Sunday, June 3rd, 2007
Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena
Jacksonville, Florida
Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2
Stretcher Match
Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam
It's looking like this may be my last show to watch for 1997 for some time since Netflix seems to be in no hurry in uploading more Raw episodes. I'm enjoying 1995 much more, so I'm good with it. RVD is all over Orton to begin, hitting a number of kicks. Orton gets a shot on the head of RVD and he oversells the concussion way too much. RVD is able to hit a kick when Orton goes for the RKO. When RVD leaps up top, he falls to the floor and the announcers are showing no concern to help sell this angle. Orton hits a standing dropkick and continues to attack the head. He rolls RVD onto the stretcher, but he falls over along with the stretcher. RVD fights back and hits a leg drop on the stretcher. He goes for a Rolling Thunder, but Orton hits an awesome counter into a powerslam. RVD goes for a somersault splash over the top rope onto the stretcher and misses. That looked painful. Orton lifts RVD off the ground and puts him on the stretcher and starts wheeling him up the ramp. Orton falls to a knee and then RVD gets up. RVD fights his way back, throws him on the stretcher and pushes him past the finish line. That was a terrible finish. This was shocking at the time, as RVD was leaving here and everyone expected him to put RVD on his way out the door. After the match, Orton attacks RVD from behind. Orton then punts him in the head and then hits the draped DDT off the barricade and to the floor. Proof that winning a match doesn't mean you were put over. RVD gets medical attention and is put on a stretcher. The match had the couple of cool spots, but the rest was nothing special thanks to the concussion angle, which is what they were going for.
Match Rating: **
Vince McMahon tells Shane that they end Bobby Lashley tonight.
Tag Team Tables Match
Sandman, Tommy Dreamer & CM Punk vs. Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von & Matt Striker
It's good that they keep giving Punk spots on pay per view, I think he has a future. He and Dreamer do the Dudley "Get the tables" bit, but the crowd doesn't pop for it for some reason. Things break down after that and Sandman hits Striker with the kendo stick. Sandman and Dreamer try to suplex Striker through a table, but Burke moves it. Burke hits his corner elbow drop on Punk and Striker slides a table in the ring. They try to throw Punk through the table in the corner, but Dreamer makes the save. Sandman goes for his top rope huricanrana, but Striker sends him to the floor. Cor Von hits a variation of a powerbomb on Punk and stands the table up and sets Punk on it. Cor Von goes up to the second rope, but Sandman hits him with the kendo stick. Dreamer hits a piledriver on Burke. Cor Von grabs Sandman to the floor. Punk hits a superplex on Striker onto Burke and through the table. That was kind of a messy finish. This was basically a TV match with a table spot. The guys gave it their all though for the short amount of time they were given.
Match Rating: **
Edge and Orton are in the back. Orton talks about how his two former partners are battling in a steel cage tonight. Orton says that he's on the biggest role of his life, taking out RVD and ending the career of Shawn Michaels. Orton says that if he gets picked over to SmackDown, with Edge being to champ, he'll be next. Edge says that he'll end up just like Batista later tonight.
Ladder Match For The World Tag Team Championships
The Hardys vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team
This is the epitome of a thrown together match. The only reason it exists was to give an excuse to have Jeff Hardy and Shelton Benjamin in a ladder match together. Nothing wrong with that, I suppose, but it would be nice if they would actually do anything with Benjamin. They get right to business here and the ladders are immediately introduced to the match. Matt pulls Charlie Haas off the ladder and hits him with an electric chair. Matt and Jeff both reach the top of the ladder with their hands on the belts until Shelton tosses a ladder at them to knock them off. We get our first true ladder spot with the Hardys double hip tossing Shelton onto a ladder set on top of two more ladders. They then slam Haas onto the same structure. The next big spot is with the ladder on the barricade and ring and they throw Shelton from the ring onto it. They put Shelton back on it and Jeff goes up to the top, but Haas interrupts. Matt comes in and hits the Side Effect on Haas. Haas sets Matt onto a ladder laying on the ring and another ladder. He holds him in place and Benjamin leaps off a ladder in the ring and hits him with his legs open onto Matt's back. Interesting choice of landing. Back in the ring, Haas and Jeff battle at the top of the ladder and Jeff suplexes him off the top. Jeff is climbing and Shelton tries to springboard himself from the top rope, but messes up and makes a nice recovery by doing a somersault kick into the ladder and causing Jeff to fall. All four men climb the ladders and are battling up top. The Hardys get shoved off, but land on their feet and shove Haas and Shelton down. Shelton falls over the top rope and through the ladder outside the ring. Jeff hits a Swanton on Haas and they climb to retrieve their title belts for the victory. This wasn't necessarily as memorable as a lot of ladder matches, but they really did a great job keeping the pace at a frantic speed.
