent to keep an eye on here. Still don't get how they couldn't find a way to use him better. La Resistance barely gets Rosey up for their finisher and the victory. This was your typical Raw throwaway match.
Match Rating: *1/2 (out of 5)
Stacy runs into Randy Orton backstage and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
After the break, Randy Orton is on his way to the ring to a pretty good ovation. He says that everything he worked so hard for was taken away by one man, Triple H. Cue Triple H's music and he says he has heard this over and over since he beat Orton at Unforgiven. Triple H says he is sick of young punks thinking they can stop him. Orton says to come to the ring right now, but naturally he retreats and Orton chases him, but Triple H nails him has he's heading through the curtains. Orton takes control and out comes Flair, but Orton takes care of him too. Orton has the chair and clears the ring.
Triple H is livid backstage and says he needs to talk to Batista, but then Batista is there and Triple H isn't so confident.
Coach is with Shawn Michaels, who is booed when his name is announced. He wants to qualify for the Royal Rumble and in walks Eric Bischoff. Bischoff says he doesn't need to qualify, but since he's dressed to wrestle he will wrestle Christian tonight to a good ovation.
Christian vs. Shawn Michaels
As Michaels enters the ring, Edge is now on the ramp. Man, they started the match during the commercial? That is all sorts of stupid. Christian starts hammering away until Michaels throws him out of the ring. Edge is now working his way towards the ring. Christian hits a nice tornado reverse DDT for a 2 count. Michaels regains control and Edge runs in to spear him, but Shawn throws him out of the ring. Elbow off the top rope and he's now tuning up the band, but Tomko distracts him and Christian ducks. Then out of nowhere, HBK hits it anyways for the victory. Still can't believe they started this match during the commercial. After the match, Edge comes in and spears Michaels to a loud pop and then puts him in a Sharpshooter-like hold.
Match Rating: **1/4
Batista vs. Viscera
It's your 1995 King of the Ring. Viscera actually is getting more offense in than I expected and then hits a big Samoan Drop. Viscera throws Batista into the turnbuckle and they apparently have a miscommunication as Batista drops to a knee and Viscera still semi-splashes him in the corner. Then out of nowhere, Batista pulls out a spinebuster and wins. Weird match.
Match Rating: 1/2*
Chris Benoit is walking towards the ring to face Chris Jericho.
Evolution is back and Flair and Triple H are congratulating Batista. Batista said Bischoff offered him a qualifying match next week for the Rumble. Triple H doesn't think it's a good idea.
Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit
Man, is this match off to a slow start. Jericho sets Benoit up for a superplex and nails it. Benoit dumps over the top rope and for some reason falls over as well. German Suplex time. Benoit goes up top for the flying headbutt, but Jericho rolls out of the way and both men are down. Benoit tries to get the Crippler Crossface, but Jericho tries to get him into the Walls of Jericho. Benoit goes for the Sharpshooter, but Jericho rolls him up for the 3 count. Disappointing match there, since we all know what they are capable of. They shake hands after the match.
Match Rating: **1/2
It's hype video time for the feud of the year, Snitsky and Kane. Then we get a vignette for Chris Masters.
We get a Trish interview in the ring, which basically only exists because we are in Toronto. This was pretty cringe-worthy thanks to the terrible storyline here. Kane's music hits and he chases after her. As he's about to chokeslam her he lets go. He then changes her mind and chokeslams her to some boos.
No Disqualification Match
Kane vs. Snitsky
They immediately start brawling. Snitsky starts whipping Kane with a belt and the fans start doing the wave. Not sure that Toronto was the place to have Kane/Snitsky as a main event. The crowd then starts chanting "Batista" as Snitsky attacks Kane with a chair. They are up on the entrance stage and Kane is teetering at the edge. But naturally, Kane regains control and chokeslams Snitsky off the stage and through a bunch of tables that are never normally there. Both men are out. The feud is terrible, but for a garbage match it was entertaining enough.
Match Rating: **
There is no way a show with Christian/Michaels and Jericho/Benoit should have been this bad, but here we are. Despite a pretty poor storyline, the crowd is very into Batista, which is a positive. The Michaels/Edge feud continues to be fun and I look forward to re-visiting that match soon. The rest though, yikes.
Overall Rating: 38%
Air Canada Centre
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
We start the show with The Highlight Reel with Chris Jericho. Just as he starts talking about being in the Royal Rumble and all that good stuff, Muhammad Hassan and Daivari's music hits and out they come. Hassan of course insults Canada and the crowd eats it up. Jericho says he has been working on learning to speak Arabic and that Daivari was hyping the new Fozzy CD. Hassan says that Jericho is the worst of both worlds. He was born in America and lived in Canada. Jericho then knocks out Hassan and the Walls of Jericho, until the numbers game catches up to Jericho and he ends up in the Camel Clutch while Daivari yells in his face. Out comes Benoit to make the save.
Backstage with Triple H and Ric Flair. Flair tells Triple H that he and Batista are playing phone tag, which worries Triple H. Serious stuff here.
La Resistance & Maven vs. Shelton Benjamin, The Hurricane & Rosey
Shelton and Hurricane dominate early until Maven hits Hurricane running the ropes, which is enough to slow him down. I remember when Conway was supposed to be the up and coming talent. However, there was no doubt that Benjamin was the young talent to keep an eye on here. Still don't get how they couldn't find a way to use him better. La Resistance barely gets Rosey up for their finisher and the victory. This was your typical Raw throwaway match.
Match Rating: *1/2 (out of 5)
Stacy runs into Randy Orton backstage and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
After the break, Randy Orton is on his way to the ring to a pretty good ovation. He says that everything he worked so hard for was taken away by one man, Triple H. Cue Triple H's music and he says he has heard this over and over since he beat Orton at Unforgiven. Triple H says he is sick of young punks thinking they can stop him. Orton says to come to the ring right now, but naturally he retreats and Orton chases him, but Triple H nails him has he's heading through the curtains. Orton takes control and out comes Flair, but Orton takes care of him too. Orton has the chair and clears the ring.
Triple H is livid backstage and says he needs to talk to Batista, but then Batista is there and Triple H isn't so confident.
Coach is with Shawn Michaels, who is booed when his name is announced. He wants to qualify for the Royal Rumble and in walks Eric Bischoff. Bischoff says he doesn't need to qualify, but since he's dressed to wrestle he will wrestle Christian tonight to a good ovation.
Christian vs. Shawn Michaels
As Michaels enters the ring, Edge is now on the ramp. Man, they started the match during the commercial? That is all sorts of stupid. Christian starts hammering away until Michaels throws him out of the ring. Edge is now working his way towards the ring. Christian hits a nice tornado reverse DDT for a 2 count. Michaels regains control and Edge runs in to spear him, but Shawn throws him out of the ring. Elbow off the top rope and he's now tuning up the band, but Tomko distracts him and Christian ducks. Then out of nowhere, HBK hits it anyways for the victory. Still can't believe they started this match during the commercial. After the match, Edge comes in and spears Michaels to a loud pop and then puts him in a Sharpshooter-like hold.
Match Rating: **1/4
Batista vs. Viscera
It's your 1995 King of the Ring. Viscera actually is getting more offense in than I expected and then hits a big Samoan Drop. Viscera throws Batista into the turnbuckle and they apparently have a miscommunication as Batista drops to a knee and Viscera still semi-splashes him in the corner. Then out of nowhere, Batista pulls out a spinebuster and wins. Weird match.
Match Rating: 1/2*
Chris Benoit is walking towards the ring to face Chris Jericho.
Evolution is back and Flair and Triple H are congratulating Batista. Batista said Bischoff offered him a qualifying match next week for the Rumble. Triple H doesn't think it's a good idea.
Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit
Man, is this match off to a slow start. Jericho sets Benoit up for a superplex and nails it. Benoit dumps over the top rope and for some reason falls over as well. German Suplex time. Benoit goes up top for the flying headbutt, but Jericho rolls out of the way and both men are down. Benoit tries to get the Crippler Crossface, but Jericho tries to get him into the Walls of Jericho. Benoit goes for the Sharpshooter, but Jericho rolls him up for the 3 count. Disappointing match there, since we all know what they are capable of. They shake hands after the match.
Match Rating: **1/2
It's hype video time for the feud of the year, Snitsky and Kane. Then we get a vignette for Chris Masters.
We get a Trish interview in the ring, which basically only exists because we are in Toronto. This was pretty cringe-worthy thanks to the terrible storyline here. Kane's music hits and he chases after her. As he's about to chokeslam her he lets go. He then changes her mind and chokeslams her to some boos.
No Disqualification Match
Kane vs. Snitsky
They immediately start brawling. Snitsky starts whipping Kane with a belt and the fans start doing the wave. Not sure that Toronto was the place to have Kane/Snitsky as a main event. The crowd then starts chanting "Batista" as Snitsky attacks Kane with a chair. They are up on the entrance stage and Kane is teetering at the edge. But naturally, Kane regains control and chokeslams Snitsky off the stage and through a bunch of tables that are never normally there. Both men are out. The feud is terrible, but for a garbage match it was entertaining enough.
Match Rating: **
There is no way a show with Christian/Michaels and Jericho/Benoit should have been this bad, but here we are. Despite a pretty poor storyline, the crowd is very into Batista, which is a positive. The Michaels/Edge feud continues to be fun and I look forward to re-visiting that match soon. The rest though, yikes.
Overall Rating: 38%
Thursday, February 21, 2019
NXT 7-25-12 Review
Original Airdate: Wednesday, July 25th, 2012
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
Bo Dallas & Derrick Bateman vs. Michael McGillicutty & Johnny Curtis
Future B Team members squaring off here. William Regal likes Bo Dallas more than pretty much anyone. This very much looks like a developmental match. Lots of timing issues and a very basic story being told. Curtis gets the pin somewhat out of nowhere. That was pretty blah. After the match Bo Dallas looks to be blaming Bateman, but it ends there.
Match Rating: 3/4*
Antonio Cesaro vs. Alex Riley
Cesaro's old music sucked. Him with Askana really was not a fit either. And oh yeah, he used to play rugby. It's pretty amazing he was able to overcome a lot of crap, but given how talented he is, it's not that surprising. Pretty basic match here, as Riley was never really too exciting of a competitor. Aksana ends up distracting Riley and Cesaro hits the Neutralizer for the pinfall.
Match Rating: *1/2
Kassius Ohno is backstage and gives a decent introductory promo. Drew McIntrye looks like he is 18 and is also backstage. McIntyre is sick of everyone talking about Seth Rollins.
Natalya vs. Sofia Cortez
Cortez is a good worker and Natalya has always been one of the best. Natalya is heel here, even spanking Cortez. They were having a good little match and then Natalya rolls out and gets herself counted out. Then after the bell rings, she attacks Cortez and puts her in the Sharpshooter. I haven't seen a voluntary countout in awhile.
Match Rating: *3/4
They show a highlight package of Raw 1000 and man, do I miss CM Punk.
The Ascension vs. Dante Dash & Garrett Dylan
I really don't know why they changed the Ascension's entrance from this version. This version of the team is also much better. This was obviously just a squash, but it's obvious that they were behind this team.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Seth Rollins vs. Drew McIntyre
Seth Rollins is on such a different level compared to the other NXT roster that it's not even funny. The crowd is pretty silent for him though. McIntyre's look is much improved since this time. Rollins is hitting a lot of his current offense and the crowd just isn't into it, which blows my mind. After some good back and forth action, McIntyre hits a double underhook DDT for the win. Very solid match where both guys looked good.
Match Rating: **3/4
That was a good show for what they were trying to accomplish, particularly because the talent they featured was entertaining. I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing some longer matches and guys like Sami Zayn to come along and spark this show a little.
Overall Rating: 55%
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
Bo Dallas & Derrick Bateman vs. Michael McGillicutty & Johnny Curtis
Future B Team members squaring off here. William Regal likes Bo Dallas more than pretty much anyone. This very much looks like a developmental match. Lots of timing issues and a very basic story being told. Curtis gets the pin somewhat out of nowhere. That was pretty blah. After the match Bo Dallas looks to be blaming Bateman, but it ends there.
Match Rating: 3/4*
Antonio Cesaro vs. Alex Riley
Cesaro's old music sucked. Him with Askana really was not a fit either. And oh yeah, he used to play rugby. It's pretty amazing he was able to overcome a lot of crap, but given how talented he is, it's not that surprising. Pretty basic match here, as Riley was never really too exciting of a competitor. Aksana ends up distracting Riley and Cesaro hits the Neutralizer for the pinfall.
Match Rating: *1/2
Kassius Ohno is backstage and gives a decent introductory promo. Drew McIntrye looks like he is 18 and is also backstage. McIntyre is sick of everyone talking about Seth Rollins.
Natalya vs. Sofia Cortez
Cortez is a good worker and Natalya has always been one of the best. Natalya is heel here, even spanking Cortez. They were having a good little match and then Natalya rolls out and gets herself counted out. Then after the bell rings, she attacks Cortez and puts her in the Sharpshooter. I haven't seen a voluntary countout in awhile.
Match Rating: *3/4
They show a highlight package of Raw 1000 and man, do I miss CM Punk.
The Ascension vs. Dante Dash & Garrett Dylan
I really don't know why they changed the Ascension's entrance from this version. This version of the team is also much better. This was obviously just a squash, but it's obvious that they were behind this team.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Seth Rollins vs. Drew McIntyre
Seth Rollins is on such a different level compared to the other NXT roster that it's not even funny. The crowd is pretty silent for him though. McIntyre's look is much improved since this time. Rollins is hitting a lot of his current offense and the crowd just isn't into it, which blows my mind. After some good back and forth action, McIntyre hits a double underhook DDT for the win. Very solid match where both guys looked good.
Match Rating: **3/4
That was a good show for what they were trying to accomplish, particularly because the talent they featured was entertaining. I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing some longer matches and guys like Sami Zayn to come along and spark this show a little.
Overall Rating: 55%
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Cruiserweight Classic Episode 6 Review
Original Airdate: Wednesday, August 17th, 2016
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
Akira Tozawa vs. Jack Gallagher
Gallagher is such a fun talent. I would love to see him catch on where he can be utilized to his strengths better than he is. The first few minutes allows Gallagher to do what he does best, which is clever reversals and submission moves. Gallagher ties up Tozawa in a ball in a pretty fun spot. Tozawa drills him with a kick after rolling out of the sunset flip. Some people are born with the ability to sell with their faces and Gallagher is one of them. I love Tozawa's intensity. Gallagher continues to work on the leg. Tozawa hits Gallagher with a nice bicycle kick. Tozawa goes for his German Suplex, Gallagher tries to fight it off, but it's not enough. Tozawa hits it and gets the pin. That was a fun match where two completely different styles really worked well together.
Match Rating: ***1/2 (out of 5)
Noam Dar vs. Ho Ho Lun
Dar keeps being referred to as an underdog due to being the youngest in the tournament, but he looks anything like an underdog in the ring. Dar has been dominating most of the match so far, in what has been a slower paced match. Lun hits a really nice looking Michinoku Driver for a nearfall. Lun with a nice sell on the leg, as he hits Dar with a fisherman suplex, but has to lift up the injured leg allowing Dar to kick up. Dar then gets a knee bar out of nowhere for the win. That one was a little disappointing.
Match Rating: **1/4
Brian Kendrick vs. Tony Nese
Kendrick tries to attack right away, but Nese kicks him in the head. Nese is a really great athlete and he shows it off early in this match. Kendrick stuffs Nese's arm in the turnbuckle and takes advantage. Nese ducks a clothesline Matrix-style and then hits a series of kicks. Kendrick is playing the role of the veteran using every trick up his sleeve to stop his opponent. Daniel Bryan continues to hype his friendship with Kendrick, which still seems to be a strange pairing of personalities. Nese hits a leg sweep to knock Kendrick to the floor and then goes flying over the top ropes. Not sure he got much of that, but it was pretty impressive regardless. Nese hits a great buckle bomb for a 2 count. Kendrick sits up from the 450 splash and hits his submission for the victory. Solid match that Nese looked very good in.
Match Rating: ***
This episode didn't have the classic that the last two episodes have had, but the opener was really fun and the main event was entertaining. Looking forward to the next episode.
Overall Rating: 70%
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
Akira Tozawa vs. Jack Gallagher
Gallagher is such a fun talent. I would love to see him catch on where he can be utilized to his strengths better than he is. The first few minutes allows Gallagher to do what he does best, which is clever reversals and submission moves. Gallagher ties up Tozawa in a ball in a pretty fun spot. Tozawa drills him with a kick after rolling out of the sunset flip. Some people are born with the ability to sell with their faces and Gallagher is one of them. I love Tozawa's intensity. Gallagher continues to work on the leg. Tozawa hits Gallagher with a nice bicycle kick. Tozawa goes for his German Suplex, Gallagher tries to fight it off, but it's not enough. Tozawa hits it and gets the pin. That was a fun match where two completely different styles really worked well together.
Match Rating: ***1/2 (out of 5)
Noam Dar vs. Ho Ho Lun
Dar keeps being referred to as an underdog due to being the youngest in the tournament, but he looks anything like an underdog in the ring. Dar has been dominating most of the match so far, in what has been a slower paced match. Lun hits a really nice looking Michinoku Driver for a nearfall. Lun with a nice sell on the leg, as he hits Dar with a fisherman suplex, but has to lift up the injured leg allowing Dar to kick up. Dar then gets a knee bar out of nowhere for the win. That one was a little disappointing.
Match Rating: **1/4
Brian Kendrick vs. Tony Nese
Kendrick tries to attack right away, but Nese kicks him in the head. Nese is a really great athlete and he shows it off early in this match. Kendrick stuffs Nese's arm in the turnbuckle and takes advantage. Nese ducks a clothesline Matrix-style and then hits a series of kicks. Kendrick is playing the role of the veteran using every trick up his sleeve to stop his opponent. Daniel Bryan continues to hype his friendship with Kendrick, which still seems to be a strange pairing of personalities. Nese hits a leg sweep to knock Kendrick to the floor and then goes flying over the top ropes. Not sure he got much of that, but it was pretty impressive regardless. Nese hits a great buckle bomb for a 2 count. Kendrick sits up from the 450 splash and hits his submission for the victory. Solid match that Nese looked very good in.
