Friday, September 1, 2023

ECW 1-23-07 Review

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007
Mobile Civic Center
Mobile, Alabama

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

Over The Top Rope Challenge

We kick things right off with Sandman making his entrance. Other competitors in this match are Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Kevin Thorn and Tommy Dreamer. These types of matches are no brainers and something that I'm just about always good with doing prior to the Royal Rumble. Sabu and Dreamer eliminate each other pretty quickly. Thorn then quickly eliminates Sandman and we're left with Thorn and RVD. Do they have so much planned that they have no time for these guys? Thorn just kind of sucks the life out of every match he's in, pun not intended. RVD knocks Thorn on the apron and then hits a top rope single leg kick to knock him out and win the match. This was not much of a match. 

Match Rating: 1/2*

Joey Styles and Tazz announce that the previously scheduled main event of Hardcore Holly/Bobby Lashley was changed and we're getting Test/Lashley instead. That makes no sense when they are fighting each other in 5 days. 

Marcus Cor Von vs. Wes Adams

Cor Von had a sweet debut last week despite them not hyping him up at all prior to the match. Cor Von hypes up the Alpha Male gimmick before the match. He then absolutely destroys poor Adams here. He hits the Pounce, which is such a good move. He hits a Russian leg sweep, some knees to the face and an arm bar to win the match. Another impressive match here for Cor Von.

Match Rating: 1/2*

Hardcore Holly confronts Test about changing the match tonight. He said he doesn't care who it is, but he's going after the ECW Championship. 

It's time for Kelly's return and it's Extreme Exposé featuring her, Layla and Brooke. I don't remember if the Nitro Girls were any good, but this wasn't. 

We get a Test hype video that makes him feel like he's some all timer. 

Matt Striker is out to join the announce team for the next match.

CM Punk vs. Elijah Burke

I feel like this is Burke's first true match here as a singles. As per usual, Punk allows his opponent to get a lot of offense in. Punk hits hits some of his signature offense as he makes his comeback here. Not that anyone cares, but I was eating during this match. Rather than typing, I was just enjoying the match. I'm sure you are heartbroken. You being no one since not one single person will ever read this sentence. We get a roll up situation and Punk pulls of yet another fluke type victory. I'm fine with them booking Burke strong because he has potential, but Punk barely winning every week seems counterproductive. 

Match Rating: **

Extreme Rules Match
Test vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley attacks Test right away and almost plays the heel role early on. Test rolls out of the ring after escaping a powerslam and we go to commercial break. When we come back, we see that Test threw Lashley into the steps to gain the upper hand. Test goes off the top rope, but Lashley gets his boot up. Lashley hits a clothesline, but then misses with an elbow drop. Test then hits Lashley with a series of fists to the head. Test removes the top turnbuckle and for some reason the referee isn't allowing it despite it being an Extreme Rules match. Test removes a different turnbuckle while the referee replaces the first one. Lashley hits his head into the exposed corner, but Lashley kicks out. Lashley comes back with a Spear and some clotheslines. Lashley hits a delayed vertical suplex and then throws Test into the steps. This match has no flow to it at all. Lashley hits another running powerslam and that's all. So what is the draw of them fighting again at Royal Rumble? These guys don't have enough moves in their arsenal at this point of their careers to have a match as long as it went. I mean, I get that no one is buying Royal Rumble because of Test vs. Lashley, but they could have just done a tag team match or something. 

Match Rating: *

Well, this show just felt extremely unnecessary. The first match was rushed, the main event felt like forever and the rest just kind of floated by. There's always next week.

Overall Rating: 39%

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