Saturday, June 29th, 2019
Ocean Center
Daytona Beach, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
We get a Double Or Nothing highlight package to kick off the show.
Christopher Daniels vs. Cima
Since I was so critical of the announcing team at Double Or Nothing, I can already say that they are off to a much better start here so far. Both guys get a couple of minutes of offense to start. Daniels hits the Arabian moonsault and then starts wrenching back on the neck of Cima. Cima comes back and hits a Backstabber. Daniels comes back and hits Angels Wing, but Cima is able to kick out. I don't know how common that is for people to kick out of that move, but this match doesn't seem like it is worth having someone kick out of it. Cima hits a running powerbomb and a package powerbomb for a 2 count. Cima goes up top and hits a Meteora for the victory. This was pretty basic match for this era.
Match Rating: **1/4
Riho vs. Nyla Rose vs. Yuka Sakazaki
Nyla plays the monster role, taking on both opponents. She hits a double suplex and then puts on a double Camel Clutch. Yuka hits a headscissors on Rose, sending her outside. She then hits a shaky looking springboard dive on both opponents. She hits Riho with a missile dropkick back in the ring and gets a 2 count. Riho starts getting some offense and hits a 619 on Rose. Rose now gets her turn again and hits a delayed vertical suplex on Yuka. She hangs Riho on the ropes and hits a top rope knee to the head, which wakes up the crowd. Rose doesn't go for a cover and instead climbs the turnbuckles. She misses with a senton and Riho goes for a top rope crossbody, but Rose catches her. Yuka tries too and Nyla catches her too. We get a pin attempt out of it, but no victory. We almost get victories from Yuka and Rose, but Riho is able to use some knees to break up both. Rose hits a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall. Riho is able to pull off a cradle and picks up the surprise victory over Rose. This one started off a little bit sloppy, but the last few minutes were solid.
Match Rating: **3/4
Kip Sabian joins the announce team, as he will be taking on the winner of the match.
MJF vs. Jungle Boy vs. Jimmy Havoc vs. Adam Page
MJF cuts a promo before the match just making fun of the crowd. Jungle Boy is such a dorky gimmick. Especially since they advertise that he is Luke Perry's son. Speaking of dorky gimmicks, Jimmy Havoc has one too. Page and Jungle Boy get most of the shine in the early going. MJF fakes a dive and lets the crowd have it. Jungle Boy hits a scary looking back somersault but seems to be okay. We get the obligatory tower of doom spot, but it ends up with MJF getting hit by his opponent. Jungle Boy hits a reverse rana on Havoc and then Page levels Jungle Boy with a lariat. It finally gets to MJF and Page, who are clearly the main attractions here. MJF goes for a Sharpshooter and mocks Bret. Page pushes out of it before he can turn it over and puts the Sharpshooter on MJF. he quickly gets to the ropes. Havoc hits an Attitude Adjustment on Jungle Boy, throwing him into Luchasaurus. Page gets MJF out of the ring and hits Deadeye on Havoc for the win. Havoc felt like he didn't belong here, so he felt like the obvious choice to take the pin. This was fine.
Match Rating: **1/2
Darby Allin vs. Cody Rhodes
From the little I have seen of Allin, I haven't been a fan, so we'll see if anything changes here. He shows off some solid wrestling skills and that frustrates Cody, so he slaps him. Cody sends him through the top two ropes and he goes spilling to the floor with a Mick Foley type bump. We get a mostly slow-paced match here, which I know Cody likes to have. The pace quickens after my "I'm too cheap to pay for Max without commercials" commercial break. Cody hits a suicide dive and then we get an announcement that there are only 5 minutes remaining, telegraphing where we are going here. Cody hits a reverse superplex from the top rope. Allin has Rhodes on the hardest part of the ring and goes for a Coffin Drop, but Cody moves and Allin goes splat. Cody then puts Allin in a body bag and hits him with a Disaster Kick. He rips him out of the bag and pins him for a 2 count. We are down to a minute remaining, so Cody starts hitting him with a belt. He goes for a Cross Rhodes and Allin counters out. He gets him back and hits it but runs out of time. After the match, Shawn Spears comes down and hits Cody with a steel chair to the head, which was very controversial and still is. Just a terrible decision by all involved in 2019. Rhodes is bleeding like crazy here. This was a pretty dull match overall and the finish just put a black cloud over it.