Match Rating: ***
This episode didn't have the classic that the last two episodes have had, but the opener was really fun and the main event was entertaining. Looking forward to the next episode.
Overall Rating: 70%
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Superstars 5-30-92 Review
Original Airdate: Saturday, May 30th, 1992
Onondaga War Memorial
Syracuse, New York
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
God, how many bad matches did the poor people of Syracuse need to sit through? Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect are here as usual. Perfet is hyping Papa Shango.
Legion Of Doom vs. Kato & Rich Mitchell
It's good to see they at least work with Kato. Vince hypes up the famous IcoPro and that LOD uses it. LOD squashes are usually pretty spirited and this one is no exception. I don't ask for much on this show, just a little bit of energy as if the match mattered.
Match Rating: 1/2*
Mean Gene is here to recap us on the Ultimate Warrior/Papa Shango feud. No wonder this stuck so well with young fans at this time. They have beaten this footage into the ground. Gene wonders if it is voodoo or just appendicitis?
Brian Brieger vs. Papa Shango
The lights go off and Brieger's boots are on fire and the chocolate syrups on his head. So he doesn't even need to wrestle. No match.
To Sean Mooney in the Event Center we go. Tatanka goes on about honor and getting his feathers back. Repo Man promo that is the same one from last week.
Bob Bradley vs. Sgt. Slaughter
This was just a weird time in Sarge's career. Bradley and his rattail get some offense in, but then Slaughter slams his face to the mat. Slaughter hits one of the weakest clotheslines I have seen due to a poor sell job by Bradley. Cobra Clutch and that's all she wrote.
Match Rating: 1/4*
WBF advertisement. Make sure to call your cable provider.
Rick Martel vs. Jim Powers
Powers seems pretty excited to be here today. WBF is setting the standard for drug-free competition. You can say things as many times as you'd like, but it doesn't make them true. Powers almost gets to play this as a competitive match. Then out of nowhere, Martel gets the Boston Crab on and wins. Would it really have killed them to have like a 3 minute match every now and then?
Match Rating: 1/4*
We're back to Mooney and the Nasty Boys. High Energy better look out or so they say. Undertaker and Paul Bearer cut a promo that is somehow a face promo.
Natural Disasters vs. Dwayne Gill & Mike Fury
I don't like Dwayne Gill's chances here, but for some reason Fury is the guy taking the beating. Typhoon hits two suplexes in the same match. They do a bunch of splashes and slams. Quake's splash never really looked to impressive of a move, but it certainly was over.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Dave Roulette vs. Big Boss Man
I like this era of Boss Man, but man the spinning punch is always so lame. Boss Man Slam and that's it. In through the crowd comes the man who would eventually be named Nail. He comes in and attacks him with the nightstick and then a pretty stiff looking knee. He handcuffs Boss Man to the top rope and continues to beat him with the night stick. Boss Man had just teamed up with Virgil, Jim Duggan and Sgt. Slaugher and none of them were available to help him out? He takes the handcuff off the rope and handcuffs both of Boss Man's hands. Nailz is so awkward here. This went on for like 4 minutes too long.
Match Rating: 1/4*
The Berzerker vs. Glen Ruth
Berzerker is destroying poor Ruth with boots over and over while the announcers completely ignore the match and continue to talk about the beating Boss Man took. Berzerker dumps him out of the ring and wins via countout. Vintage Berzerker.
Match Rating: 1/4*
God, make these Crush vignettes stop.
Sean Mooney says Crush has made meals of his opponents. Sarge lets us know that he isn't the Mountie. Bret Hart says he has a lot of respect for Shawn Michaels. I bet you won't.
Don't forget to tune in next week so you can find out whether or not Big Boss Man is ok.
This was not a good show, but again it did have at least the one memorable angle, even if it never led to anything worthwhile. Superstars was obviously designed to feature the different characters, but having them do three moves and winning is getting pretty old. I really wish they would just focus and have just three or four matches with a little more length.
Overall Rating: 29%
Onondaga War Memorial
Syracuse, New York
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
God, how many bad matches did the poor people of Syracuse need to sit through? Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect are here as usual. Perfet is hyping Papa Shango.
Legion Of Doom vs. Kato & Rich Mitchell
It's good to see they at least work with Kato. Vince hypes up the famous IcoPro and that LOD uses it. LOD squashes are usually pretty spirited and this one is no exception. I don't ask for much on this show, just a little bit of energy as if the match mattered.
Match Rating: 1/2*
Mean Gene is here to recap us on the Ultimate Warrior/Papa Shango feud. No wonder this stuck so well with young fans at this time. They have beaten this footage into the ground. Gene wonders if it is voodoo or just appendicitis?
Brian Brieger vs. Papa Shango
The lights go off and Brieger's boots are on fire and the chocolate syrups on his head. So he doesn't even need to wrestle. No match.
To Sean Mooney in the Event Center we go. Tatanka goes on about honor and getting his feathers back. Repo Man promo that is the same one from last week.
Bob Bradley vs. Sgt. Slaughter
This was just a weird time in Sarge's career. Bradley and his rattail get some offense in, but then Slaughter slams his face to the mat. Slaughter hits one of the weakest clotheslines I have seen due to a poor sell job by Bradley. Cobra Clutch and that's all she wrote.
Match Rating: 1/4*
WBF advertisement. Make sure to call your cable provider.
Rick Martel vs. Jim Powers
Powers seems pretty excited to be here today. WBF is setting the standard for drug-free competition. You can say things as many times as you'd like, but it doesn't make them true. Powers almost gets to play this as a competitive match. Then out of nowhere, Martel gets the Boston Crab on and wins. Would it really have killed them to have like a 3 minute match every now and then?
Match Rating: 1/4*
We're back to Mooney and the Nasty Boys. High Energy better look out or so they say. Undertaker and Paul Bearer cut a promo that is somehow a face promo.
Natural Disasters vs. Dwayne Gill & Mike Fury
I don't like Dwayne Gill's chances here, but for some reason Fury is the guy taking the beating. Typhoon hits two suplexes in the same match. They do a bunch of splashes and slams. Quake's splash never really looked to impressive of a move, but it certainly was over.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Dave Roulette vs. Big Boss Man
I like this era of Boss Man, but man the spinning punch is always so lame. Boss Man Slam and that's it. In through the crowd comes the man who would eventually be named Nail. He comes in and attacks him with the nightstick and then a pretty stiff looking knee. He handcuffs Boss Man to the top rope and continues to beat him with the night stick. Boss Man had just teamed up with Virgil, Jim Duggan and Sgt. Slaugher and none of them were available to help him out? He takes the handcuff off the rope and handcuffs both of Boss Man's hands. Nailz is so awkward here. This went on for like 4 minutes too long.
Match Rating: 1/4*
The Berzerker vs. Glen Ruth
Berzerker is destroying poor Ruth with boots over and over while the announcers completely ignore the match and continue to talk about the beating Boss Man took. Berzerker dumps him out of the ring and wins via countout. Vintage Berzerker.
Match Rating: 1/4*
God, make these Crush vignettes stop.
Sean Mooney says Crush has made meals of his opponents. Sarge lets us know that he isn't the Mountie. Bret Hart says he has a lot of respect for Shawn Michaels. I bet you won't.
Don't forget to tune in next week so you can find out whether or not Big Boss Man is ok.
This was not a good show, but again it did have at least the one memorable angle, even if it never led to anything worthwhile. Superstars was obviously designed to feature the different characters, but having them do three moves and winning is getting pretty old. I really wish they would just focus and have just three or four matches with a little more length.
Overall Rating: 29%
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Elimination Chamber 2019 Review
Sunday, February 17th, 2019
Toyota Center
Houston, Texas
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
WWE Women's Tag Team Championship Match
Elimination Chamber Match
Carmella & Naomi vs. Riott Squad vs. IIconics vs. Nia Jax & Tamina vs. Sonya Deville & Mandy Rose vs. Sasha Banks & Bayley
Interesting to think that the inaugural tag team champions will be crowned in a match in which there are no tags. Sasha, Bayley, Mandy and Sonya start things off. I would have bet money that Sasha and Bayley would be one of the first teams in there. Michael Cole hypes up the "slight protective padding" that is now in the Chamber. From what I have heard, the old steel was really painful, but it also translated really well on TV as being that. I would probably say Sonya is the most underrated female that they have on the roster right now. Mandy gets her foot stuck in the cage and Bayley hits a neckbreaker as she is hanging there for a nice spot. The Riott Squad is the next team in. The IIconics are next in and try pinning all 6 other competitors, who are all knocked out. The crowd has been pretty quiet throughout this one. Royce does a somersault over the rope and hits Bayley, which looked pretty painful. Naomi and Carmella are in next. There hasn't been much creativity yet in the match, so let's see what Naomi can come up with. They put all 8 women in each corner and do double double bronco busters. Billy and Carmella are climbing the cage, Billy drops down and goes for a powerbomb, but Carmella reverses for a hurricanrana. And now we are at the point of the match where everyone runs in and hits a big move. One has to assume that Nia and Tamina are going to come in and eliminate at least two teams. Naomi finally gets some revenge on Mandy Rose and hits the Rear View, but the IIconics come in and double pin Naomi for our first elimination. In come Tamina and Nia. The IIconics went back into a pod to hide. The IIconics are not over here at all. Nia and Tamina sling Peyton and Billie back and forth into the cage. Double Samoan Drop and that is it for the IIconics. If anything, this match has exposed that crowd doesn't care about a lot of the competitors in this match due to the fact that WWE has done a poor job of building anyone not involved in their respective brands championship match. The Riott Squad is on top of the pod and they both dive off for probably the biggest spot of the match so far. Nia hits Liv Morgan with a Samoan Drop off the second rope and a top rope splash from Tamina. We are now down to three teams. Nia went charging towards Bayley, but Bayley moves and Nia crashes through the pod. Everyone else teams up to pin Tamina and they are gone. The two original teams are the two left remaining. Backstabber and Bayley To Bayley, but Mandy Rose breaks up the pin. The crowd, who has been mostly pretty tame so far, starts chanting "This is Awesome". Mandy and Sasha are on top of the pod and Bayley is coming up to join them. They slam Mandy into the upper plexiglass. Sonya is trying to climb up, but Bayley fights her off. Bayley is then knocked down by Mandy and speared by Sonya into the beam. Mandy hits the double underhook facebuster for a nice false finish. Sonya goes to spear Sasha, but she moves and she hits Mandy instead. Bank Statement by Sasha and we have our first ever champions! The right team won here, while making Mandy and Sonya look like serious threats. This probably wasn't the epic match they were probably hoping for, but the last ten minutes or so were fun.
Match Rating: ***1/4 (out of 5)
After the match, they interview the champs and they are speechless. The crowd chants "You deserve it", which is correct. As a fan of both of them, I am glad to see them get to be able to be the first.
We get a hype video for Miz and Shane and Usos. There doesn't seem to be much of a story here.
WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match
Miz & Shane McMahon vs. The Usos
Miz dedicates the match to his dad, daughter and wife. Maryse then comes out and announces that they are having another baby and then Miz dedicates the match to his unborn child as well. I'm still not really sure where the WWE is going with the whole Shane and Miz storyline just yet. The Miz as a true face will never not be strange. After a lot of offense from McMiz, the Usos finally gain control. Shane definitely doesn't look to be in the best of shape. Usos mock Miz's elbow to the corner. Miz finally makes a tag and Shane is in there now and hits a couple of DDTs. Shane now drags both Usos into opposite corners. Shane hits coast to coast on the first Uso and begins to climb the other corner. He leaps and is superkicked by Jey Uso and he then hits the splash but the pin is broken up by Miz. Miz is in and hits a springboard double axe handle. Miz hits a DDT after a missed splash and almost gets the victory. Dropkick through the ropes to the outside by Miz and he then begins to clear the US announcer table. Jimmy Uso comes flying through the ropes, but Miz moves and he hits Jey. Shane then goes up top and nails an Uso through the table. Shane looks legit blown up. Miz and Jimmy have a nice segment that ends up in Jimmy hitting a superkick. He goes for a splash, but Miz blocks it for a nearfall. Miz then hits the Skull Crushing Finale, but Jimmy kicks out and the rolls up Miz for the 3 count. Back to back new tag team champs crowned. That was a pretty good match and despite the recent arrest, it appears the WWE isn't going to punish the Usos.
Match Rating: **3/4
After the match, Miz and Shane walk back with their arms around each other. No heel turn right now.
Lio Rush and Lashley are backstage and they try to drive the story home that Lio Rush is the weak link. This match doesn't really make sense to me yet.
Intercontinental Championship Match
Handicap Match
Bobby Lashley & Lio Rush vs. Finn Balor
Lio starts, but then quickly tags in Lashley. Has Lashley ever been remotely close to over in his career? Lashley beats down on Balor and then finally we get Rush in. After a lengthy heat segment, Rush misses a top rope splash and Balor corners Rush. Balor sends both to the outside and over the top rope goes Balor. Balor throws Rush in and hits the Coup de Grace and pins him to win the Intercontinental Championship. Three title matches, three new champions. Yes, I know the first one had no choice but to crown a new champion, but you catch my drift.
Match Rating: **
After the match, Lashley is visibly upset and goes to choke Rush. Lashley releases and then picks him up...and then slams him down. Sure, whatever.
They then show highlights of the Becky/Charlotte/Rousey storyline from last week and then highlights of the house show last night where Becky interfered and Charlotte re-injured her.
Charlotte's music hits and she is out here for an interview. She tells us that Becky needs the crowds approval and all she needs to do is look in the mirror. Charlotte has no problem going all heel and is quite good at it. She has definitely won me over since her NXT days.
WWE Raw Women's Championship Match
Ruby Riott vs. Ronda Rousey
Rousey finally is coming out without the weird face paint. I am not a huge fan of Riott, but it will be interesting to see how she steps up in this spot. Rousey has done a nice job of selling how focused she is and not paying attention to Charlotte. The crowd is already chanting "We want Becky". Wow, Rousey already hits Piper's Pit and the armbar. Not sure this had to be on the show.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Charlotte walks in the ring. Lynch is now walking through the crowd on crutches. She enters the ring and we have a stare down between the three. She throws a crutch at Charlotte and starts hitting her with the other crutch. Rousey is standing back and watching. From an acting standpoint, this has been Rousey's best performance including the match. Rousey now has a crutch and Lynch tries to convince her to use it on Charlotte. As she walks towards Charlotte, Becky hits Rousey and is going nuts on both. Security and refs come to the ring and Lynch finally leaves the ring. Oh wow, Rousey looks like she got busted open. Cole and Graves agree that Lynch should be arrested for her actions. Argue all you want about Charlotte being added to the match, it's going to be an amazing match. Interestingly, Baron Corbin's music hits before Rousey and Charlotte are even to the back.
No Disqualification Match
Baron Corbin vs. Braun Strowman
Talk about going from your hottest angle to complete garbage. Corbin may be the worst character on WWE TV in years and that's saying something. The WWE's handling of Strowman is truly mind blowing. Here he is in a throwaway match against Baron Corbin. Corbin attacks Strowman with a kendo stick. After trying to throw him into the stick set up in the corner, Strowman gets it and breaks it in half. Strowman checks Caron into the guardrail and it doesn't break. Strowman runs around the ring and Corbin throws an office chair at him, but Braun catches it. Corbin then slams him into the stairs. This has gone on longer than expected, so I'm thinking we may be getting some sort of screwjob ending here. Strowman brings a table into the ring and sets it up in the corner. Corbin counters Strowman, but eventually Strowman powerslams him through the table. As soon as he does, Drew McIntyre's music hits and he is on his way to the ring. McIntyre has a chair, but from behind Lashley is in the ring and hits Strowman with a chair. Strowman clobbers Lashley with a fist, but the numbers game is too much for Strowman to overcome. Why would either of these guys want to be associated with Strowman? Strowman has Lashley and McIntyre by the throats, but Corbin hits him with the chair. They stack two tables on top of each other, while Strowman lies there motionless. All three of them are on the steps and they pick up Strowman and pull the Shield powerbomb through two tables and they get the victory. This makes no sense to me. Why would McIntrye need to be associated with Corbin? Or anyone for that matter? Why would Lashley leave Rush, only to immediately join this group?
Match Rating: *
Shane McMahon is backstage and being looked at by a doctor. Miz apologizes and freaks out because they lost the match. Shane tells him to chill out and go hoe. I love that the walls have cheap laminated body part charts on the wall.
Lacey Evans then comes out decked out in a yellow dress and hat. She then immediately walks to the back?
WWE Championship Match
Elimination Chamber Match
Kofi Kingston vs. Jeff Hardy vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan
Erick Rowan is sent to the back before the match even starts. Daniel Bryan's belt is awesome by the way. Samoa Joe and Bryan will start things off. 2/3rds of the competitors in this match competed in Ring Of Honor. Joe gets Bryan into a bunch of submission moves. Bryan gets a dropkick in to Joe's knees and is now on the offensive. Kingston is the next man in and takes control. I can't help but feel so bad for Mustafa Ali, but if there was ever a guy whose story makes sense in this role, it's Kofi. Bryan is on top of the pod and is sitting there. Kofi and Samoa Joe could tear the house down if ever given the chance. Kofi then leaps up to the top of the pod and starts unloading on Bryan. Bryan is scaling the wall and Kofi chases after him. They exchange kicks and then Joe grabs ryan down. Kofi then leaps off the wall onto both guys on the floor. The crowd is clearly behind Kofi. The problem with the Chamber match earlier is that there just weren't that many subplots. I don't even watch Raw or Smackdown and I know of quite a few stories that are being told in this match. Joe is chopping away at Bryan and then we get our next competitor and it is AJ Styles. We now know that Jeff Hardy will be next. Somehow AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy are the same age. Bryan is climbing the cage again, but AJ Styles hits a Phenomal Forearm to him on the cage. Samoa Joe has Kofi in the Coquina Clutch, but Kofi escapes and Styles hits him with the Phenomenal Forearm and Joe is eliminated. Sorry, but that's a bad move. Jeff Hardy is now in and is steamrolling the other competitors. Hardy is on top of a pod and hits a Swanton Bomb on AJ Styles, who is draped on the top rope. Daniel Bryan then hits Hardy with a running knee strike and Hardy is gone. That has to be one of the quicker eliminations ever for a Chamber match. Styles is in the tree of woe and Kofi is up top. Bryan going for a superplex, but Styles sits up and hits a German suplex. In comes Orton and he goes after everyone. Orton hits an RKO on AJ Styles as he is going for the Phenomenal Forearm and he is eliminated. Kofi hits Touble In Paradise on Orton to eliminate him. Bryan stops Kofi's offense and throw Kofi ino the pod. Running knee to Kofi but Kofi kicks out to a big pop. Kofi hits Trouble In Paradise on Bryan, but Bryan gets out at 2 and for some reason they cut to the crowd during the pinfall by Bryan on Kofi. Bryan and Kofi are climbing the pod again. Kofi is slamming Bryan against the plexiglass. Kofi going for a superplex, but Bryan is blocking. Bryan then slams Kofi into the plexiglass. Sorry, bullet proof glass. Bryan is now climbing down, but Kofi kicks him off the top rope. Kofi goes for the splash, but misses. Bryan hits the knee and gets the victory. Really hard fought match from start to finish and a great story with Kofi playing the underdog.
