Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Monday Night Raw 10-9-95 Review

Original Airdate: Monday, October 9th, 1995
Welsh Auditorium
Grand Rapids, Michigan 

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork22

Yokozuna, Owen Hart & British Bulldog vs. Undertaker, Shawn Michaels & Diesel

We get a video of Shawn helping out the kids and talking about how choked up he gets. We get some fun stuff at the beginning with Michaels and Owen and then the match breaks down. The crowd of course loves this, as do I. Diesel and Undertaker hit a double boot on Yoko, knocking him out of the ring. Taker hits Old School on Yoko, but then runs into a Samoan drop. Yoko then destroys Michaels and in comes Owen. Waylon Mercy also came out to check things out ahead of his big match with Diesel on Superstars. Never mind that he couldn't even beat Savio Vega. We come back from commercial break and now Dean Douglas is out. Surprisingly, Yoko has been involved more than you would expect here. Michaels attempts a comeback, but is hit by an Owen spin kick. They go to commercial break right as Owen is in midair off the top rope. When we come back, they show Michaels moving out of the way and he now tags in Diesel. Bulldog is also in to give us our preview of In Your House. The numbers game gets to Diesel and Bulldog hits the running powerslam, but Undertaker makes the save. Yoko then hits a leg drop behind the ref's back and Bulldog pins him in the center of the ring. That's kind of surprising for an In Your House build. Mabel now runs in and attacks Undertaker and Yokozuna joins in. This was a fun match, as you would expect here. Dean then comes back down and attacks Shawn. 

Match Rating: ***

When we come back from commercial, Diesel and Undertaker are still selling their injuries and then they show the aftermath of the Bret Hart/Jean Pierre Lafitte match where Bret was attacked. Next week it will be Bret vs. Isaac Yankem in a steel cage. They show a good portion of their match from SummerSlam with Lawler and Vince talking over it. They talk about Lawler is going to be hoisted in a smaller cage if he interferes in the match next week. 

Skip vs. Fatu

That battle of the four letter, one word names. Well, Fatu is getting a pay-per-view match, so we have to remind everyone that he exists. These two guys definitely have two of the more mid-90s gear that you will see on the roster right now. The match shifts when Skip tries a headbutt on Fatu and you know what that means. Sunny makes her presence felt though and distracts Fatu before he can climb the top rope. Skip then goes for a supeplex, but Fatu blocks it. Skip sells a back injury and then goes for it again. Fatu hits him with a right hand and then hits the top rope splash for the victory. This was pretty basic stuff. 

Match Rating: 3/4*

After commercial break, they go to Dok Hendrix to check in on Diesel and Undertaker, but he is just shown pacing, so we get another commercial? 

They are doing a ton of stalling here tonight. They show clips of the post-match stuff from earlier on. We go back to Dok and he says that it's not a good time to interview any of these guys. Dok says he'll do it if Vince wants him to, but Vince says no. So Jim Ross goes into Cornette's team's locker room. He talks about Bulldog being the guy to pin Diesel tonight. I mean, this interview has run longer than just about every Bulldog interview ever. This feels like one of those "bonus" interviews they would show after a pay per view. Mabel then walks in and talks about how both he and Bulldog accomplished the impossible by pinning Undertaker and Diesel. 

Vince and Lawler then talk about the cage match again. More stalling and then we get a Todd Pettengill hype video. 

Like I mentioned, this was a filler episode of Raw. They must not have filmed enough and this was the episode they decided to fill with a lot of fluff. I mean they showed most of a match from SummerSlam just to fill time. The opening match/angle were good, but the back half was pretty dull. 

Overall Rating: 49%

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