Match Rating: *3/4
Laredo Kid & Lucha Brothers vs. Kenny Omega & Young Bucks
We get a dorky Street Fighter entrance that is definitely not for me. I apologize in advance that I won't know the names of probably 15 moves in this match. Excalibur seemingly takes over the play by play here, so I guess JR is in the same boat as I am. We get a way too early 3-man dive spot with the Elite being kind enough to just stand there while the luchadores ham it up. It kind of feels like they are moving in slow motion here so far. To be fair, their slow motion is more than most average speed. JR doesn't like Omega's haircut, for what it's worth. These guys are hitting some big moves, but it kind of feels like they are going through the motions here early on. There just isn't really much to mention here. As soon as I say that, one of the Lucha Brothers gets launched over the top and to the floor onto Omega. Everyone hits a superkick and then we get more dorky Street Fighter stuff. The Elite hit a triple powerbomb and none of them are able to win with it. Nick Jackson hits a 450 splash on two opponents draped on the middle rope. Omega hits a V Trigger that may have been the best looking move of the match so far. We get an extremely telegraphed move that leads to a Spanish Fly to the outside on Jackson. Omega hits a Tiger Driver, but it's not enough. Omega then hits a One-Winged Angel and picks up the victory for his team. This was really disappointing to me. There was no drama in this one for me at all. Kudos to Omega for meeting with all of the front row fans after the match.
Match Rating: **3/4
The announce team tries to hype us up for the main event, but it sounds like they are ready for bed. To be fair, so am I and it's only 8:00 as I watch this replay.
Unsanctioned Match
Joey Janela vs. Jon Moxley
They quickly move out into the crowd and then back to the outside of the ring. Janela sets up a table and uses a prosthetic leg from the crowd. Moxley is already bleeding around his eye. Janela misses with a senton and goes through a chair. Moxley pulls out a chair wrapped in barbed wire. He sets it on Janella and stomps on it. Janela comes back and hits a top rope hurricanrana slightly onto the chair. Janela hits him in the back with the chair for good measure. Janela pulls out a second table and puts this one in the ring. Janela grabs Moxley and they both go through the table on the outside from the apron. Back in the ring, Moxley drives Janela through the table in the corner. We get the barbed wire board and Janela gets Moxley into that one. Out comes the ladder and Janela dives and hits Moxley through the table. We eventually get a back body drop over the top rope and through the barbed wire board by Moxley onto Janela. Now we have thumbtacks and Janela gets tossed into those. The thing that made Mick Foley so special was that when he did this type of chaos, there was typically a story being told. This is just moves. Moxley hits the Paradigm Shift into the tacks and that's it. This was a SportsCenter type match. When you watch the highlights, it looks like a great one, but there wasn't much in between those highlights. I mean really the entire point of this was to remind us that Moxley is crazy and not that "PG Dean Ambrose".
Match Rating: **
After the match, Omega attacks Moxley. They brawl up to the stage area and into some drums that are set up. Moxley gets helped up the ramp until he shoves the refs to the side. Out comes Omega and attacks him with a trash can. Omega hits a Paradigm Shift onto the trash can. We go off the air with Moxley in pain.
This was a really dull show for me. Nothing was terrible, but it just felt flat for me. I was really disappointed in the 6 man tag, but I'm sure most probably loved it. The Cody match was also really slow and plodding. I really want to enjoy this, but so far, I would say they are 0 for 2.
Overall Rating: 43%