Match Rating: ****1/4
After the match Kofi gets a nice ovation and Big E. and Xavier come in the ring to check on him, as a "Thank you, Kofi" chant breaks out. They walk to the back as we end the show.
This was a two match show and one of them truly delivered, while the other was good, but not great. Hard to say this was a home run, but the main event is definitely worth everyone's time. The Becky/Charlotte/Rousey segment was also really entertaining. Feel free to skip over Lashley/Rush/Finn and Baron/Braun.
Overall Rating: 79%
Toyota Center
Houston, Texas
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
WWE Women's Tag Team Championship Match
Elimination Chamber Match
Carmella & Naomi vs. Riott Squad vs. IIconics vs. Nia Jax & Tamina vs. Sonya Deville & Mandy Rose vs. Sasha Banks & Bayley
Interesting to think that the inaugural tag team champions will be crowned in a match in which there are no tags. Sasha, Bayley, Mandy and Sonya start things off. I would have bet money that Sasha and Bayley would be one of the first teams in there. Michael Cole hypes up the "slight protective padding" that is now in the Chamber. From what I have heard, the old steel was really painful, but it also translated really well on TV as being that. I would probably say Sonya is the most underrated female that they have on the roster right now. Mandy gets her foot stuck in the cage and Bayley hits a neckbreaker as she is hanging there for a nice spot. The Riott Squad is the next team in. The IIconics are next in and try pinning all 6 other competitors, who are all knocked out. The crowd has been pretty quiet throughout this one. Royce does a somersault over the rope and hits Bayley, which looked pretty painful. Naomi and Carmella are in next. There hasn't been much creativity yet in the match, so let's see what Naomi can come up with. They put all 8 women in each corner and do double double bronco busters. Billy and Carmella are climbing the cage, Billy drops down and goes for a powerbomb, but Carmella reverses for a hurricanrana. And now we are at the point of the match where everyone runs in and hits a big move. One has to assume that Nia and Tamina are going to come in and eliminate at least two teams. Naomi finally gets some revenge on Mandy Rose and hits the Rear View, but the IIconics come in and double pin Naomi for our first elimination. In come Tamina and Nia. The IIconics went back into a pod to hide. The IIconics are not over here at all. Nia and Tamina sling Peyton and Billie back and forth into the cage. Double Samoan Drop and that is it for the IIconics. If anything, this match has exposed that crowd doesn't care about a lot of the competitors in this match due to the fact that WWE has done a poor job of building anyone not involved in their respective brands championship match. The Riott Squad is on top of the pod and they both dive off for probably the biggest spot of the match so far. Nia hits Liv Morgan with a Samoan Drop off the second rope and a top rope splash from Tamina. We are now down to three teams. Nia went charging towards Bayley, but Bayley moves and Nia crashes through the pod. Everyone else teams up to pin Tamina and they are gone. The two original teams are the two left remaining. Backstabber and Bayley To Bayley, but Mandy Rose breaks up the pin. The crowd, who has been mostly pretty tame so far, starts chanting "This is Awesome". Mandy and Sasha are on top of the pod and Bayley is coming up to join them. They slam Mandy into the upper plexiglass. Sonya is trying to climb up, but Bayley fights her off. Bayley is then knocked down by Mandy and speared by Sonya into the beam. Mandy hits the double underhook facebuster for a nice false finish. Sonya goes to spear Sasha, but she moves and she hits Mandy instead. Bank Statement by Sasha and we have our first ever champions! The right team won here, while making Mandy and Sonya look like serious threats. This probably wasn't the epic match they were probably hoping for, but the last ten minutes or so were fun.
Match Rating: ***1/4 (out of 5)
After the match, they interview the champs and they are speechless. The crowd chants "You deserve it", which is correct. As a fan of both of them, I am glad to see them get to be able to be the first.
We get a hype video for Miz and Shane and Usos. There doesn't seem to be much of a story here.
WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match
Miz & Shane McMahon vs. The Usos
Miz dedicates the match to his dad, daughter and wife. Maryse then comes out and announces that they are having another baby and then Miz dedicates the match to his unborn child as well. I'm still not really sure where the WWE is going with the whole Shane and Miz storyline just yet. The Miz as a true face will never not be strange. After a lot of offense from McMiz, the Usos finally gain control. Shane definitely doesn't look to be in the best of shape. Usos mock Miz's elbow to the corner. Miz finally makes a tag and Shane is in there now and hits a couple of DDTs. Shane now drags both Usos into opposite corners. Shane hits coast to coast on the first Uso and begins to climb the other corner. He leaps and is superkicked by Jey Uso and he then hits the splash but the pin is broken up by Miz. Miz is in and hits a springboard double axe handle. Miz hits a DDT after a missed splash and almost gets the victory. Dropkick through the ropes to the outside by Miz and he then begins to clear the US announcer table. Jimmy Uso comes flying through the ropes, but Miz moves and he hits Jey. Shane then goes up top and nails an Uso through the table. Shane looks legit blown up. Miz and Jimmy have a nice segment that ends up in Jimmy hitting a superkick. He goes for a splash, but Miz blocks it for a nearfall. Miz then hits the Skull Crushing Finale, but Jimmy kicks out and the rolls up Miz for the 3 count. Back to back new tag team champs crowned. That was a pretty good match and despite the recent arrest, it appears the WWE isn't going to punish the Usos.
Match Rating: **3/4
After the match, Miz and Shane walk back with their arms around each other. No heel turn right now.
Lio Rush and Lashley are backstage and they try to drive the story home that Lio Rush is the weak link. This match doesn't really make sense to me yet.
Intercontinental Championship Match
Handicap Match
Bobby Lashley & Lio Rush vs. Finn Balor
Lio starts, but then quickly tags in Lashley. Has Lashley ever been remotely close to over in his career? Lashley beats down on Balor and then finally we get Rush in. After a lengthy heat segment, Rush misses a top rope splash and Balor corners Rush. Balor sends both to the outside and over the top rope goes Balor. Balor throws Rush in and hits the Coup de Grace and pins him to win the Intercontinental Championship. Three title matches, three new champions. Yes, I know the first one had no choice but to crown a new champion, but you catch my drift.
Match Rating: **
After the match, Lashley is visibly upset and goes to choke Rush. Lashley releases and then picks him up...and then slams him down. Sure, whatever.
They then show highlights of the Becky/Charlotte/Rousey storyline from last week and then highlights of the house show last night where Becky interfered and Charlotte re-injured her.
Charlotte's music hits and she is out here for an interview. She tells us that Becky needs the crowds approval and all she needs to do is look in the mirror. Charlotte has no problem going all heel and is quite good at it. She has definitely won me over since her NXT days.
WWE Raw Women's Championship Match
Ruby Riott vs. Ronda Rousey
Rousey finally is coming out without the weird face paint. I am not a huge fan of Riott, but it will be interesting to see how she steps up in this spot. Rousey has done a nice job of selling how focused she is and not paying attention to Charlotte. The crowd is already chanting "We want Becky". Wow, Rousey already hits Piper's Pit and the armbar. Not sure this had to be on the show.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Charlotte walks in the ring. Lynch is now walking through the crowd on crutches. She enters the ring and we have a stare down between the three. She throws a crutch at Charlotte and starts hitting her with the other crutch. Rousey is standing back and watching. From an acting standpoint, this has been Rousey's best performance including the match. Rousey now has a crutch and Lynch tries to convince her to use it on Charlotte. As she walks towards Charlotte, Becky hits Rousey and is going nuts on both. Security and refs come to the ring and Lynch finally leaves the ring. Oh wow, Rousey looks like she got busted open. Cole and Graves agree that Lynch should be arrested for her actions. Argue all you want about Charlotte being added to the match, it's going to be an amazing match. Interestingly, Baron Corbin's music hits before Rousey and Charlotte are even to the back.
No Disqualification Match
Baron Corbin vs. Braun Strowman
Talk about going from your hottest angle to complete garbage. Corbin may be the worst character on WWE TV in years and that's saying something. The WWE's handling of Strowman is truly mind blowing. Here he is in a throwaway match against Baron Corbin. Corbin attacks Strowman with a kendo stick. After trying to throw him into the stick set up in the corner, Strowman gets it and breaks it in half. Strowman checks Caron into the guardrail and it doesn't break. Strowman runs around the ring and Corbin throws an office chair at him, but Braun catches it. Corbin then slams him into the stairs. This has gone on longer than expected, so I'm thinking we may be getting some sort of screwjob ending here. Strowman brings a table into the ring and sets it up in the corner. Corbin counters Strowman, but eventually Strowman powerslams him through the table. As soon as he does, Drew McIntyre's music hits and he is on his way to the ring. McIntyre has a chair, but from behind Lashley is in the ring and hits Strowman with a chair. Strowman clobbers Lashley with a fist, but the numbers game is too much for Strowman to overcome. Why would either of these guys want to be associated with Strowman? Strowman has Lashley and McIntyre by the throats, but Corbin hits him with the chair. They stack two tables on top of each other, while Strowman lies there motionless. All three of them are on the steps and they pick up Strowman and pull the Shield powerbomb through two tables and they get the victory. This makes no sense to me. Why would McIntrye need to be associated with Corbin? Or anyone for that matter? Why would Lashley leave Rush, only to immediately join this group?
Match Rating: *
Shane McMahon is backstage and being looked at by a doctor. Miz apologizes and freaks out because they lost the match. Shane tells him to chill out and go hoe. I love that the walls have cheap laminated body part charts on the wall.
Lacey Evans then comes out decked out in a yellow dress and hat. She then immediately walks to the back?
WWE Championship Match
Elimination Chamber Match
Kofi Kingston vs. Jeff Hardy vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan
Erick Rowan is sent to the back before the match even starts. Daniel Bryan's belt is awesome by the way. Samoa Joe and Bryan will start things off. 2/3rds of the competitors in this match competed in Ring Of Honor. Joe gets Bryan into a bunch of submission moves. Bryan gets a dropkick in to Joe's knees and is now on the offensive. Kingston is the next man in and takes control. I can't help but feel so bad for Mustafa Ali, but if there was ever a guy whose story makes sense in this role, it's Kofi. Bryan is on top of the pod and is sitting there. Kofi and Samoa Joe could tear the house down if ever given the chance. Kofi then leaps up to the top of the pod and starts unloading on Bryan. Bryan is scaling the wall and Kofi chases after him. They exchange kicks and then Joe grabs ryan down. Kofi then leaps off the wall onto both guys on the floor. The crowd is clearly behind Kofi. The problem with the Chamber match earlier is that there just weren't that many subplots. I don't even watch Raw or Smackdown and I know of quite a few stories that are being told in this match. Joe is chopping away at Bryan and then we get our next competitor and it is AJ Styles. We now know that Jeff Hardy will be next. Somehow AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy are the same age. Bryan is climbing the cage again, but AJ Styles hits a Phenomal Forearm to him on the cage. Samoa Joe has Kofi in the Coquina Clutch, but Kofi escapes and Styles hits him with the Phenomenal Forearm and Joe is eliminated. Sorry, but that's a bad move. Jeff Hardy is now in and is steamrolling the other competitors. Hardy is on top of a pod and hits a Swanton Bomb on AJ Styles, who is draped on the top rope. Daniel Bryan then hits Hardy with a running knee strike and Hardy is gone. That has to be one of the quicker eliminations ever for a Chamber match. Styles is in the tree of woe and Kofi is up top. Bryan going for a superplex, but Styles sits up and hits a German suplex. In comes Orton and he goes after everyone. Orton hits an RKO on AJ Styles as he is going for the Phenomenal Forearm and he is eliminated. Kofi hits Touble In Paradise on Orton to eliminate him. Bryan stops Kofi's offense and throw Kofi ino the pod. Running knee to Kofi but Kofi kicks out to a big pop. Kofi hits Trouble In Paradise on Bryan, but Bryan gets out at 2 and for some reason they cut to the crowd during the pinfall by Bryan on Kofi. Bryan and Kofi are climbing the pod again. Kofi is slamming Bryan against the plexiglass. Kofi going for a superplex, but Bryan is blocking. Bryan then slams Kofi into the plexiglass. Sorry, bullet proof glass. Bryan is now climbing down, but Kofi kicks him off the top rope. Kofi goes for the splash, but misses. Bryan hits the knee and gets the victory. Really hard fought match from start to finish and a great story with Kofi playing the underdog.
Match Rating: ****1/4
After the match Kofi gets a nice ovation and Big E. and Xavier come in the ring to check on him, as a "Thank you, Kofi" chant breaks out. They walk to the back as we end the show.
This was a two match show and one of them truly delivered, while the other was good, but not great. Hard to say this was a home run, but the main event is definitely worth everyone's time. The Becky/Charlotte/Rousey segment was also really entertaining. Feel free to skip over Lashley/Rush/Finn and Baron/Braun.
Overall Rating: 79%
SmackDown 1-13-05 Review
Original Airdate: Thursday, January 13th, 2005
St. Pete Times Forum
Tampa, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkingTheNetwork2
Kurt Angle is walking backstage and asks Big Show if he can talk to Joy, who is hiding behind Show. Angle says that last week was one of the most embarrassing moments of his life and apologizes. Big Show tells Angle that he doesn't like Angle, but he admires that he apologized to Joy. He then says that if JBL doesn't apologize tonight as well, he's going to beat it out of him.
WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam vs. Eddie Guerrero & Booker T vs. Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak vs. The Cabinet
RVD has a knee injury which I believe kept him out of WrestleMania. Eddie and Jindrak start things out. Jindrak is your typical guy who looks like a million bucks, but lacks the skills to back it up. One of the Bashams is pulled out of the ring by Rey, who then hits a 619 on Jindrak and Eddie pulls Basham on top of him and Jindrak is gone. Eddie is tagged in by one of the Basham and he and Booker keep going back and forth tagging each other until Eddie finally gets in there. He and Rey go for something cool, but it doesn't work out. Even when they mess up, it's entertaining. After a nice exchange, Mysterio hits a hurricanrana for a pin on Eddie. Apparently that is the third week in a row that Rey has pinned Eddie. I guess that's the downfall of starting randomly in a year. Booker and Eddie argue on their way to the back. So yay, it's the Bashams. If you were even slightly generic looking, it was like you were automatically sent to Smackdown. Raw seemed to always get the guys with more defined characters. I'm not even going to bother trying to figure out with Basham is which. One of them hits RVD's injured knee with the steel chairs. Extra refs are sent down to check on RVD. The stretcher is out now while Rey is going at it alone in the ring. There are few guys that are better equipped for this story than Rey. Mysterio hits the 619 and is going for a springboard, misses and the Bashams swap with each other and get the pinfall victory. One of the most forgotten tag teams of the millennium wins the Tag Team Championships. Fun match though. After the match, JBL, Orlando Jordan and Amy come out to celebrate.
Match Rating: *** (out of 5)
Josh Matthews is backstage with Kenzo Suzuki. They say some stuff, none of which matters. I did not realize that he and Hiroko are actually married.
JBL, Amy and OJ are saying tonight will be the greatest night in the Cabinet's history. JBL says Jordan's time is coming. He runs into Big Show. He tells JBL that the only thing that will prevent him from ripping his head off is an apology. JBL complies and Big Show says he wants one from Amy too. Amy says that Joy enjoyed running around naked backstage because she needs to be the center of attention and then calls her a word that would never fly in 2019 WWE. Joy goes after Amy. Well, what do you know? Teddy Long just happens to be right there. He says that tonight we are getting Amy vs. Joy and everyone is not allowed at ringside. Smell that $$$$$$$$$.
We get the same Japan announcement that they showed on Raw.
Kurt Angle Invitational
Kurt Angle vs. Roderick Strong
This is quite the segment. Not only do we get a Roderick Strong match, we also get MVP as one of Angle's security guards. Angle asks Strong what his chances are and Strong slaps him. Angle chases him around the ring and hits Strong with some stiff shots. I'd love to hear Strong talk about this experience. Strong gets a roll up for a close count, but is leveled by a clothesline. Angle hits a German Suplex and the ankle lock for the win. That was pretty fun.
Match Rating: *1/2
United States Championship Match
Kenzo Suzuki vs. John Cena
It's fun to see Cena come out and get a 100% positive crowd reaction. He comes out wearing the classic creamsicle Doug Williams Bucs jersey. Kenzo comes out firing and backs Cena into the corner. Cena then comes full steam ahead and is laying into Kenzo. Cena hits his bulldog and then a 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena pumps up his Pumps and hits the FU. That was a complete burial of Suzuki, who did nothing of note after this.
Match Rating: 1/2*
They show some clips promoting their house show in Orando and Jacksonville.
JBL and Amy are backstage and Amy is crying because she is not a wrestler. Heck of a performance. Not to be outdone, Joy is just as bad and gives Big Show a kiss.
Highlight package of Undertaker and Heidenreich. Like I have said before, the WWE during this era always did an incredible job with these. You actually care about this terrible storyline.
Amy Weber vs. Joy Giovanni
Amy walks out petrified. Joy's music hits and she is nowhere to be found. Amy is announced the winner as a result of a forfeit.
