Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday Night Raw 9-11-95 Review

Original Airdate: Monday, September 11th, 1995
Canton Civic Center
Canton, Ohio

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork22

We get a pretty good hype video for the double main event. We then get a new Raw intro that features the Superstars on top of Titan Towers. They show the clip of Razor Ramon hitting Dean Douglas with a right hand backstage at SummerSlam. 

Razor Ramon vs. British Bulldog

With the roster they have right now, this is a pretty big time match for Raw. Razor gets off to the quick start and hits Bulldog with a clothesline to the outside. Bulldog eventually gets to show off his strength by hitting a press slam as we go to commercial break. When we come back, Bulldog hits a body slam for a 2 count. He goes for the powerslam, but Razor grabs the ropes and falls on him for a 2 count of his own. Bulldog quickly hits a body slam and then climbs to the top. Razor meets him there and throws him off. We get some shenanigans where Razor accidentally throws Bulldog into the referee, knocking him out. He gets him up for the Razor's Edge and hits it. Out comes Dean Douglas and he takes forever to eventually hit Razor off the top rope, making Razor look like a dope for sitting there forever just kind of waiting for it. 1-2-3 Kid comes out to try and make the save, but Douglas takes care of him too. Bulldog hits the running powerslam and goes for the pin. 1-2-3 Kid goes off the top rope, but Bulldog moves and hits Razor instead. The referee sees it and calls for the bell. Bulldog then drops Kid on the top rope. Cornette gets in a few cheap shots on Kid while Bulldog attacks Razor. They are calling this a victory for Bulldog since Kid hit Razor. This was pretty much slams and punches, but the multiple stories being told was a nice touch.

Match Rating: **

When we come back from commercial, Vince is in the ring with Razor and Kid. Kid claims he didn't cost Razor the match, but Razor cost him his match on Superstars. He says Razor always treats him like a Kid and wants to take him on next week. Razor goes on for a little bit about the bookworm and then eventually accepts his challenge.

We get a quick video with a fake Van Halen "Right Now" rip off song telling us that our fan friendly WWF President, Gorilla Monsoon, decided it would be fun to have Owen Hart and Yokozuna take on Men On A Mission. 

Rad Radford & Brooklyn Brawler vs. Smoking Gunns

Who missed the trip that made this team tonight? The Gunns come in smoking and hit some fun offense. Bart runs into the knee of Radford behind the back of the referee and in comes Radford. The Gunns get back on track and hit the Sidewinder for the victory. The Gunns usually are a nice spark when they get their chance on TV, so this was fine.

Match Rating: 1/2*

We get a Goldust promo talking about Undertaker. I do not remember that and they didn't end up feuding for long after his debut.

Isaac Yankem vs. Scott Taylor

Leave it to Glenn Jacobs to ruin the show. This gimmick is so dead in the water after 1 match. He hits the DDS and puts us all out of our misery. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Todd Pettengill time and he's here to make fun of NBC moving to Mad About You. Just as you all were expecting. He talks about the Triple Header match, assuming all of the participants retain their titles until then. Even as a kid, I knew that wasn't happening. Todd talks about rumors of Yokozuna and Owen Hart causing a disqualification, but Gorilla says "Not so fast". If anyone is disqualified, they lose their title. Jim Cornette's photo in the match graphic is something special. They show Sid walking to the ring, but we go back to Todd so that he can talk about Waylon Mercy vs. Savio Vega. 

Intercontinental Championship Match
Sid vs. Shawn Michaels

Only $25 for Shawn Michaels' hat and they even throw in the dorky glasses with it! Shawn Michaels gets a dorky entrance where he talks to us before heading out and we get a commercial break first. Michaels uses his quickness and wits to outmaneuver the big man. Michaels skins the cat and then hits Sid with a dropkick to the back. Sid knocks Michaels out of the ring and Vince tries to sell that he hasn't healed from his ladder match yet. When we come back from commercial, Michaels is able to counter out of a powerbomb attempt. Michaels hits a top rope crossbody and gets a 2 count. Michaels hits a kick to the gut and then 2 superkicks for the victory. That was a pretty big letdown given the buildup and who was involved. It very much felt like "just a match". Michaels then teases stripping and Vince is loving it. Bret wasn't wrong, it was a stupid babyface gimmick. Vince is still gutter trash. 

Match Rating: **

Shawn Michaels and Diesel are celebrating backstage and Dok Hendrix is there to interview them. Mostly nonsense. 

After another commercial break, we get a preview for next week's episode. Like at this point, wasn't anyone halfway interested in seeing what Nitro was switching the channel? 

This was a halfway decent show, but one that felt like it could have been something special and they seemed to have no interest in that. They have been talking about the Sid/Michaels match for weeks and we just got basically a Shawn squash. Sid was just in main events for months and they could have told a good story. 

Overall Rating: 48%

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