Monday, January 10, 2022

SmackDown 6-16-06 Review

Original Airdate: Friday, June 16th, 2006
Sovereign Bank Arena
Trenton, New Jersey

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

The Miz is here to announce Lashley vs. King Booker and Gregory Helms vs. Rey Mysterio. JBL then comes down to join Michael Cole as the new color commentator for SmackDown. 

Rey Mysterio vs. Gregory Helms

Mysterio is selling a shoulder injury and is wrapped up. After a little bit of back and forth, Helms targets the shoulder. Mysterio hits a headscissors and throws Helms out of the ring. He hits a nice baseball slide and tosses Helms back in the ring. JBL distracts Mysterio on his way back in the ring and Helms clubs him and attacks him in front of JBL. Helms hits a swinging neckbreaker for a 2 count. Mysterio is able to hit a bulldog and a springboard seated senton. Mysterio misses with a springboard crossbody and Helms rolls him up for a 2 count. Mysterio misses with a 619 and Helms hits a Sky High for another close call. Helms misses the Shining Wizard, Mysterio hits the 619 and the springboard leg drop for the victory. This was a really nice little match that made Helms look good in defeat. 

Match Rating: ***

King Booker vs. Bobby Lashley

On his way down to the ring, Lashley gets attacked by Finlay and Regal. Matt Hardy and Gunner Scott come out to help Lashley. 

After the commercial break, they show Lashley with a trainer. The trainer says that he may not be able to wrestle tonight, but Lashley insists.

Mr. Kennedy vs. Nick Berk

Kennedy dominates as you would expect and hits a neckbreaker that he calls the Green Bay Meat Packer. I don't remember this at all? This was what you would expect it to be. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

The Mexicools are backstage and they tease not having each others back tonight against Khali. 

21 days until the return of Batista. 

Sylvan gets a vignette and he gives us a commercial to visit Quebec in French. 

Handicap Match
Mexicools vs. Great Khali

Khali tosses both guys around a little bit and pulls Psicosis off the top rope. Super Crazy tries a dropkick to no avail. As he's demolishing Crazy, Psicosis grabs a chair, but he instead decides to abandon is partner and Khali gets the win. Two squashes in a row. After the match, Daivari grabs the mic and announces that Undertaker is afraid of Great Khali. Khali grabs the mic and lots of loud noises. 

Match Rating: 1/2*

They show a highlight package of the bikini contest last week and go to Miz and Ashley in the crowd. Ashley announces the next match for Miz. 

Gunner Scott & Matt Hardy vs. Finlay & William Regal

This match is about as random as it gets. I honestly forgot Gunner was still on the roster at this point. Gunner and Hardy dominate the early going until Regal runs in and gets a cheap shot on Hardy. Hardy still fights back and hits the bulldog/clothesline combo. The action spills outside and Hornswoggle gets in a low blow. Regal and Finlay cut the ring in half, using classic heel tactics into the commercial break. Hardy finally gets the hot tag to Gunner and they seem to have the fake crowd pumping here now. Gunner hits a missile dropkick, but Regal breaks up the pin attempt. The referee gets distracted and Finlay hits Gunner with the shillelagh and that's all she wrote. Out comes Hornswoggle and he goes nuts, even on Regal. I still really love this 15 years later. The match was pretty good. They got some time and Regal and Finlay are an effective heel team. 

Match Rating: **1/2

Teddy Long informs Booker and Sharmell that he will be wrestling Lashley tonight. They don't take the news well. 

Michael Cole introduces Chavo Guerrero. They talk about whether or not his retirement was the right choice and that brings out Mark Henry. This all of course leads to Henry destroying Chavo as they continue to try to make him relevant after basically being squashed by Taker at WrestleMania. 

Ashley is backstage and Michelle McCool wants to teach her a lesson. They argue over whose body is better, so Ashley challenges her to an impromptu bikini contest. Michelle declines and that's that. 

Vito vs. Scott Wright

Vito destroys poor Wright while we have to listen to Cole and JBL argue about his lifestyle. Vito hits a spinning DDT and then puts on his embarrassing submission hold and that's it. I can't believe this didn't get over. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

King Booker vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley comes out limping and Booker quickly takes advantage. Lashley spills to the floor right before the commercial break. After the commercial, Booker tosses Lashley out of the ring again, as he continues to sell the knee injury. Booker hits the Book End, but Lashley is able to kick out at 2. Pretty much out of nowhere, Lashley catches Booker and hits a running powerslam for the victory. That was a pretty lengthy match, but it felt like nothing happened in it. This was a disappointing way to end an otherwise good show. 

Match Rating: *1/2

With all of the ECW storylines going on, SmackDown kind of feels like an afterthought. However, they are doing a pretty good job on their weekly television now that they found their groove. This episode wasn't great, but the pacing was pretty good and the wrestling was solid. 

Overall Rating: 57%

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