Big Show goes to Teddy Long where Joy is. Teddy says he will get to the bottom of it. Skinner, Finlay and Charles Robinson are on the case. Heidenreich then walks in and wants the casket match stipulation to be removed. Teddy disagrees. In walks JBL and he is forced to plead his case as to why he wasn't behind Joy's disappearance. Long threatens to strip him of the WWE Championship.
Cruiserweight Championship Match
Funaki vs. Nunzio
You can always tell when a match is only getting a few minutes by the way they rush at the beginning and this one is no different. Nunzio hits a nice dropkick to the midsection as he came off the second rope. Both of these guys were always very reliable in ring performers. Funaki nails Nunzio in the jaw for a 2 count. Funaki hits a tornado DDT and gets the victory. That was good for a short TV match.
Match Rating: **1/4
Carlito is the next to be in Long's office. Carlito says he has nothing to do with Joy. Carlito says this is another reason that Long should no longer be Commissioner. Long throws him out and in walk Torrie and Jackie. Torrie says she saw Orlando Jordan following Joy to the ring. Teddy says to bring Orlando to his office.
Orlando is there and he says that he admits to seeing Joy. He told her Amy was going to kick her butt. In comes Big Show and he threatens him. This is the greatest whodunit in the history of television.
B. Gordon Allensworth, the "president" of the Florida Agricultural Group, introduces JBL. JBL's entrance theme is still really underrated. As is his limo. With that being said, The Cabinet is probably the worst faction that featured a main event talent. This truly is an interesting choice as a main event segment. After what seems like an eternity, Kurt Angle finally comes out and tells JBL to shut up. Kurt Angle gets the keys from the limo driver and opens the trunk and there is Joy, all tied up. Out comes Big Show. Show comes in to attack JBL, but the Cabinet comes in to distract him while JBL and Amy run away. Big Show fights them off and he stares down JBL. They then show Kurt Angle with Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak laughing at what happened. Angle said he loves when a plan comes together. Maybe not so smart to say it in front of a TV camera? Just my opinion.
This was an entertaining enough of a show, even if the ending was pretty lame. The tag team match was good and the rest was passable. At the very least, the show had a nice flow and didn't feel like it was dragging until JBL opened his mouth.
Overall Rating: 50%
St. Pete Times Forum
Tampa, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkingTheNetwork2
Kurt Angle is walking backstage and asks Big Show if he can talk to Joy, who is hiding behind Show. Angle says that last week was one of the most embarrassing moments of his life and apologizes. Big Show tells Angle that he doesn't like Angle, but he admires that he apologized to Joy. He then says that if JBL doesn't apologize tonight as well, he's going to beat it out of him.
WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam vs. Eddie Guerrero & Booker T vs. Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak vs. The Cabinet
RVD has a knee injury which I believe kept him out of WrestleMania. Eddie and Jindrak start things out. Jindrak is your typical guy who looks like a million bucks, but lacks the skills to back it up. One of the Bashams is pulled out of the ring by Rey, who then hits a 619 on Jindrak and Eddie pulls Basham on top of him and Jindrak is gone. Eddie is tagged in by one of the Basham and he and Booker keep going back and forth tagging each other until Eddie finally gets in there. He and Rey go for something cool, but it doesn't work out. Even when they mess up, it's entertaining. After a nice exchange, Mysterio hits a hurricanrana for a pin on Eddie. Apparently that is the third week in a row that Rey has pinned Eddie. I guess that's the downfall of starting randomly in a year. Booker and Eddie argue on their way to the back. So yay, it's the Bashams. If you were even slightly generic looking, it was like you were automatically sent to Smackdown. Raw seemed to always get the guys with more defined characters. I'm not even going to bother trying to figure out with Basham is which. One of them hits RVD's injured knee with the steel chairs. Extra refs are sent down to check on RVD. The stretcher is out now while Rey is going at it alone in the ring. There are few guys that are better equipped for this story than Rey. Mysterio hits the 619 and is going for a springboard, misses and the Bashams swap with each other and get the pinfall victory. One of the most forgotten tag teams of the millennium wins the Tag Team Championships. Fun match though. After the match, JBL, Orlando Jordan and Amy come out to celebrate.
Match Rating: *** (out of 5)
Josh Matthews is backstage with Kenzo Suzuki. They say some stuff, none of which matters. I did not realize that he and Hiroko are actually married.
JBL, Amy and OJ are saying tonight will be the greatest night in the Cabinet's history. JBL says Jordan's time is coming. He runs into Big Show. He tells JBL that the only thing that will prevent him from ripping his head off is an apology. JBL complies and Big Show says he wants one from Amy too. Amy says that Joy enjoyed running around naked backstage because she needs to be the center of attention and then calls her a word that would never fly in 2019 WWE. Joy goes after Amy. Well, what do you know? Teddy Long just happens to be right there. He says that tonight we are getting Amy vs. Joy and everyone is not allowed at ringside. Smell that $$$$$$$$$.
We get the same Japan announcement that they showed on Raw.
Kurt Angle Invitational
Kurt Angle vs. Roderick Strong
This is quite the segment. Not only do we get a Roderick Strong match, we also get MVP as one of Angle's security guards. Angle asks Strong what his chances are and Strong slaps him. Angle chases him around the ring and hits Strong with some stiff shots. I'd love to hear Strong talk about this experience. Strong gets a roll up for a close count, but is leveled by a clothesline. Angle hits a German Suplex and the ankle lock for the win. That was pretty fun.
Match Rating: *1/2
United States Championship Match
Kenzo Suzuki vs. John Cena
It's fun to see Cena come out and get a 100% positive crowd reaction. He comes out wearing the classic creamsicle Doug Williams Bucs jersey. Kenzo comes out firing and backs Cena into the corner. Cena then comes full steam ahead and is laying into Kenzo. Cena hits his bulldog and then a 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena pumps up his Pumps and hits the FU. That was a complete burial of Suzuki, who did nothing of note after this.
Match Rating: 1/2*
They show some clips promoting their house show in Orando and Jacksonville.
JBL and Amy are backstage and Amy is crying because she is not a wrestler. Heck of a performance. Not to be outdone, Joy is just as bad and gives Big Show a kiss.
Highlight package of Undertaker and Heidenreich. Like I have said before, the WWE during this era always did an incredible job with these. You actually care about this terrible storyline.
Amy Weber vs. Joy Giovanni
Amy walks out petrified. Joy's music hits and she is nowhere to be found. Amy is announced the winner as a result of a forfeit.
Big Show goes to Teddy Long where Joy is. Teddy says he will get to the bottom of it. Skinner, Finlay and Charles Robinson are on the case. Heidenreich then walks in and wants the casket match stipulation to be removed. Teddy disagrees. In walks JBL and he is forced to plead his case as to why he wasn't behind Joy's disappearance. Long threatens to strip him of the WWE Championship.
Cruiserweight Championship Match
Funaki vs. Nunzio
You can always tell when a match is only getting a few minutes by the way they rush at the beginning and this one is no different. Nunzio hits a nice dropkick to the midsection as he came off the second rope. Both of these guys were always very reliable in ring performers. Funaki nails Nunzio in the jaw for a 2 count. Funaki hits a tornado DDT and gets the victory. That was good for a short TV match.
Match Rating: **1/4
Carlito is the next to be in Long's office. Carlito says he has nothing to do with Joy. Carlito says this is another reason that Long should no longer be Commissioner. Long throws him out and in walk Torrie and Jackie. Torrie says she saw Orlando Jordan following Joy to the ring. Teddy says to bring Orlando to his office.
Orlando is there and he says that he admits to seeing Joy. He told her Amy was going to kick her butt. In comes Big Show and he threatens him. This is the greatest whodunit in the history of television.
B. Gordon Allensworth, the "president" of the Florida Agricultural Group, introduces JBL. JBL's entrance theme is still really underrated. As is his limo. With that being said, The Cabinet is probably the worst faction that featured a main event talent. This truly is an interesting choice as a main event segment. After what seems like an eternity, Kurt Angle finally comes out and tells JBL to shut up. Kurt Angle gets the keys from the limo driver and opens the trunk and there is Joy, all tied up. Out comes Big Show. Show comes in to attack JBL, but the Cabinet comes in to distract him while JBL and Amy run away. Big Show fights them off and he stares down JBL. They then show Kurt Angle with Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak laughing at what happened. Angle said he loves when a plan comes together. Maybe not so smart to say it in front of a TV camera? Just my opinion.
This was an entertaining enough of a show, even if the ending was pretty lame. The tag team match was good and the rest was passable. At the very least, the show had a nice flow and didn't feel like it was dragging until JBL opened his mouth.
Overall Rating: 50%
Saturday, February 16, 2019
NXT 7-18-12 Review
Original Airdate: Wednesday, July 18th, 2012
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkingTheNetwork2
Tamina Snuka vs. Kaitlyn
Oh boy, it's Tamina. I will say she looks a lot more mobile here. Some semi-sloppy offense to start. Kaitlyn's hair is...something. I'm not even really sure how to explain this match. It just feels like a series of moves with no purpose. Tamina fights back and is heading to the top rope, but Kaitlyn grabs her leg. They seem to be trying to get Kaitlyn over as more of a submission wrestler. Tamina picks her up off the mat and hits a Samoan Drop. Up to the top rope and she hits the splash for the pinfall.
Match Rating: 1/4* (out of 5)
We get a very serious vignette for Big E. Langston, which just seems so odd knowing what we know now.
Jinder Mahal vs. Percy Watson
I haven't seen much of anything that Watson has done. Regal claims that John Cena has taken Watson under his wing. He is definitely fairly athletic, but like a lot of guys on the early days of NXT, is just so plain on offense. Watson misses with a splash and Mahal hits him with a high knee. He then puts on the Camel Clutch and Watson submits. That was rather uninspiring.
Match Rating: 3/4*
Richie Steamboat vs. Leo Kruger
This really has to be one of the low points for WWE in terms of developmental talent. Steamboat looks good in the early going with some chops and a monkey flip. Kruger blocks a kick and rolls him into the turnbuckle. Steamboat chases Kruger around the ring and then hits a crossbody, but Kruger rolls him over and puts his feet on the rope to get the win.
Match Rating: *1/2
We get a Raquel Diaz promo. Of all of the things I have seen so far from this era, this actually feels the most like the current NXT.
Raquel Diaz vs. Paige
She comes out to the ring giving a Body Donna-era Sunny type promo. Paige looks incredibly nervous coming down to the ring. Diaz slams and then rubs Paige's face into the mat. Paige fights back with a clothesline. Diaz catches Paige's kick and slams her face first. She then hits a Gory Special for the victory. Regal after the match does acknowledge that she is a Guerrero. Not the most impressive debut.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Aksana is flirting with Alex Riley and then Cesaro walks in and Askana says Riley is hitting on her. They then mutually agree to fight each other next week. I'm glad that they are able to contain themselves for a week rather than, you know, fighting right now.
Heath Slater vs. Justin Gabriel
This match is already better than everything else on this show. Gabriel goes for a springboard move, but Slater pushes him to the outside with what looked like a painful fall. After Slater works on his back and neck, Gabriel comes back with some nice kicks and a sit down powerbomb. Slater counters Gabriel's counter and hits a reverse suplex for a nearfall. Slater hits a neckbreaker from the top rope. I like that move quite a bit. Jim Ross every episode repeats how important each match is, but I'm still not really 100% sure why. Gabriel fights off Slater with some nice elbows and then hits a moonsault into a DDT and gets the pinfall? It looks like Slater might have taken a stiff shot on the moonsault, which stalled the inverted DDT and was unable to kick out. Up until the final 30 seconds, this was a good match.
Match Rating: **3/4
Well, the main event was the best match so far in the short history of this show. We also got a debut of what they are treating as a major player in the women's division and a lot of mediocre wrestling otherwise. The short running time helps, but we all know the level this show is going to be at in a few years and you can't help but hope we see the momentum start to swing that way.
Overall Rating: 49%
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkingTheNetwork2
Tamina Snuka vs. Kaitlyn
Oh boy, it's Tamina. I will say she looks a lot more mobile here. Some semi-sloppy offense to start. Kaitlyn's hair is...something. I'm not even really sure how to explain this match. It just feels like a series of moves with no purpose. Tamina fights back and is heading to the top rope, but Kaitlyn grabs her leg. They seem to be trying to get Kaitlyn over as more of a submission wrestler. Tamina picks her up off the mat and hits a Samoan Drop. Up to the top rope and she hits the splash for the pinfall.
Match Rating: 1/4* (out of 5)
We get a very serious vignette for Big E. Langston, which just seems so odd knowing what we know now.
Jinder Mahal vs. Percy Watson
I haven't seen much of anything that Watson has done. Regal claims that John Cena has taken Watson under his wing. He is definitely fairly athletic, but like a lot of guys on the early days of NXT, is just so plain on offense. Watson misses with a splash and Mahal hits him with a high knee. He then puts on the Camel Clutch and Watson submits. That was rather uninspiring.
Match Rating: 3/4*
Richie Steamboat vs. Leo Kruger
This really has to be one of the low points for WWE in terms of developmental talent. Steamboat looks good in the early going with some chops and a monkey flip. Kruger blocks a kick and rolls him into the turnbuckle. Steamboat chases Kruger around the ring and then hits a crossbody, but Kruger rolls him over and puts his feet on the rope to get the win.
Match Rating: *1/2
We get a Raquel Diaz promo. Of all of the things I have seen so far from this era, this actually feels the most like the current NXT.
Raquel Diaz vs. Paige
She comes out to the ring giving a Body Donna-era Sunny type promo. Paige looks incredibly nervous coming down to the ring. Diaz slams and then rubs Paige's face into the mat. Paige fights back with a clothesline. Diaz catches Paige's kick and slams her face first. She then hits a Gory Special for the victory. Regal after the match does acknowledge that she is a Guerrero. Not the most impressive debut.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Aksana is flirting with Alex Riley and then Cesaro walks in and Askana says Riley is hitting on her. They then mutually agree to fight each other next week. I'm glad that they are able to contain themselves for a week rather than, you know, fighting right now.
Heath Slater vs. Justin Gabriel
This match is already better than everything else on this show. Gabriel goes for a springboard move, but Slater pushes him to the outside with what looked like a painful fall. After Slater works on his back and neck, Gabriel comes back with some nice kicks and a sit down powerbomb. Slater counters Gabriel's counter and hits a reverse suplex for a nearfall. Slater hits a neckbreaker from the top rope. I like that move quite a bit. Jim Ross every episode repeats how important each match is, but I'm still not really 100% sure why. Gabriel fights off Slater with some nice elbows and then hits a moonsault into a DDT and gets the pinfall? It looks like Slater might have taken a stiff shot on the moonsault, which stalled the inverted DDT and was unable to kick out. Up until the final 30 seconds, this was a good match.
Match Rating: **3/4
Well, the main event was the best match so far in the short history of this show. We also got a debut of what they are treating as a major player in the women's division and a lot of mediocre wrestling otherwise. The short running time helps, but we all know the level this show is going to be at in a few years and you can't help but hope we see the momentum start to swing that way.
Overall Rating: 49%
Friday, February 15, 2019
Cruiserweight Classic Episode 5 Review
Original Airdate: Wednesday, August 10th, 2016
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
Tajiri vs. Gran Metalik
Tajiri shows that he can still go at 45 years old in the opening moments. Both guys take to the mat and counter each others submission moves. Tajiri does some interesting gyrations with Metalik's head between his legs. I'll leave it at that. Metalik walks the ropes and hits a somersault plancha to the outside. Metalik walks the ropes again and hits a big elbow, but Tajiri kicks out. The crowd then gives us the worst chant in all of wrestling, "This is awesome". Tajiri gets Metalik in the Tree of Woe and then nails him with the dropkick to the head. That to me has always been one of the more vicious non-finishers. Tajiri gets Metalik with a huge powerbomb, but it's still not enough. He misses a kick and Metalik hits the Metalik Screwdriver for the win.
Match Rating: ***1/4 (out of 5)
Cedric Alexander vs. Kota Ibushi
Ibushi comes out to a nice pop. Can't blame the crowd there. Alexander gets in a little early offense and is working Ibushi's arm. We then get a nice segment full of excellent athleticism. Both of these guys are just so smooth. I'm still not 100% sure why Alexander hasn't caught on more with the crowd. Alexander absolutely drills Ibushi with an elbow, which is followed by an an insane kick by Ibushi. Here we go now. Ibushi misses the Golden Triangle Moonsault and then Alexander with a somersault to the outside and an elbow off the top inside the ring. He folded him up there, great sell by Ibushi. Alexander catches a kick and slaps him across the chest. Ibushi blocks the suplex and hits him with a giant dropkick. Ibushi misses a kick but hits a standing corkscrew. Man, I wish Ibushi was in NXT. Asai Moonsault by Ibushi to the outside. Alexander hits a Michinoku Driver, but it's not enough. Ibushi has Alexander off the top, Alexander blocks the hurricanrana then flips off the rope and Ibushi hits him with the Pele Kick. Alexander then with a flurry of huge moves and Kota just kicks out in time. Unbelievable segment here. Alexander is going up top to finish Ibushi off, Ibushi gets out of the way and Ibushi hits a German suplex followed by a roundhouse kick. Golden Star Powerbomb and that is all. What a great match and a star making performance by Alexander.
Match Rating: ****1/4
After what seems to be the end of the show, they cut back to Alexander walking to the back and the crowd is chanting "Please sign Cedric". Out comes Triple H and he shakes his hand. We get the "Yes" chant to end the show.
I'm still not sure how the WWE got Ibushi to agree to do this tournament, but I am so glad that they did. The opener was a nice appetizer, but the main event was so, so good. Alexander seemed to be a made man, but of course WWE's lack of direction with the division killed it. However, this show continues to be highly entertaining and I hope to any of you who have never watched it, go back and take the time to do so.
Overall Rating: 82%
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
Tajiri vs. Gran Metalik
Tajiri shows that he can still go at 45 years old in the opening moments. Both guys take to the mat and counter each others submission moves. Tajiri does some interesting gyrations with Metalik's head between his legs. I'll leave it at that. Metalik walks the ropes and hits a somersault plancha to the outside. Metalik walks the ropes again and hits a big elbow, but Tajiri kicks out. The crowd then gives us the worst chant in all of wrestling, "This is awesome". Tajiri gets Metalik in the Tree of Woe and then nails him with the dropkick to the head. That to me has always been one of the more vicious non-finishers. Tajiri gets Metalik with a huge powerbomb, but it's still not enough. He misses a kick and Metalik hits the Metalik Screwdriver for the win.
