Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Superstars 9-9-95 Review

Original Airdate: Saturday, September 9th, 1995
Canton Civic Center
Canton, Ohio

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

This is maybe the debut of the new WWF logo in the rock intro? Vince talks about the definition of "debut" with Dean Douglas taking on 1-2-3 Kid today. We then get our Monday Night Football ripoff Superstars theme song, "Are You Ready?". Jerry Lawler is with Vince McMahon this time.

Man Mountain Rock vs. Jean Pierre Lafitte

They're pulling off all the stops here today. MMR hits an elbow to the head and then clotheslines him over the top rope. Rock suplexes him back into the ring, but Lafitte is then able to slam him face-first into the mat. He ties up him up in the ropes and hits a series of splashes before the referee can assist Rock. Rock goes for a sunset flip, but can't get him over and again Lafitte slams him to the mat. Rock hits an overhead belly to belly suplex, which actually was pretty nice. Rock misses off the second rope and Lafitte hits the Cannonball for the victory. Lafitte continues to look good no matter who he is in there with. 

Match Rating: *1/4

It's time for Todd Pettengill to talk about the third In Your House. He alludes to the triple header main event, but goes onto Bret Hart taking on Jean Pierre Lafitte. Bret says that Lafitte will be coming into his house and calls Lafitte a slimeball. Razor Ramon will be taking on Dean Douglas in a new match. Another new match is Savio Vega taking on Waylon Mercy. 

We get a hype video for the Shawn Michaels/Sid match on Monday. This was a well done video package for a feud that actually has a pretty lengthy story. It's kind of crazy they did it on Raw during this era. Sid then makes a lot of loud noises and Shawn says he's going to close the final chapter. 

1-2-3 Kid vs. Dean Douglas

Hopefully this means that we don't have to watch any more of his backstage skits. Douglas gets an early body slam in before running into a few kicks from the Kid. Kid then hits a somersault dive that kind of connects. Douglas tries to suplex him to the floor, but Kid blocks it and suplexes Douglas back into the ring. He goes for a somersault dive off the top rope, but Douglas moves out of the way and hits a back suplex into the commercial break. Douglas and his wedgie are dominating the match until Razor Ramon comes down to ringside. Kid pushes Douglas into him and he rolls him up, but Douglas kicks out at 2. Razor comes in and attacks Douglas and we have a disqualification. Kid isn't happy about it and gives Razor a shove. Kid tries to calm him down and we leave in the middle of it. The match was fine, but never got into the final act. 

Match Rating: *3/4

We go right to Goldust in front of a 100% real backdrop. The character wasn't quite as weird as what it would become. 

Coming September 30th, WrestleMania XI: The Special. That was the first time I saw those matches, as I started watching again after it aired. 

Owen Hart & Yokozuna vs. AC Conner & Tony Williams

Poor D"Lo gets to feel the wrath of the champions here, but is able to get out without getting squashed. They leave that Williams, who gets hit with a Yoko belly to belly suplex. Owen takes the glory by picking up the pinfall. This was nothing.

Match Rating: 1/4*

Next week, we get the dream match of Henry Godwinn vs. King Kong Bundy.

Tatanka says the pain Shawn Michaels felt at SummerSlam is nothing compared to what he will feel next. 

Shawn Michaels vs. Tatanka

Tatanka finally gets his rematch from WrestleMania IX. Tatanka comes out like a guy who has a really bright future (and he certainly does), but then Michaels comes back and hits a top rope double ax handle. Tatanka is able to toss Michaels over the top rope and slow things down in his favor. Out comes Sid to take a closer look before his match in two days. When we come back from commercial, Tatanka goes off the top rope and lands into Michaels' boot. The pace quickens and it ends with Michaels hitting Sweet Chin Music and picking up the victory. The final segment was solid stuff an the rest was good enough. 

Match Rating: **

We go back to Todd and we get the In Your House commercial that they have used before. He talks about the triple header main event. We hear from Shawn Michaels and then Sid. The whole triple header kind of spoils the outcome of the Sid match, no? 

We get a Raw preview that hypes up Shawn/Sid and Razor Ramon/British Bulldog. Someone saw Nitro. Hakushi faces Skip next week here on Superstars. We get more of the new theme song and see highlights of the show. 

I thought this was a pretty good episode. They are trying to make the new season feel important before they go back to their usual ways. You rarely get 3 feature matches on a Superstars, so I'll take it. 

Overall Rating: 58%

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