Match Rating: ***3/4
Great Khali yells, Ranjin Singh talks and I don't listen.
Lumberjack Match
Mark Henry vs. Kane
Why do I do this to myself? Every time I see Kane wrestle, I hope it's my last. Henry drives Kane's back into the ring post and then the lumberjacks throw him back in the ring. I will never forget this match because to me this is the "bearhug match". Henry slaps it on for what feels like 3 hours. Kane is able to dump him through the ropes and then leaps off the top. Kane hits a top rope clothesline inside the ring and hits the chokeslam. Then Kenny Dykstra and Chavo Guerrero attack Kane because lord knows we have to protect Kane here. Henry puts on the bearhug again. Michael Cole says he is sucking the life out of Kane, but he forgets to mention the thousands of people watching this crap. The ref rings for the bell and the crowd moans. This sucked more than you could ever imagine. JBL keeps lecturing us on how Bruno Sammartino used the bearhug. Great, that was decades ago.
Match Rating: 0 Stars
They show The World's Greatest Tag Team and Hardys getting checked on by the doctors. The challengers are arguing with them and a brawl ensues.
Street Fight For The ECW Championship
Mr. McMahon vs. Bobby Lashley
Lashley instantly leaps over the top rope and lands on Umaga. Shane throws Lashley in the ring and takes some shots at Lashley, but then gets clotheslined and tossed over the top rope on Umaga. As you would expect, this just turns into a 3 on 1 situation. This is absolutely thrilling television. Lashley eventually makes his comeback and hits Vince in the head with the steel chair. He then unleashes on his back with the chair. The numbers game catches up again and Shane hits the top rope elbow drop onto Lashley through the table. This is just such a boring storyline and match. Lashley comes back, he hits the Spear and wins. Great.
Match Rating: 1/2*
Maria is flirting with Santino Marella. Todd Grisham comes in to get Maria's thoughts on the pudding match coming up and she gives an intelligent answer because that's funny. Candice then says that she'll beat Melina in any kind of match for the third time. Candice comes in with her horrible acting and asks for a kiss for good luck, so Maria kisses her instead of Candice. In comes Ron Simmons.
Pudding Match
Candice Michelle vs. Melina
This is as good as you would expect. Candice wins. This was stupid. Maria comes out to congratulate her and she throws Maria into Melina in the pool of pudding. The referee gets thrown in too. This show sucks.
Match Rating: 0 Stars
Steel Cage Match For The World Heavyweight Championship
Edge vs. Batista
Edge immediately tries to win via escape and as you would expect, it doesn't work. That leads to a short Batista offense sequence until Edge is able to dropkick Batista into the cage. That slows down things big time and it has the feeling of a match that gets 20+ minutes, except it won't get anywhere near that. Batista is able to hit a superplex. Batista tries to go off the top rope, but Edge catches him with a dropkick. I will never understand how Batista had better chemistry with Undertaker than he did with Edge. Batista slingshots Edge into the cage and gets a 2 count. Edge comes back with a Spear and that gets a 2 count. Batista hits a spinebuster, that gets a 2. It kind of just feels like they are doing moves. Batista goes for a Batista Bomb, but Edge is able to grab the cage and holds on. He gets up to the top, but Batista is able to drag him back in. Edge is able to knock him down and then start climbing again. Batista tries to climb through the door, but Edge beats him out. What a boring finish that was. The cage match is such a watered-down gimmick that it takes something really special to make a good one. This one felt more like the kind you would get from a TV main event.
Match Rating: **1/4
Falls Count Anywhere Match For The WWE Championship
Great Khali vs. John Cena
Let's see if Cena is able to top his ** miracle at Judgment Day against Khali. So far it's all Khali, so you can guess how it's going. Cena tries to get something going by going up to the top rope, but Khali chops him and sends him to the floor. They spill out into the crowd and Cena sort of hits him with a TV monitor. Cena goes for the FU, but he can't get Khali on his back. Cena then uses the boom camera as a weapon. He gets Khali on his back, but Khali hits him with his elbow. Khali then picks him up and throws Cena onto the crane that is part of the entrance set. They battle on the crane and Cena gets Khali up for the FU and throws him off the crane. Cena covers him and that's all. Yeah, that wasn't as good. Cena tried, but it's no easy task.
Match Rating: *
This show sucked big time and was even worse than I remembered it being. Kudos to the four men in the ladder match for putting their bodies on the line, but the rest of the card was so poor. I sure hope that is the last time I ever see that Kane/Mark Henry match. I can't imagine that I'll ever watch this again.
Overall Rating: 26%