Match Rating: ***1/4 (out of 5)
Cedric Alexander vs. Kota Ibushi
Ibushi comes out to a nice pop. Can't blame the crowd there. Alexander gets in a little early offense and is working Ibushi's arm. We then get a nice segment full of excellent athleticism. Both of these guys are just so smooth. I'm still not 100% sure why Alexander hasn't caught on more with the crowd. Alexander absolutely drills Ibushi with an elbow, which is followed by an an insane kick by Ibushi. Here we go now. Ibushi misses the Golden Triangle Moonsault and then Alexander with a somersault to the outside and an elbow off the top inside the ring. He folded him up there, great sell by Ibushi. Alexander catches a kick and slaps him across the chest. Ibushi blocks the suplex and hits him with a giant dropkick. Ibushi misses a kick but hits a standing corkscrew. Man, I wish Ibushi was in NXT. Asai Moonsault by Ibushi to the outside. Alexander hits a Michinoku Driver, but it's not enough. Ibushi has Alexander off the top, Alexander blocks the hurricanrana then flips off the rope and Ibushi hits him with the Pele Kick. Alexander then with a flurry of huge moves and Kota just kicks out in time. Unbelievable segment here. Alexander is going up top to finish Ibushi off, Ibushi gets out of the way and Ibushi hits a German suplex followed by a roundhouse kick. Golden Star Powerbomb and that is all. What a great match and a star making performance by Alexander.
Match Rating: ****1/4
After what seems to be the end of the show, they cut back to Alexander walking to the back and the crowd is chanting "Please sign Cedric". Out comes Triple H and he shakes his hand. We get the "Yes" chant to end the show.
I'm still not sure how the WWE got Ibushi to agree to do this tournament, but I am so glad that they did. The opener was a nice appetizer, but the main event was so, so good. Alexander seemed to be a made man, but of course WWE's lack of direction with the division killed it. However, this show continues to be highly entertaining and I hope to any of you who have never watched it, go back and take the time to do so.
Overall Rating: 82%
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Superstars 5-23-92 Review
Original Airdate: Saturday, May 23rd, 1992
Onondaga War Memorial
Syracuse, New York
Vince and Mr. Perfect are just in time for Memorial Day. Perfect then makes some dad jokes about Warrior puking.
Undertaker vs. Bill Pierce
Pierce attacks Taker from behind and of course he no sells it. Taker was so much more intimidating looking during this era. Berzerker is going to kick Taker's stinkin' teeth in. Taker walks the ropes and then hits the Tombstone. I didn't see that coming.
Match Rating: 1/4* (out of 5)
Update is brought to you by the WWF catalog. I remember looking at the catalog over and over, but never buying anything. We get highlights of Papa Shango putting a curse on Ultimate Warrior from last week. Papa Shango then informs us that he owns Warrior.
Duane Gill vs. Virgil
Two of the most famous jobbers of the era. Vince lets us know that Virgil will be in attendance for the WBF Championship! Big buyrate coming up. Virgil's offense in this match is kind of heelish. Virgil puts on the Million Dollar Dream and it's over.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Money Inc. vs. Jim Powers & Mark Kay
Jim Powers looks as cheesy as ever. IRS screws up getting atomic dropped, as he seemed to not konw where to run after the move. I will never understand how IRS lasted as long as he did. Clothesline by IRS for the pinfall victory.
Match Rating: 1/4*
We are in the Event Center with High Energy. Koko says they are so high...a natural high. Sure, buddy. It's no wonder that promos are scripted. Rick Martel calls Tatanka "buffalo breath". Imagine watching cartoons instead of this on Saturday mornings in 1992.
British Bulldog vs. Barry Hardy
I think this sums up the match pretty well:
Powerslam and it's over.
Match Rating: 1/4*
We then go to a video of Ric Flair, Mr. Perfect and some girl at a picnic. They play a voice message of Liz saying she's going to give Ric a homecoming when he comes home. Perfect says that Savage bought the cow, but Flair gets the milk for free.
Crush and his mullet are back for a promo and how he's going to try to be #1. After an awkward pause, he sends a message to all the bullies in the WWF. Who thought it was a good idea to ever let him talk? Blake Beverly sure gives a smiley heel promo. I am proud of them. They did not say Legion of Sissies once in there. Progress.
Bobby Knight vs. The Mountie
I wish it was the other Bobby Knight. Mounties elbow was always a nice move. Sgt. Slaughter naturally salutes all of those who risked their lives. I can't believe how big of a fan of the Mountie I have become while watching these old Superstars. He then brings the new shock stick to the ring and ties to shock poor Bobby, but he escapes after Tim White distracts him.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Crunch Classic is coming out on home video this week! Make sure to buy it.
Ultimate Warrior is out for an interview with Mean Gene. Warrior is rambling on about nothing as usual and then all of a sudden something starts oozing our of his head. The live audience has no idea what is going on.
Dublin Destroyer + Vince Sola vs. Bushwhackers
What a living the Bushwhackers made off of this gimmick. They do like 3 moves and that's it. Maybe it wouldn't have been the worst idea to have a squash match last more than 30 seconds every now and then?
Match Rating: 1/4*
Kamala vs. Kerry Davis
Kamala is a little bit more aggressive this week. The crowd reacts to this match as if they are at a funeral. Might as well throw him into a feud with Undertaker.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Vince McMahon then promotes WBF Magazine and how there is an article about steroids and that the WWF is against them. Got it, Vince.
Shawn Michaels is coming for the Hitman and his Intercontinental title. The Natural Disasters want to know how Jimmy Hart sleeps at night after what he did.
So we don't even get one feature matchup and a whole lot of the same old nothing this week. With no pay-per-view coming up, they are focused on their house show matches and that's fine, but the stories are being advanced at a snails pace. Another meh here.
Overall Rating: 28%
Onondaga War Memorial
Syracuse, New York
Vince and Mr. Perfect are just in time for Memorial Day. Perfect then makes some dad jokes about Warrior puking.
Undertaker vs. Bill Pierce
Pierce attacks Taker from behind and of course he no sells it. Taker was so much more intimidating looking during this era. Berzerker is going to kick Taker's stinkin' teeth in. Taker walks the ropes and then hits the Tombstone. I didn't see that coming.
Match Rating: 1/4* (out of 5)
Update is brought to you by the WWF catalog. I remember looking at the catalog over and over, but never buying anything. We get highlights of Papa Shango putting a curse on Ultimate Warrior from last week. Papa Shango then informs us that he owns Warrior.
Duane Gill vs. Virgil
Two of the most famous jobbers of the era. Vince lets us know that Virgil will be in attendance for the WBF Championship! Big buyrate coming up. Virgil's offense in this match is kind of heelish. Virgil puts on the Million Dollar Dream and it's over.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Money Inc. vs. Jim Powers & Mark Kay
Jim Powers looks as cheesy as ever. IRS screws up getting atomic dropped, as he seemed to not konw where to run after the move. I will never understand how IRS lasted as long as he did. Clothesline by IRS for the pinfall victory.
Match Rating: 1/4*
We are in the Event Center with High Energy. Koko says they are so high...a natural high. Sure, buddy. It's no wonder that promos are scripted. Rick Martel calls Tatanka "buffalo breath". Imagine watching cartoons instead of this on Saturday mornings in 1992.
British Bulldog vs. Barry Hardy
I think this sums up the match pretty well:
Powerslam and it's over.
Match Rating: 1/4*
We then go to a video of Ric Flair, Mr. Perfect and some girl at a picnic. They play a voice message of Liz saying she's going to give Ric a homecoming when he comes home. Perfect says that Savage bought the cow, but Flair gets the milk for free.
Crush and his mullet are back for a promo and how he's going to try to be #1. After an awkward pause, he sends a message to all the bullies in the WWF. Who thought it was a good idea to ever let him talk? Blake Beverly sure gives a smiley heel promo. I am proud of them. They did not say Legion of Sissies once in there. Progress.
Bobby Knight vs. The Mountie
I wish it was the other Bobby Knight. Mounties elbow was always a nice move. Sgt. Slaughter naturally salutes all of those who risked their lives. I can't believe how big of a fan of the Mountie I have become while watching these old Superstars. He then brings the new shock stick to the ring and ties to shock poor Bobby, but he escapes after Tim White distracts him.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Crunch Classic is coming out on home video this week! Make sure to buy it.
Ultimate Warrior is out for an interview with Mean Gene. Warrior is rambling on about nothing as usual and then all of a sudden something starts oozing our of his head. The live audience has no idea what is going on.
Dublin Destroyer + Vince Sola vs. Bushwhackers
What a living the Bushwhackers made off of this gimmick. They do like 3 moves and that's it. Maybe it wouldn't have been the worst idea to have a squash match last more than 30 seconds every now and then?
Match Rating: 1/4*
Kamala vs. Kerry Davis
Kamala is a little bit more aggressive this week. The crowd reacts to this match as if they are at a funeral. Might as well throw him into a feud with Undertaker.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Vince McMahon then promotes WBF Magazine and how there is an article about steroids and that the WWF is against them. Got it, Vince.
Shawn Michaels is coming for the Hitman and his Intercontinental title. The Natural Disasters want to know how Jimmy Hart sleeps at night after what he did.
So we don't even get one feature matchup and a whole lot of the same old nothing this week. With no pay-per-view coming up, they are focused on their house show matches and that's fine, but the stories are being advanced at a snails pace. Another meh here.
Overall Rating: 28%
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Monday Night Raw 1-10-05 Review
Monday, January 10th, 2005
Office Depot Center
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Triple H's music hits and out comes the World Heavyweight Champion along with Ric Flair. Triple H eggs on the crowd with some semi-shoot comments that they are booing him because of favoritism or politics. After ranting and raving, Triple H introduces Batista. As soon as Batista gets to the ring, Randy Orton's music is playing. Orton is complaining that Triple H pinned him only after Batista helped him after he was eliminated. Orton says he has footage that proves that Triple H doesn't have Batista's back. I really didn't remember the set up for this feud being this obvious so early on. Triple H says we don't need to see the footage, but Batista wants to see it. The footage shows that Triple H got up and then sat down. Orton warns Batista that he will turn on him sooner than later and then challenges Triple H tonight. Out comes Bischoff and says he agrees that Orton deserves a shot at Triple H. He also thinks that Batista deserves a shot at Triple H. So instead he books Randy Orton vs. Batista in a #1 contender match. Not the best opener, but it set up a big match for the show.
We now get clips of WWE saying they are going to do shows in Japan. Okey dokey.
Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
Shelton Benjamin vs. Maven
Just in case you didn't get enough of this match the night before, they spoil us with yet another Shelton/Maven match tonight. Maven attacks him before the bell and hits him with a low blow when the referee didn't see. Shelton hits a flurry of moves and then eventually hits him with the Exploder for the win. That was really short considering they just tried to sell that matchup to their audience as a pay per view worthy match.
Match Rating: 3/4*
Muhammad Hassan vs. Hurricane
JR makes sure to say that Hassan does not represent Arab Americans, but only their own agenda. As they are rambling on, Hurricane's music plays and we are under way. Hurricane was definitely a character they missed the boat on. There was a window in time where he could have been something more than just a comedy guy. Hassan looks a lot more aggressive tonight. Hurricane actually gets some offense in, but misses the Shining Wizard and Hassan hits his finisher for the pin.
Match Rating: *
They play one of my favorite WrestleMania moments where Pete Rose is making fun of Bill Buckner in Boston and then Kane Tombstones him.
Batista is backstage and in walks Triple H and he tells him he has his back.
Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
Edge vs. Rhyno
Two guys that have a long history with one another both in storyline and in real life. Rhyno is another guy that seemed like he could have maybe had a better run. Edge is selling the injuries from the night before. After some back and forth, Rhyno goes for the Gore, but Edge hits him with a boot. Edge hits the spear and then puts him in an almost Sharpshooter type submission for the victory.
Match Rating: **
After the match, Edge grabs the mic and is still upset about Shawn Michaels ruining his chances last night and calls him out. They actually go to commercial break while he waits for HBK to come out. Edge is channeling his inner Bret Hart and talking about all the ways that Shawn has screwed him over. Finally Michaels comes out. Michaels says his problem with Edge is that he complains about everything. The crowd starts chanting "You screwed Bret" to which Shawn tells them to go back to Canada. This is the off script type stuff that you hardly ever see anymore. HBK tells Edge to win the Royal Rumble (twice) and go to WrestleMania and win himself a title. Edge then attacks Michaels and they are both going at it. Not even Dean Malenko and John Laurinaitis can stop them. After the break, they are still brawling through the arena and into the lobby.
Simon Dean is now in the ring. He says Florida is full of ugly, fat people. He then says that he is going to hand out a free sample of his fat burning pills. He hints that he wants Rosey to come out, but out comes Kane instead. Kane takes the pills and chews them. Kane then makes Dean eat them and attacks. How was this not a WrestleMania feud? Then out of nowhere it's Snitsky with a chair. Snitsky then whips Kane with Dean's weight belt and Kane is bleeding from the mouth.
Backstage with Flair and Triple H. Flair says Batista needs to be motivated. Triple H wants Flair to tell Batista that his record against Orton is poor. Flair has his doubts that will work. God Triple H is on this show a lot, eh?
Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit vs. Christian & Tomko
Two of my all time favorites here with Christian and Jericho. Tomko is trying his best to keep up with 3 guys that are about 20 leagues better than he is. Christian pulls down the top rope causing Benoit to fall to the ground and attacks him. Christian looks a little off tonight, which is still a lot better than most. Benoit finally hits a German suplex and tags in Jericho. Jericho misses a Lionsault, but Benoit makes the save on the pin. Jericho gets Tomko in the Walls of Jericho and Benoit in the Crippler Crossface and they both tap. Solid match.
Match Rating: **1/2
You know what this show is missing? More Triple H. Oh cool, we're backstage with Triple H and Flair again. Batista was not happy with Flair's message.
Lingerie Pillow Fight
Christy Hemme vs. Maria
Candice Michelle is the special guest referee. Talk about something that would never be on Raw in a million years now. Christy was really pretty unlikable. If this doesn't make you thankful for the current women's division, I don't know what will. Lilian Garcia gets involved because why not? They eventually start bouncing on the bed. You can imagine Lawler on commentary here. Christy pins Maria with a bridge. We have come a long way.
Match Rating: 0
We then get a promo for Chris Masters. Next Monday it is announced that we will get to see Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit, who JR says will be one of the best matches in years on Raw. Kane vs. Snitsky will also be next week. JR does not say the same.
It's time to play the Game. Again. Raw is an hour longer in 2019 and no one gets as much camera time as Triple H is getting here.
#1 Contender Match
Randy Orton vs. Batista
This should be kind of interesting because both guys were not at their peaks here in terms of in ring work. I have never been a huge fan of either guy, but I would say 2005 was probably my favorite year for Orton. We are getting a lot of punching and kicking so far. Batista does a pretty cool spot where he pushes Ortons head against the post with his foot. I'm surprised we don't see that more often. Batista has Orton in a pretty weak chinlock. Batista gets him up for the Batista Bomb, but Orton counters with a DDT. Flair is getting involved now. Orton goes for the RKO, but Batista countered. Triple H has a chair for Batista, but Batista says he doesn't need it. Orton then pushes Batista into the chair and gets the pin. Not really a great ending to the show. I was thinking I would like the Batista/Triple H feud better the second time around. So far, not so good.
Match Rating: *1/2
Well, they sure went all in on the Triple H/Batista story this week. I'm sure that will be the case most weeks from now on. I liked that they did a couple of Royal Rumble qualifying matches, which only helps set up the match and make it seem like something you need to earn. The tag team match was the highlight, but it was nothing to write home about. I'm looking forward to seeing Jericho/Benoit next week following this mediocre Raw.
Overall Rating: 42%
Office Depot Center
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Triple H's music hits and out comes the World Heavyweight Champion along with Ric Flair. Triple H eggs on the crowd with some semi-shoot comments that they are booing him because of favoritism or politics. After ranting and raving, Triple H introduces Batista. As soon as Batista gets to the ring, Randy Orton's music is playing. Orton is complaining that Triple H pinned him only after Batista helped him after he was eliminated. Orton says he has footage that proves that Triple H doesn't have Batista's back. I really didn't remember the set up for this feud being this obvious so early on. Triple H says we don't need to see the footage, but Batista wants to see it. The footage shows that Triple H got up and then sat down. Orton warns Batista that he will turn on him sooner than later and then challenges Triple H tonight. Out comes Bischoff and says he agrees that Orton deserves a shot at Triple H. He also thinks that Batista deserves a shot at Triple H. So instead he books Randy Orton vs. Batista in a #1 contender match. Not the best opener, but it set up a big match for the show.
We now get clips of WWE saying they are going to do shows in Japan. Okey dokey.
Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
Shelton Benjamin vs. Maven
Just in case you didn't get enough of this match the night before, they spoil us with yet another Shelton/Maven match tonight. Maven attacks him before the bell and hits him with a low blow when the referee didn't see. Shelton hits a flurry of moves and then eventually hits him with the Exploder for the win. That was really short considering they just tried to sell that matchup to their audience as a pay per view worthy match.
Match Rating: 3/4*
Muhammad Hassan vs. Hurricane
JR makes sure to say that Hassan does not represent Arab Americans, but only their own agenda. As they are rambling on, Hurricane's music plays and we are under way. Hurricane was definitely a character they missed the boat on. There was a window in time where he could have been something more than just a comedy guy. Hassan looks a lot more aggressive tonight. Hurricane actually gets some offense in, but misses the Shining Wizard and Hassan hits his finisher for the pin.
Match Rating: *
They play one of my favorite WrestleMania moments where Pete Rose is making fun of Bill Buckner in Boston and then Kane Tombstones him.
Batista is backstage and in walks Triple H and he tells him he has his back.
Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
Edge vs. Rhyno
Two guys that have a long history with one another both in storyline and in real life. Rhyno is another guy that seemed like he could have maybe had a better run. Edge is selling the injuries from the night before. After some back and forth, Rhyno goes for the Gore, but Edge hits him with a boot. Edge hits the spear and then puts him in an almost Sharpshooter type submission for the victory.
Match Rating: **
After the match, Edge grabs the mic and is still upset about Shawn Michaels ruining his chances last night and calls him out. They actually go to commercial break while he waits for HBK to come out. Edge is channeling his inner Bret Hart and talking about all the ways that Shawn has screwed him over. Finally Michaels comes out. Michaels says his problem with Edge is that he complains about everything. The crowd starts chanting "You screwed Bret" to which Shawn tells them to go back to Canada. This is the off script type stuff that you hardly ever see anymore. HBK tells Edge to win the Royal Rumble (twice) and go to WrestleMania and win himself a title. Edge then attacks Michaels and they are both going at it. Not even Dean Malenko and John Laurinaitis can stop them. After the break, they are still brawling through the arena and into the lobby.
Simon Dean is now in the ring. He says Florida is full of ugly, fat people. He then says that he is going to hand out a free sample of his fat burning pills. He hints that he wants Rosey to come out, but out comes Kane instead. Kane takes the pills and chews them. Kane then makes Dean eat them and attacks. How was this not a WrestleMania feud? Then out of nowhere it's Snitsky with a chair. Snitsky then whips Kane with Dean's weight belt and Kane is bleeding from the mouth.
Backstage with Flair and Triple H. Flair says Batista needs to be motivated. Triple H wants Flair to tell Batista that his record against Orton is poor. Flair has his doubts that will work. God Triple H is on this show a lot, eh?
Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit vs. Christian & Tomko
Two of my all time favorites here with Christian and Jericho. Tomko is trying his best to keep up with 3 guys that are about 20 leagues better than he is. Christian pulls down the top rope causing Benoit to fall to the ground and attacks him. Christian looks a little off tonight, which is still a lot better than most. Benoit finally hits a German suplex and tags in Jericho. Jericho misses a Lionsault, but Benoit makes the save on the pin. Jericho gets Tomko in the Walls of Jericho and Benoit in the Crippler Crossface and they both tap. Solid match.
Match Rating: **1/2
You know what this show is missing? More Triple H. Oh cool, we're backstage with Triple H and Flair again. Batista was not happy with Flair's message.
Lingerie Pillow Fight
Christy Hemme vs. Maria
Candice Michelle is the special guest referee. Talk about something that would never be on Raw in a million years now. Christy was really pretty unlikable. If this doesn't make you thankful for the current women's division, I don't know what will. Lilian Garcia gets involved because why not? They eventually start bouncing on the bed. You can imagine Lawler on commentary here. Christy pins Maria with a bridge. We have come a long way.
Match Rating: 0
We then get a promo for Chris Masters. Next Monday it is announced that we will get to see Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit, who JR says will be one of the best matches in years on Raw. Kane vs. Snitsky will also be next week. JR does not say the same.
It's time to play the Game. Again. Raw is an hour longer in 2019 and no one gets as much camera time as Triple H is getting here.
#1 Contender Match
Randy Orton vs. Batista
This should be kind of interesting because both guys were not at their peaks here in terms of in ring work. I have never been a huge fan of either guy, but I would say 2005 was probably my favorite year for Orton. We are getting a lot of punching and kicking so far. Batista does a pretty cool spot where he pushes Ortons head against the post with his foot. I'm surprised we don't see that more often. Batista has Orton in a pretty weak chinlock. Batista gets him up for the Batista Bomb, but Orton counters with a DDT. Flair is getting involved now. Orton goes for the RKO, but Batista countered. Triple H has a chair for Batista, but Batista says he doesn't need it. Orton then pushes Batista into the chair and gets the pin. Not really a great ending to the show. I was thinking I would like the Batista/Triple H feud better the second time around. So far, not so good.
Match Rating: *1/2
Well, they sure went all in on the Triple H/Batista story this week. I'm sure that will be the case most weeks from now on. I liked that they did a couple of Royal Rumble qualifying matches, which only helps set up the match and make it seem like something you need to earn. The tag team match was the highlight, but it was nothing to write home about. I'm looking forward to seeing Jericho/Benoit next week following this mediocre Raw.
Overall Rating: 42%
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
NXT 7-11-12 Review
Original Airdate: Wednesday, July 11th, 2012
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
Tyson Kidd vs. Camacho
We get started right away with what has potential to be a good match. No JR this week, so we are stuck with Byron Saxton calling play-by-play. If I have taken anything away from watching these early NXT episodes, it's that I really miss seeing Kidd in the ring. His tag team with Cesaro was a definite bright spot that didn't get the run it deserved. Hunico really didn't do anything, but gets ejected by the referee. Kidd goes for a kick from the apron, but Camacho grabs his leg and he falls face first into the edge of the ring. Camacho seems a little lazy here today. None of his moves look very crisp. Camacho misses a leg drop from the second rope and Kidd fights back with some big kicks. Kidd with a nice slingshot leg drop before getting crotched on the top rope. Camacho hits a double arm superplex. Kidd fights back again and hits a blockbuster off the top rope, but Camacho gets his foot on the bottom rope. Kidd tries to put him in the Sharpshooter, but McGillicutty comes out and distracts Kidd, allowing Camacho to hit a DDT for the victory.
Match Rating: ** (out of 5)
Bray Wyatt vignette time again.
Justin Gabriel is back with Matt Striker in the back. Gabriel says he wants to be a champion again and next week he is taking on Heath Slater. Slater interrupts and makes fun of his peacock hair. I always liked Gabriel, but his promo skills never developed.
Aiden English vs. Bray Wyatt
Wyatt comes out cutting a promo saying that in time we will understand exactly who he is. Well, it's 2019 and we still don't know what his character is other than a disappointment. Wyatt comes out aggressively attacking English. I'd like to see more of this side of Bray when he finally returns. Saxton refers to him as a third generation superstar, which I don't think they really have made reference to on the main roster. Sister Abigail and that's all. I truly miss this version of Wyatt's character.
Match Rating: 1/2*
Briley Pierce is backstage with Richie Steamboat. Leo Kruger interrupts. I am sensing a pattern here. They get into a shoving match and need to be broken up.
We get a Raquel Diaz promo about her Exfoliating Ugliness Tour.
The Usos vs. Primetime Players
For some reason JR is back at the announcers table. The Usos are dominating both Primetime Players early on and are now mocking Darren Young with his hair pick. Usos do a back body drop over the ropes and on to both O'Neil and Young. Primetime Players finally have control after getting outsmarted for most of the match. The Primetime Players are working on the leg of Jimmy. Jey gets a hot tag and takes out both Young and O'Neil. The ref gets distracted by Jimmy Uso's leg injury and they are able to double team to get a pinfall victory. That was a pretty blah match.
Match Rating: *1/2
I liked that this show was a lot more focused with two feature matches and one squash match. However, none of the matches were anything memorable and it feels like they are falling into a few traps creatively. Hopefully things will start to pick up in the near future.
Overall Rating: 44%
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
Tyson Kidd vs. Camacho
We get started right away with what has potential to be a good match. No JR this week, so we are stuck with Byron Saxton calling play-by-play. If I have taken anything away from watching these early NXT episodes, it's that I really miss seeing Kidd in the ring. His tag team with Cesaro was a definite bright spot that didn't get the run it deserved. Hunico really didn't do anything, but gets ejected by the referee. Kidd goes for a kick from the apron, but Camacho grabs his leg and he falls face first into the edge of the ring. Camacho seems a little lazy here today. None of his moves look very crisp. Camacho misses a leg drop from the second rope and Kidd fights back with some big kicks. Kidd with a nice slingshot leg drop before getting crotched on the top rope. Camacho hits a double arm superplex. Kidd fights back again and hits a blockbuster off the top rope, but Camacho gets his foot on the bottom rope. Kidd tries to put him in the Sharpshooter, but McGillicutty comes out and distracts Kidd, allowing Camacho to hit a DDT for the victory.
Match Rating: ** (out of 5)
Bray Wyatt vignette time again.
Justin Gabriel is back with Matt Striker in the back. Gabriel says he wants to be a champion again and next week he is taking on Heath Slater. Slater interrupts and makes fun of his peacock hair. I always liked Gabriel, but his promo skills never developed.
Aiden English vs. Bray Wyatt
Wyatt comes out cutting a promo saying that in time we will understand exactly who he is. Well, it's 2019 and we still don't know what his character is other than a disappointment. Wyatt comes out aggressively attacking English. I'd like to see more of this side of Bray when he finally returns. Saxton refers to him as a third generation superstar, which I don't think they really have made reference to on the main roster. Sister Abigail and that's all. I truly miss this version of Wyatt's character.
Match Rating: 1/2*
Briley Pierce is backstage with Richie Steamboat. Leo Kruger interrupts. I am sensing a pattern here. They get into a shoving match and need to be broken up.
We get a Raquel Diaz promo about her Exfoliating Ugliness Tour.
The Usos vs. Primetime Players
For some reason JR is back at the announcers table. The Usos are dominating both Primetime Players early on and are now mocking Darren Young with his hair pick. Usos do a back body drop over the ropes and on to both O'Neil and Young. Primetime Players finally have control after getting outsmarted for most of the match. The Primetime Players are working on the leg of Jimmy. Jey gets a hot tag and takes out both Young and O'Neil. The ref gets distracted by Jimmy Uso's leg injury and they are able to double team to get a pinfall victory. That was a pretty blah match.
Match Rating: *1/2
I liked that this show was a lot more focused with two feature matches and one squash match. However, none of the matches were anything memorable and it feels like they are falling into a few traps creatively. Hopefully things will start to pick up in the near future.
Overall Rating: 44%
Monday, February 11, 2019
Cruiserweight Classic Episode 4
Original Airdate: Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
We are at the final episode of the first round. Which four competitors will join the sweet 16?
Rich Swann vs. Jason Lee
Swann is currently in Impact Wrestling and Lee is in Dragongate. Lee comes to the ring wielding nunchucks. Swann was one of the favorites coming out of this tournament, but was released due to his arrest in 2017. The crowd continues singing his entrance music as the match gets going. Lee hits a flurry of fast moving chops to Swann before hitting an enzaguri. Swann hits a hurricanrana off the top rope followed by a frog splash. Big roundhouse kick by Swann and he hits him with a standing 450 splash in a somewhat abrupt ending. Lee looked good there and probably deserved a few more minutes to show it off.
Match Rating: **1/2 (out of 5)
Noam Dar vs. Gurv Sihra
Dar is on 205 Live and Sihra accompanies Jinder Mahal over on Raw. Dar is the youngest competitor in the tournament. A little bit of a miscommunication between the two on a backbreaker spot. Dar is winning over some of the crowd here. Dar has been impressive but the stalling between moves is kind of killing the flow of the match. Sihra misses a second rope elbow drop and Dar hits an enzaguri and into a knee bar for the submission victory.
Match Rating: *3/4
Jack Gallagher vs. Fabian Aichner
Gallagher is on 205 Live and Aichner is with NXT UK. Gallagher was definitely one of the standouts my first time watching the show. Aichner shows off his athletic ability early on by getting out of Gallagher's wrist lock. Bryan is in love with Gallagher. Gallagher's style is very similar to Zack Sabre Jr. and the crowd is digging it. Aichner hits an interesting springboard kick to the mid-section of Gallagher. They go for the back and forth pinfall spot, who then Aichner goes for a backbreaker and a nearfall. Aichner then hits a double springboard moonsault, but it's not enough. Gallagher is back on offense and has Aichner in a guillotine. Aichner uses his strength to hit a sit down powerbomb in a nice spot. Aichner misses a frog splash and Gallagher hits a headbutt and a phenomenal dropkick for the pinfall victory.
Match Rating: **3/4
Johnny Gargano vs. Tommaso Ciampa
They do a face to face interview before the match as they hint at tension. These two are the current faces of NXT and tearing it up every time they step in the ring. Gargano is my favorite current wrestler on the WWE roster. Ciampa drills Gargano with a big elbow and then a knee to get him out of the ring. Ciampa is already playing heel. Big knee to the head and he throws him back in the ring for a 2 count. Gargano finally gets a kick in to slow down Ciampa, which he follows up with a slingshot DDT. Ciampa climbs the ropes with Gargano on his back, Gargano goes for a sunset flip powerbomb, Ciampa blocks and then Gargano destroys him with a kick to the face. Gargano then hits a suicide dive. These guys are just in a league of their own. Slingshot into the ring and Ciampa nails him in the head and we get the famous Gargano selling. It's fun to see this match now after their epic trilogy of Takeover matches last year. Both guys are fighting on the edge of the ring and Ciampa hits Gargano with the Air Raid Drop THE HARDEST PART OF THE RING. Ciampa only gets a 2 count. Ciampa hesitates after rolling down his knee pad. Ciampa hits a sitdown powerbomb into a lungblower. Awesome stuff. We then get a phenomenal ending sequence and Gargano gets the victory after a crucifix. Easily the best match of the first round right here. They finally embrace after the match.
Match Rating: ****
This episode featured the best match of the tournament so far along with some nice moments from Jack Gallagher and Rich Swann. As good as the first round was, the rest of the tournament only gets better from here. Really looking forward to the next episodes.
Overall Rating: 76%
Full Sail University
Winter Garden, Florida
We are at the final episode of the first round. Which four competitors will join the sweet 16?
Rich Swann vs. Jason Lee
Swann is currently in Impact Wrestling and Lee is in Dragongate. Lee comes to the ring wielding nunchucks. Swann was one of the favorites coming out of this tournament, but was released due to his arrest in 2017. The crowd continues singing his entrance music as the match gets going. Lee hits a flurry of fast moving chops to Swann before hitting an enzaguri. Swann hits a hurricanrana off the top rope followed by a frog splash. Big roundhouse kick by Swann and he hits him with a standing 450 splash in a somewhat abrupt ending. Lee looked good there and probably deserved a few more minutes to show it off.
Match Rating: **1/2 (out of 5)
Noam Dar vs. Gurv Sihra
Dar is on 205 Live and Sihra accompanies Jinder Mahal over on Raw. Dar is the youngest competitor in the tournament. A little bit of a miscommunication between the two on a backbreaker spot. Dar is winning over some of the crowd here. Dar has been impressive but the stalling between moves is kind of killing the flow of the match. Sihra misses a second rope elbow drop and Dar hits an enzaguri and into a knee bar for the submission victory.
Match Rating: *3/4
Jack Gallagher vs. Fabian Aichner
Gallagher is on 205 Live and Aichner is with NXT UK. Gallagher was definitely one of the standouts my first time watching the show. Aichner shows off his athletic ability early on by getting out of Gallagher's wrist lock. Bryan is in love with Gallagher. Gallagher's style is very similar to Zack Sabre Jr. and the crowd is digging it. Aichner hits an interesting springboard kick to the mid-section of Gallagher. They go for the back and forth pinfall spot, who then Aichner goes for a backbreaker and a nearfall. Aichner then hits a double springboard moonsault, but it's not enough. Gallagher is back on offense and has Aichner in a guillotine. Aichner uses his strength to hit a sit down powerbomb in a nice spot. Aichner misses a frog splash and Gallagher hits a headbutt and a phenomenal dropkick for the pinfall victory.
Match Rating: **3/4
Johnny Gargano vs. Tommaso Ciampa
They do a face to face interview before the match as they hint at tension. These two are the current faces of NXT and tearing it up every time they step in the ring. Gargano is my favorite current wrestler on the WWE roster. Ciampa drills Gargano with a big elbow and then a knee to get him out of the ring. Ciampa is already playing heel. Big knee to the head and he throws him back in the ring for a 2 count. Gargano finally gets a kick in to slow down Ciampa, which he follows up with a slingshot DDT. Ciampa climbs the ropes with Gargano on his back, Gargano goes for a sunset flip powerbomb, Ciampa blocks and then Gargano destroys him with a kick to the face. Gargano then hits a suicide dive. These guys are just in a league of their own. Slingshot into the ring and Ciampa nails him in the head and we get the famous Gargano selling. It's fun to see this match now after their epic trilogy of Takeover matches last year. Both guys are fighting on the edge of the ring and Ciampa hits Gargano with the Air Raid Drop THE HARDEST PART OF THE RING. Ciampa only gets a 2 count. Ciampa hesitates after rolling down his knee pad. Ciampa hits a sitdown powerbomb into a lungblower. Awesome stuff. We then get a phenomenal ending sequence and Gargano gets the victory after a crucifix. Easily the best match of the first round right here. They finally embrace after the match.
Match Rating: ****
This episode featured the best match of the tournament so far along with some nice moments from Jack Gallagher and Rich Swann. As good as the first round was, the rest of the tournament only gets better from here. Really looking forward to the next episodes.
Overall Rating: 76%
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Superstars 5-16-92 Review
Original Airdate: Saturday, May 16th, 1992
Onondaga War Memorial
Syracuse, New York
Make sure to follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2.
Vince McMahon reminds us that it is National Hamburger Week. Mr. Perfect reminds us that Papa Shango put a curse on the Ultimate Warrior.
Shawn Michaels vs. Sonny Blaze
We get an ultimate dad joke from Vince. Perfect tells him that we are looking at the wrestler of the 90s, to which McMahon replies with "Who, Sonny Blaze?". Blaze puts him into a headlock, but Michaels puts him in the corner and hits him with some closed fists. Swinging neckbreaker by Michaels followed by a dropkick. Michaels then plays with his glorious mullet. Double axe handle from the apron and poor Sonny Blaze is not looking good. HBK hits the Superkick and then his suplex that he was trying to get over as his finisher. After the match, Sherri and Michaels pose.
Match Rating: 1/4*
We then go back to last week to see the closing moments of the battle between Sgt. Slaughter and Ric Flair. You can catch my recap over on the main page (workingthenetwork.blogspot.com). The Mountie's sunglasses are so, so good. Mean Gene is now in the studio to talk about it. The Mountie is here to tell Sgt. Slaughter that he will surrender to him. Everyone remembers that main event quality Mountie/Slaughter program, right?
Barry Hardy vs. Tatanka
As they scan the crowd we get a guy wearing a Virgil t-shirt and then we get this glorious hairdo:
Tatanka hits Hardy with a dropkick. We get an promo from Tatanka saying he will get revenge on Martel. For some reason Tatanka has essentially a thong painted on his tights. Tomahawk chop from the second rope and then a Samoan Slam for the pinfall victory.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Oh boy, guys. It's almost time for the WBF Championship. Featuring 100% Grade A Tested Prime Beef. I did not make that last part up.
The Berzerker vs. Scott Taylor
It's Scotty 2 Hotty ladies and gentleman. Berzerker is just throwing him around the ring. He sucks, but for some reason I can't help but love the Berzerker. Berzerker eventually dumps him over the rope and we get a countout. He then does his trademark running the ropes and falls on his back.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Back to Sean Mooney in the Event Center. El Matador cuts a promo about working and that he needs the fans more than ever. The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart cut a promo on High Energy saying high flying doesn't cut it on the streets.
We get another vignette for Crush, this time at a junkyard. He pulls the lever to a machine that crushes a car as he watches and smiles. I can't imagine why that gimmick never got over.
Jay Sledge vs. Repo Man
Sledge is on the thin side for a jobber. Repo Man attacks him before the match starts. We are reminded of how sneaky the Repo Man is. British Bulldog tells Repo Man that he's coming after him. Tree of Woe for Sledge and Repo goes to work. Repo Man looks like he can't decide what move to do next in a 30 second squash. Decides on a half crab, but then can't decide which leg. Ends up on the right leg and he gets the submission win. After the match, he chokes Sledge with his rope.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Back to the Event Center again. Skinner is here to ask if we have been keeping track of all of the victories he has been racking up. Yep, zero. Bret Hart says "excellence of execution" 3 times in about 8 seconds.
Big Boss Man vs. Glen Ruth
Boss Man with a big boot and uppercut. Glen Ruth is Thrasher from the Headbangers, although you would never be able to tell. Boss Man gets the victory with the Boss Man Slam. We now get the mysterious voice on the PA system. Boss Man looks concerned.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Ultimate Warrior vs. Brian Knobbs
The suspense was killing me. They finally announce that it will be Brian Knobbs. Warrior comes running in and clotheslines both Nasty Boys three times. The crowd actually seems to be cheering, as everyone is on their feet. The Nasty Boys double team Warrior to slow him down. For some reason Earl Hebner is allowing this to happen. Knobbs stomps on one of Warrior's wristbands. Wow, that will show him. We are less than a minute into the match and Papa Shango is already out and grabs the wristband and heads to the back. Warrior then puts Knobbs head into Sags' armpit. He's so silly. While Warrior was running the ropes, Sags hit Warrior in the back with a chair thanks to a Jimmy Hart distraction. Naturally, Warrior kicks out. Warrior gets to the ropes and starts running and hits more clotheslines. He then hits him with a shoulder tackle and the big splash and the pin. Warrior then does a double noggin knocker to Sags and Hart for good measure. Vince is selling that Papa Shango's curse has had no effect. Shango is back out in a trance. Warrior starts grabbing his stomach and falls off the apron.
Match Rating: 3/4*
Warrior is in the back and he throws up green vomit all over the doctor in one of the more iconic 1992 Superstars moments. This would all lead to a bunch of complaints from angry parents and would be the beginning of the end for Papa Shango.
Jim Brunzell & Bobby Knight vs. Beverly Brothers
The Genius is still trying to get the Legion of Sissies over. It's not working. Good to see Brunzell still working here. He even gets a nearfall on Blake. Brunzell tags in Bobby Knight and that pretty much signals the end. The Beverly Brothers finisher looks more dangerous than it does impressive. Genius now gets out the paint as they once again are painting a poor jobber's face and chest. The Beverlys were actually a pretty solid tag team, but the gimmick gets lamer by the day.
Match Rating: 1/2*
Back in the Event Center, Virgil says the competition is as tough as ever. Repo Man tells us that he's going to put the leash on British Bulldog and choke him. I smell $$$.
The Ultimate Warrior has stopped puking. Next week we get the Bushwhackers, Kamala, Undertaker and Money Inc.
The last 20 minutes or so of the show were at least entertaining, but again this is mostly quick squash matches and recycled promos.
Overall Rating: 32%
Onondaga War Memorial
Syracuse, New York
Make sure to follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2.
Vince McMahon reminds us that it is National Hamburger Week. Mr. Perfect reminds us that Papa Shango put a curse on the Ultimate Warrior.
Shawn Michaels vs. Sonny Blaze
We get an ultimate dad joke from Vince. Perfect tells him that we are looking at the wrestler of the 90s, to which McMahon replies with "Who, Sonny Blaze?". Blaze puts him into a headlock, but Michaels puts him in the corner and hits him with some closed fists. Swinging neckbreaker by Michaels followed by a dropkick. Michaels then plays with his glorious mullet. Double axe handle from the apron and poor Sonny Blaze is not looking good. HBK hits the Superkick and then his suplex that he was trying to get over as his finisher. After the match, Sherri and Michaels pose.
Match Rating: 1/4*
We then go back to last week to see the closing moments of the battle between Sgt. Slaughter and Ric Flair. You can catch my recap over on the main page (workingthenetwork.blogspot.com). The Mountie's sunglasses are so, so good. Mean Gene is now in the studio to talk about it. The Mountie is here to tell Sgt. Slaughter that he will surrender to him. Everyone remembers that main event quality Mountie/Slaughter program, right?
Barry Hardy vs. Tatanka
As they scan the crowd we get a guy wearing a Virgil t-shirt and then we get this glorious hairdo:
Tatanka hits Hardy with a dropkick. We get an promo from Tatanka saying he will get revenge on Martel. For some reason Tatanka has essentially a thong painted on his tights. Tomahawk chop from the second rope and then a Samoan Slam for the pinfall victory.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Oh boy, guys. It's almost time for the WBF Championship. Featuring 100% Grade A Tested Prime Beef. I did not make that last part up.
The Berzerker vs. Scott Taylor
It's Scotty 2 Hotty ladies and gentleman. Berzerker is just throwing him around the ring. He sucks, but for some reason I can't help but love the Berzerker. Berzerker eventually dumps him over the rope and we get a countout. He then does his trademark running the ropes and falls on his back.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Back to Sean Mooney in the Event Center. El Matador cuts a promo about working and that he needs the fans more than ever. The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart cut a promo on High Energy saying high flying doesn't cut it on the streets.
We get another vignette for Crush, this time at a junkyard. He pulls the lever to a machine that crushes a car as he watches and smiles. I can't imagine why that gimmick never got over.
Jay Sledge vs. Repo Man
Sledge is on the thin side for a jobber. Repo Man attacks him before the match starts. We are reminded of how sneaky the Repo Man is. British Bulldog tells Repo Man that he's coming after him. Tree of Woe for Sledge and Repo goes to work. Repo Man looks like he can't decide what move to do next in a 30 second squash. Decides on a half crab, but then can't decide which leg. Ends up on the right leg and he gets the submission win. After the match, he chokes Sledge with his rope.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Back to the Event Center again. Skinner is here to ask if we have been keeping track of all of the victories he has been racking up. Yep, zero. Bret Hart says "excellence of execution" 3 times in about 8 seconds.
Big Boss Man vs. Glen Ruth
Boss Man with a big boot and uppercut. Glen Ruth is Thrasher from the Headbangers, although you would never be able to tell. Boss Man gets the victory with the Boss Man Slam. We now get the mysterious voice on the PA system. Boss Man looks concerned.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Ultimate Warrior vs. Brian Knobbs
The suspense was killing me. They finally announce that it will be Brian Knobbs. Warrior comes running in and clotheslines both Nasty Boys three times. The crowd actually seems to be cheering, as everyone is on their feet. The Nasty Boys double team Warrior to slow him down. For some reason Earl Hebner is allowing this to happen. Knobbs stomps on one of Warrior's wristbands. Wow, that will show him. We are less than a minute into the match and Papa Shango is already out and grabs the wristband and heads to the back. Warrior then puts Knobbs head into Sags' armpit. He's so silly. While Warrior was running the ropes, Sags hit Warrior in the back with a chair thanks to a Jimmy Hart distraction. Naturally, Warrior kicks out. Warrior gets to the ropes and starts running and hits more clotheslines. He then hits him with a shoulder tackle and the big splash and the pin. Warrior then does a double noggin knocker to Sags and Hart for good measure. Vince is selling that Papa Shango's curse has had no effect. Shango is back out in a trance. Warrior starts grabbing his stomach and falls off the apron.
Match Rating: 3/4*
Warrior is in the back and he throws up green vomit all over the doctor in one of the more iconic 1992 Superstars moments. This would all lead to a bunch of complaints from angry parents and would be the beginning of the end for Papa Shango.
Jim Brunzell & Bobby Knight vs. Beverly Brothers
The Genius is still trying to get the Legion of Sissies over. It's not working. Good to see Brunzell still working here. He even gets a nearfall on Blake. Brunzell tags in Bobby Knight and that pretty much signals the end. The Beverly Brothers finisher looks more dangerous than it does impressive. Genius now gets out the paint as they once again are painting a poor jobber's face and chest. The Beverlys were actually a pretty solid tag team, but the gimmick gets lamer by the day.
Match Rating: 1/2*
Back in the Event Center, Virgil says the competition is as tough as ever. Repo Man tells us that he's going to put the leash on British Bulldog and choke him. I smell $$$.
The Ultimate Warrior has stopped puking. Next week we get the Bushwhackers, Kamala, Undertaker and Money Inc.
The last 20 minutes or so of the show were at least entertaining, but again this is mostly quick squash matches and recycled promos.
Overall Rating: 32%
Saturday, February 9, 2019
New Year's Revolution 2005 Review
Sunday, January 9th, 2005
Coliseo de Puerto Rico
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
We get an Elimination Chamber hype video to open the show. The crowd here is absolutely incredible. Honestly, this is one of the best crowds post-Attitude Era that I can remember. JR and Lawler have plants behind them.
World Tag Team Championship Match
Christian & Tyson Tomko vs. William Regal & Eugene
William Regal was so good at making even the worst situations work, that they continually put him in terrible spots such as being Eugene's partner. Regal and Christian start off. These two have really good chemistry. Eugene catches Christian and then poses like Hulk Hogan. Eugene then also does the JYD headbutts from the mat. Eugene crawls under the ring and then surprises them and gets a nearfall. Big powerslam by Tomko on Eugene. Christian is working on Eugene, but then Eugene hulks up. Tomko destroys Regal and they are back in control. Regal is now bleeding from the nose. Hot tag to Eugene and the crowd is eating all of it up. He appears to have hurt his knee on his dropkick, which causes them to call an audible and have Eugene win by a roll up. After the match, they come in to check in on Eugene. Not sure how much was left, but this was basically a TV quality match until the finish.
Match Rating: **1/4 (out of 5)
We get a clip of Christy Hemme in a bikini at the pool. We then cut to Christian and Tomko showing their displeasure at losing their match and they run into Edge. Edge tells Christian that he has an idea that involves Christian. Christian doesn't trust him, but Edge talks him into walking with him.
We get a hype video for Trish and Lita. This era of videos were really top notch and did such a good job of making matches seem even more important. This one was no different.
Womens Championship Match
Trish Stratus vs. Lita
Trish had really come into her own around this time as a heel. Even though for most of her career she was a face, I still always think of Lita as a heel. She was crazy over in Puerto Rico. Lita takes Trish down first, as Trish grabs the ropes and then goes after her. Lita dumps Trish out of the ring and hits her for a Lou Thesz press from the apron and she is clearly hurt. What a start to the show, huh? Trish rolls her in and tries to pin her, but Lita kicks out at 2. Trish hits her with a flurry of fists. Trish puts Lita in the corner and works on her knees to some boos. Trish tries another pin, but Lita kicks out again. The crowd is chanting for Lita. The crowd continues to boo. Lita tries a DDT, but Trish counters and hits the Chick Kick for the win. Give Lita credit there, that couldn't have been easy. It's hard to rate a match like this, as this was completely out of their control. You could have made an argument that this was the #2 match on what was an extremely weak card. Lita is helped to the back as Lawler says this is what happens when you take big risks.
Match Rating: 1/2*
Jericho is in the back mentally preparing himself for the Elimination Chamber. Cut to Maria getting into her bikini at the pool.
Eric Bischoff is talking to Edge. Edge wants out of the Elimination Chamber match because Shawn Michaels is the referee and he knows that gives him no chance. Edge wants Christian to take his spot and that the winner takes on Edge tomorrow night on Raw. Bischoff says that it's too late due to advertising and the crowd, lol. Edge says he doesn't care about the people. Edge is not happy and leaves. On his way out he runs into HBK. Shawn explains that all he has to do is count for pinfalls and signal for submissions. He then says he would have to retaliate if he was provoked.
Intercontinental Championship Match
Shelton Benjamin vs. Maven
Benjamin looks fired up. I have always been a fan of Shelton. Maven's character work was starting to develop around this time, but this was pretty much it for him if memory serves me correctly. They announce Eugene dislocated his kneecap. The crowd is all over Maven. Imagine if they actually gave them a good show. After a bunch of stalling, he grabs a mic and stands on a chair and starts cutting a promo on the crowd. This isn't pay per view stuff, but it's a classic heel move. I would have to think that this may have been added to fill time from the previous two matches. I can't believe how much the crowd is booing Maven. He tells them that in order to become the IC champ he needs to concentrate and he isn't able to do that while the crowd is talking gibberish and tells them to shut their mouths in Spanish. Benjamin finally goes after him and Maven says he's out of here and will wrestle him in the USA. Have I really written this much about this match? My apologies. Maven comes in and Benjamin rolls him up for a quick 3 count. After complaining and the crowd chanting Vince's favorite "Na na na na na", Maven comes back in and is T-Bone Suplexed and pinned again. Another hard match to rate.
Match Rating: 1/4*
They show Candice Michelle putting oil on Christy's back. Cut to Chris Benoit getting ready for the Elimination Chamber.
JR says that he will be in Lawler's corner for his match against Muhammad Hassan. We then get a clip from the Raw I just recently covered.
Todd Grisham is with Hassan and Daivari. Hassan said the clip shows only one side of the story, just like the news. Hassan thinks that if anyone would be able to understand, it would be Puerto Rico. However, they were just as bad as Americans.
Muhammad Daivari vs. Jerry Lawler
Hassan stares down JR as he walks down the ramp. It was an interesting choice to have this match with no announcer at all. Lawler has a cut on his eye from Raw. They lock up and Hassan gets a body slam and poses. His offense was pretty generic, but that style can work when you have the amount of heat he was getting. Lawler gets a back body drop. If anyone could stall to add more time to make up for the early matches, it's 2005 Jerry Lawler. This would be the definition of a house show match. Lots of playing to the crowd and action only when they need to. Lawler has Hassan in a small package, but the ref didn't see right away and Hassan kicks out. Lawler is thrown into the exposed turnbuckle and Hassan goes to work setting up the Camel Clutch. Lawler is fighting it and Hassan goes into a reverse headlock. Hassan goes back into the Camel Clutch. Trust me, this isn't any more interesting for you than it is for me. Take back what I said about his offense working because now the crowd is starting to chant "Boring". Lawler, by the way, is 55 years old here. For reference, Undertaker is currently 53 years old. Crowd is really hating this, as would any sane person. Don't worry guys, Kane vs. Snitsky will save the show. After a terrible heel segment from Hassan, Lawler is making his comeback. He even hits a dropkick. Lawler on the second rope and nails him with the fist. 2 count only there. Lawler plants him with a nice DDT, but Daivari gets Hassan's leg on the rope. Lawler is now after Daivari, who then runs into JR and he tosses his cowboy hat to the floor. Daivari is in the ring but escapes. That distracts Lawler and Hassan hits his finisher for the pinfall.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Batista is with Grisham, but is interrupted by Randy Orton. Orton wants to know if he's going to try to win the title or if he is going to be Triple H's stooge. I like this Randy Orton much better than what we've had for the last 10 years or so. Batista says he will take the title.
JR apologizes for not getting the job done and out comes Jonathan Coachman to step in for Lawler. Coach goes all heel on JR, looking like a poor man's version of the Rock. JR then says this next one is going to be ugly and we get a hype video for Snitsky and Kane.
Gene Snitsky vs. Kane
It still boggles my mind that his gimmick was "It wasn't my fault". Then came bald Snitsky and all of the IWC rumors that he was going to get a main event run with Cena. Man, I can't wait to cover that era. Words can't express how much I hate the version of Kane's song with lyrics. Talk about taking a good entrance song and making it unbearable. Snitsky starts punching away on Kane. Kane comes back with a clothesline and some fists of his own. Kane hits Snitsky with a big powerslam. Not sure how long they will be able to keep up this pace, but they are giving a good effort here. Sidewalk Slam by Snitsky. Snitsky lifts up the mats on the outside. Kane back drops Snitsky on the concrete. Snitsky gets control back and is slowing things down here. Snitsky stretches Kane against the ring post. I'll take that over a chinlock any day. I did not realize that Snitsky had a stint, albeit a short one, in TNA. However I am not surprised. Snitsky pulls out the chinlock for big men, our old friend the bear hug. Kane battles out of it with some big right hands. Kane signals for the chokeslam, but Snitsky pushes him away and body slams him. Kane sits up and gets a boot to the face. Kane sits up again and another boot. Why not a third time? Snitsky throws Kane into the steps outside the ring. Snitsky has the chair, but Kane gets his boot up. Back in the ring, Kane throws Snitsky in the corner and hits him with fists and elbows. Sidewalk Slam this time by Kane. Big boot by Kane and he goes up top and hits him with a clothesline off the top. Snitsky does a poor looking hotshot to Kane. Snitsky is now biting Kane. Kane fights back and hits the tombstone and that is all. This was too long for what they were trying to achieve, but both guys gave it a good effort. Kane was never that great, but it rarely ever felt like he was mailing it in.
Match Rating: *1/2
Stacy and Val Venis are fighting with noodles in the pool.
Time for some more poolside clips. Stacy Kiebler Maria, Candice Michelle, Christy Hemme and now Simon Dean are being show poolside. Dean pushes a guest into the pool. Stacy and Val Venis are fighting with noodles in the pool. Now we have a chicken fight starting. Rob Conway, Hurricane and Rosey are there to join in. Christy unties Marias strap and wins. God, I feel dumber for even typing all of that out.
Hype video time that will help you forget the last few minutes of your life existed. Due to controversy surrounding a recent match, the title is vacated, setting up the Elimination Chamber.
Triple H confronts Batista about stealing the title from him. Batista says he was put on the spot by Orton and didn't want to give away their plan. Batista throws in there that if Triple H is eliminated before he gets in the ring, that nothing will stop him from winning the title.
Eric Bischoff introduces one of his greatest creations, the Elimination Chamber. This was pretty pointless.
World Heavyweight Championship Match
Elimination Chamber
Edge vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Randy Orton vs. Batista
Benoit and Jericho are the fist two to start, which is a natural choice. I have only seen this match once before and has been on my list to revisit it. we get some nice mat wrestling by the two long time performers. The crowd shows their appreciation for their performance. Both guys hit one another with some stiff looking chops. This was a really way to set up the rest of the match. Let the two best workers do their thing, only to set the stage for the more physical spots that are bound to come later. Superplex by Benoit to Jericho, right in front of Triple H's pod, as the 10 count starts. The next competitor is Triple H. He goes right after Benoit in the corner. Then a high knee to Jericho. Jericho is now bringing the chops to Triple H, but he retaliates with a big clothesline. Benoit gets thrown out to the steel and then into the chains. Benoit is busted open as a result. Triple H is going for the Pedigree, but Jericho clotheslines him. Jericho then back body drops Triple H over the ropes and onto the steel. Jericho slams him on the steel again. It's pretty easy to see why modern WWE now puts pads on the steel. The countdown is on an the next man is Edge. He goes right after Jericho and hits a spear in the corner. Then it's Triple H's turn. Edgecution, but Triple H kicks out. Belly to belly overhead suplex to Benoit and Edge has all three opponents down. Jericho then takes him out of nowhere with a dropkick. Another dropkick by Jericho to Edge, who lands on the steel. Edge then pulls off a slingshot to Jericho right into the chains. Edge then hits a slingshot to Triple H into the chains. Edge hits a clothesline off the top rope on Benoit and gets a 2 count. This is one of the few blade jobs I can remember Jericho doing in WWE. Triple H hits a Pedigree on Jericho, but isn't able to get a cover. Randy Orton is the next competitor. Off the top rope and hits Triple H with a cross body. The order selected was the right choice for the story they were trying to tell. Orton is very over here in Puerto Rico. RKO to Jericho. RK-no, Benoit gets him in the Crippler Crossface instead. No submission because he then puts Triple H in a Sharpshooter, but Orton hits Benoit with an RKO. Still no one is eliminated. Edge is in the corner and goes for a spear to Orton, but he moves and Edge accidentally hits HBK. Spear this time to Orton, but HBK is knocked out. Edge picks up Michaels and threatens him, so HBK hits Sweet Chin Music. Lionsault from Jericho and Edge is eliminated. The crowd goes crazy for that. Triple H for a Pedigree, but Benoit gets him from behind and hits him with 3 German Suplexes. Benoit up top, way up top. To the top of the pod and he does a diving headbutt to Triple H. Jericho then puts Triple H in the Walls of Jericho and Benoit joins in with the Crippler Crossface and the clock counts down and in comes Batista. He struggles to get out, but is in time to save Triple H. That was a great moment. Benoit is cleaning house and the crowd is digging Batista. Maybe they should push him. Batista and Triple H are face to face, but Benoit and Jericho come in and attack. Batista throws Jericho into the one cameraman inside the cage. Classic JR: "Look at the carnage". The cage is now open, as the officials check on the cameraman. Jericho with a bulldog onto Triple H on the steel. Batista hits a spinebuster to Benoit and then a spinebuster on Jericho onto Benoit. Batista pins Benoit. Batista Bomb to Jericho. Jericho is eliminated. This is a case of where we all saw where this story was going, but it was where it needed to go. Predictability is not always a bad thing. Batista and Triple H are all over Orton. Orton fights back, hits a low blow and then hits the RKO on Batista for the pinfall. Triple H didn't attempt to save his fellow-Evolution member. This draws a huge pop and then a chorus of boos. Orton is all over Triple H now. RKO to Triple H. Ric Flair gets in the ring and then Batista hits Orton with a clothesline. Triple H sets up the Pedigree and nails it. 1-2-3. Triple H is the new World Heavyweight Champion. Really well constructed match that told multiple stories and also let the workhorses add to the action, rather than just be there to take an instant pin. Batista puts up Triple H on his shoulders in celebration.
Match Rating: ****1/4
Going into this show, it was pretty easy to tell that this was a one match show. It became even more so when bad luck hit in the two opening matches. What was left after was not enough to make up for those losses and instead you have a really good 30+ minute main event and nothing else worth watching. Hard to recommend, but definitely check out the Elimination Chamber.
Overall Rating: 46%
Coliseo de Puerto Rico
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
We get an Elimination Chamber hype video to open the show. The crowd here is absolutely incredible. Honestly, this is one of the best crowds post-Attitude Era that I can remember. JR and Lawler have plants behind them.
World Tag Team Championship Match
Christian & Tyson Tomko vs. William Regal & Eugene
William Regal was so good at making even the worst situations work, that they continually put him in terrible spots such as being Eugene's partner. Regal and Christian start off. These two have really good chemistry. Eugene catches Christian and then poses like Hulk Hogan. Eugene then also does the JYD headbutts from the mat. Eugene crawls under the ring and then surprises them and gets a nearfall. Big powerslam by Tomko on Eugene. Christian is working on Eugene, but then Eugene hulks up. Tomko destroys Regal and they are back in control. Regal is now bleeding from the nose. Hot tag to Eugene and the crowd is eating all of it up. He appears to have hurt his knee on his dropkick, which causes them to call an audible and have Eugene win by a roll up. After the match, they come in to check in on Eugene. Not sure how much was left, but this was basically a TV quality match until the finish.
Match Rating: **1/4 (out of 5)
We get a clip of Christy Hemme in a bikini at the pool. We then cut to Christian and Tomko showing their displeasure at losing their match and they run into Edge. Edge tells Christian that he has an idea that involves Christian. Christian doesn't trust him, but Edge talks him into walking with him.
We get a hype video for Trish and Lita. This era of videos were really top notch and did such a good job of making matches seem even more important. This one was no different.
Womens Championship Match
Trish Stratus vs. Lita
Trish had really come into her own around this time as a heel. Even though for most of her career she was a face, I still always think of Lita as a heel. She was crazy over in Puerto Rico. Lita takes Trish down first, as Trish grabs the ropes and then goes after her. Lita dumps Trish out of the ring and hits her for a Lou Thesz press from the apron and she is clearly hurt. What a start to the show, huh? Trish rolls her in and tries to pin her, but Lita kicks out at 2. Trish hits her with a flurry of fists. Trish puts Lita in the corner and works on her knees to some boos. Trish tries another pin, but Lita kicks out again. The crowd is chanting for Lita. The crowd continues to boo. Lita tries a DDT, but Trish counters and hits the Chick Kick for the win. Give Lita credit there, that couldn't have been easy. It's hard to rate a match like this, as this was completely out of their control. You could have made an argument that this was the #2 match on what was an extremely weak card. Lita is helped to the back as Lawler says this is what happens when you take big risks.
Match Rating: 1/2*
Jericho is in the back mentally preparing himself for the Elimination Chamber. Cut to Maria getting into her bikini at the pool.
Eric Bischoff is talking to Edge. Edge wants out of the Elimination Chamber match because Shawn Michaels is the referee and he knows that gives him no chance. Edge wants Christian to take his spot and that the winner takes on Edge tomorrow night on Raw. Bischoff says that it's too late due to advertising and the crowd, lol. Edge says he doesn't care about the people. Edge is not happy and leaves. On his way out he runs into HBK. Shawn explains that all he has to do is count for pinfalls and signal for submissions. He then says he would have to retaliate if he was provoked.
Intercontinental Championship Match
Shelton Benjamin vs. Maven
Benjamin looks fired up. I have always been a fan of Shelton. Maven's character work was starting to develop around this time, but this was pretty much it for him if memory serves me correctly. They announce Eugene dislocated his kneecap. The crowd is all over Maven. Imagine if they actually gave them a good show. After a bunch of stalling, he grabs a mic and stands on a chair and starts cutting a promo on the crowd. This isn't pay per view stuff, but it's a classic heel move. I would have to think that this may have been added to fill time from the previous two matches. I can't believe how much the crowd is booing Maven. He tells them that in order to become the IC champ he needs to concentrate and he isn't able to do that while the crowd is talking gibberish and tells them to shut their mouths in Spanish. Benjamin finally goes after him and Maven says he's out of here and will wrestle him in the USA. Have I really written this much about this match? My apologies. Maven comes in and Benjamin rolls him up for a quick 3 count. After complaining and the crowd chanting Vince's favorite "Na na na na na", Maven comes back in and is T-Bone Suplexed and pinned again. Another hard match to rate.
Match Rating: 1/4*
They show Candice Michelle putting oil on Christy's back. Cut to Chris Benoit getting ready for the Elimination Chamber.
JR says that he will be in Lawler's corner for his match against Muhammad Hassan. We then get a clip from the Raw I just recently covered.
Todd Grisham is with Hassan and Daivari. Hassan said the clip shows only one side of the story, just like the news. Hassan thinks that if anyone would be able to understand, it would be Puerto Rico. However, they were just as bad as Americans.
Muhammad Daivari vs. Jerry Lawler
Hassan stares down JR as he walks down the ramp. It was an interesting choice to have this match with no announcer at all. Lawler has a cut on his eye from Raw. They lock up and Hassan gets a body slam and poses. His offense was pretty generic, but that style can work when you have the amount of heat he was getting. Lawler gets a back body drop. If anyone could stall to add more time to make up for the early matches, it's 2005 Jerry Lawler. This would be the definition of a house show match. Lots of playing to the crowd and action only when they need to. Lawler has Hassan in a small package, but the ref didn't see right away and Hassan kicks out. Lawler is thrown into the exposed turnbuckle and Hassan goes to work setting up the Camel Clutch. Lawler is fighting it and Hassan goes into a reverse headlock. Hassan goes back into the Camel Clutch. Trust me, this isn't any more interesting for you than it is for me. Take back what I said about his offense working because now the crowd is starting to chant "Boring". Lawler, by the way, is 55 years old here. For reference, Undertaker is currently 53 years old. Crowd is really hating this, as would any sane person. Don't worry guys, Kane vs. Snitsky will save the show. After a terrible heel segment from Hassan, Lawler is making his comeback. He even hits a dropkick. Lawler on the second rope and nails him with the fist. 2 count only there. Lawler plants him with a nice DDT, but Daivari gets Hassan's leg on the rope. Lawler is now after Daivari, who then runs into JR and he tosses his cowboy hat to the floor. Daivari is in the ring but escapes. That distracts Lawler and Hassan hits his finisher for the pinfall.
Match Rating: 1/4*
Batista is with Grisham, but is interrupted by Randy Orton. Orton wants to know if he's going to try to win the title or if he is going to be Triple H's stooge. I like this Randy Orton much better than what we've had for the last 10 years or so. Batista says he will take the title.
JR apologizes for not getting the job done and out comes Jonathan Coachman to step in for Lawler. Coach goes all heel on JR, looking like a poor man's version of the Rock. JR then says this next one is going to be ugly and we get a hype video for Snitsky and Kane.
Gene Snitsky vs. Kane
It still boggles my mind that his gimmick was "It wasn't my fault". Then came bald Snitsky and all of the IWC rumors that he was going to get a main event run with Cena. Man, I can't wait to cover that era. Words can't express how much I hate the version of Kane's song with lyrics. Talk about taking a good entrance song and making it unbearable. Snitsky starts punching away on Kane. Kane comes back with a clothesline and some fists of his own. Kane hits Snitsky with a big powerslam. Not sure how long they will be able to keep up this pace, but they are giving a good effort here. Sidewalk Slam by Snitsky. Snitsky lifts up the mats on the outside. Kane back drops Snitsky on the concrete. Snitsky gets control back and is slowing things down here. Snitsky stretches Kane against the ring post. I'll take that over a chinlock any day. I did not realize that Snitsky had a stint, albeit a short one, in TNA. However I am not surprised. Snitsky pulls out the chinlock for big men, our old friend the bear hug. Kane battles out of it with some big right hands. Kane signals for the chokeslam, but Snitsky pushes him away and body slams him. Kane sits up and gets a boot to the face. Kane sits up again and another boot. Why not a third time? Snitsky throws Kane into the steps outside the ring. Snitsky has the chair, but Kane gets his boot up. Back in the ring, Kane throws Snitsky in the corner and hits him with fists and elbows. Sidewalk Slam this time by Kane. Big boot by Kane and he goes up top and hits him with a clothesline off the top. Snitsky does a poor looking hotshot to Kane. Snitsky is now biting Kane. Kane fights back and hits the tombstone and that is all. This was too long for what they were trying to achieve, but both guys gave it a good effort. Kane was never that great, but it rarely ever felt like he was mailing it in.
Match Rating: *1/2
Stacy and Val Venis are fighting with noodles in the pool.
Time for some more poolside clips. Stacy Kiebler Maria, Candice Michelle, Christy Hemme and now Simon Dean are being show poolside. Dean pushes a guest into the pool. Stacy and Val Venis are fighting with noodles in the pool. Now we have a chicken fight starting. Rob Conway, Hurricane and Rosey are there to join in. Christy unties Marias strap and wins. God, I feel dumber for even typing all of that out.
Hype video time that will help you forget the last few minutes of your life existed. Due to controversy surrounding a recent match, the title is vacated, setting up the Elimination Chamber.
Triple H confronts Batista about stealing the title from him. Batista says he was put on the spot by Orton and didn't want to give away their plan. Batista throws in there that if Triple H is eliminated before he gets in the ring, that nothing will stop him from winning the title.
Eric Bischoff introduces one of his greatest creations, the Elimination Chamber. This was pretty pointless.
World Heavyweight Championship Match
Elimination Chamber
Edge vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Randy Orton vs. Batista
Benoit and Jericho are the fist two to start, which is a natural choice. I have only seen this match once before and has been on my list to revisit it. we get some nice mat wrestling by the two long time performers. The crowd shows their appreciation for their performance. Both guys hit one another with some stiff looking chops. This was a really way to set up the rest of the match. Let the two best workers do their thing, only to set the stage for the more physical spots that are bound to come later. Superplex by Benoit to Jericho, right in front of Triple H's pod, as the 10 count starts. The next competitor is Triple H. He goes right after Benoit in the corner. Then a high knee to Jericho. Jericho is now bringing the chops to Triple H, but he retaliates with a big clothesline. Benoit gets thrown out to the steel and then into the chains. Benoit is busted open as a result. Triple H is going for the Pedigree, but Jericho clotheslines him. Jericho then back body drops Triple H over the ropes and onto the steel. Jericho slams him on the steel again. It's pretty easy to see why modern WWE now puts pads on the steel. The countdown is on an the next man is Edge. He goes right after Jericho and hits a spear in the corner. Then it's Triple H's turn. Edgecution, but Triple H kicks out. Belly to belly overhead suplex to Benoit and Edge has all three opponents down. Jericho then takes him out of nowhere with a dropkick. Another dropkick by Jericho to Edge, who lands on the steel. Edge then pulls off a slingshot to Jericho right into the chains. Edge then hits a slingshot to Triple H into the chains. Edge hits a clothesline off the top rope on Benoit and gets a 2 count. This is one of the few blade jobs I can remember Jericho doing in WWE. Triple H hits a Pedigree on Jericho, but isn't able to get a cover. Randy Orton is the next competitor. Off the top rope and hits Triple H with a cross body. The order selected was the right choice for the story they were trying to tell. Orton is very over here in Puerto Rico. RKO to Jericho. RK-no, Benoit gets him in the Crippler Crossface instead. No submission because he then puts Triple H in a Sharpshooter, but Orton hits Benoit with an RKO. Still no one is eliminated. Edge is in the corner and goes for a spear to Orton, but he moves and Edge accidentally hits HBK. Spear this time to Orton, but HBK is knocked out. Edge picks up Michaels and threatens him, so HBK hits Sweet Chin Music. Lionsault from Jericho and Edge is eliminated. The crowd goes crazy for that. Triple H for a Pedigree, but Benoit gets him from behind and hits him with 3 German Suplexes. Benoit up top, way up top. To the top of the pod and he does a diving headbutt to Triple H. Jericho then puts Triple H in the Walls of Jericho and Benoit joins in with the Crippler Crossface and the clock counts down and in comes Batista. He struggles to get out, but is in time to save Triple H. That was a great moment. Benoit is cleaning house and the crowd is digging Batista. Maybe they should push him. Batista and Triple H are face to face, but Benoit and Jericho come in and attack. Batista throws Jericho into the one cameraman inside the cage. Classic JR: "Look at the carnage". The cage is now open, as the officials check on the cameraman. Jericho with a bulldog onto Triple H on the steel. Batista hits a spinebuster to Benoit and then a spinebuster on Jericho onto Benoit. Batista pins Benoit. Batista Bomb to Jericho. Jericho is eliminated. This is a case of where we all saw where this story was going, but it was where it needed to go. Predictability is not always a bad thing. Batista and Triple H are all over Orton. Orton fights back, hits a low blow and then hits the RKO on Batista for the pinfall. Triple H didn't attempt to save his fellow-Evolution member. This draws a huge pop and then a chorus of boos. Orton is all over Triple H now. RKO to Triple H. Ric Flair gets in the ring and then Batista hits Orton with a clothesline. Triple H sets up the Pedigree and nails it. 1-2-3. Triple H is the new World Heavyweight Champion. Really well constructed match that told multiple stories and also let the workhorses add to the action, rather than just be there to take an instant pin. Batista puts up Triple H on his shoulders in celebration.
Match Rating: ****1/4
Going into this show, it was pretty easy to tell that this was a one match show. It became even more so when bad luck hit in the two opening matches. What was left after was not enough to make up for those losses and instead you have a really good 30+ minute main event and nothing else worth watching. Hard to recommend, but definitely check out the Elimination Chamber.
Overall Rating: 46%
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