Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Monday Nitro 9-11-95 Review

Monday, September 4th, 1995 
Knight Center
Miami, Florida

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork22

So apparently because NXT moved to CW Network, NXT episodes are no longer available on Peacock. So I guess that timeline is on hold until further notice. At least I ended on a high note at TakeOver. 

Here at Nitro, Eric Bischoff hypes up the match of the century with Hulk Hogan vs. Lex Luger and we get Steve McMichael in the booth for the first time. They show Luger's shocking return last week. They announce that Vader is no longer available to be on Hogan's team this weekend. 

Sabu vs. Alex Wright

Even though I have seen this before, it still feels so bizarre that Sabu is in 1995 WCW. They stick him in with 20 year old Wright and pray that he can survive. Sabu hits a dive over the top early on and surprisingly doesn't get a better reaction with it. He sets up Wright on the barricade and does the leap from a chair, but Wright is able to move. Wright hits a dropkick and throws him back in the ring to hit a missile dropkick. Sabu tries to go up top, but Wright meets him there and hits a superplex. Wright hits a German suplex into a bridge and gets a 2 count. Sabu's lack of psychology is on display here and he just gets up from it and hits a victory roll type move from the top rope for the victory. Sabu attacks Wright after the match and drops him face-first on the apron. Sabu then grabs a table and sits Wright on it. He hits a reckless dive that looks good for no one and then they reverse the decision, disqualifying Sabu. This was something. 

Match Rating: *1/2

The crowd is pretty hyped up with Mean Gene in the ring and he brings out Ric Flair. He talks about how Arn Anderson was with his family instead of running around with Flair. Probably a good choice. He tries to hype up his match with him Sunday, but out comes Lex Luger. I'm not really sure what the point of this was because nothing happens. 

They hype up Fall Brawl, but no match rundown like we get with the Toddster. 

VK Wallstreet vs. Sting

Bischoff asks Heenan about the "VK". Gee, I wonder. Bischoff then spoils the Raw matches for the first time. McMichael then says that he and his football buddies don't watch football, they watch wrestling. Sting hits a quick hip toss and some dropkicks to start the match. Sting mostly dominates the match here and hits a top rope crossbody for the victory. What was the point of even bothering with Wallstreet? The match was just an extended squash. 

Match Rating: *

Scott Norton vs. Randy Savage

McMichael says that Norton would have been a guard if he was a football player and I have to agree there. Norton attacks Savage as soon as he walks in the ring and still has his jacket on. Norton catches Savage off the top rope and squeezes for a second before throwing him to the ground. Norton hits a powerbomb and gets a 2 count. Norton hits a power slam and gets another 2 count. Bischoff tries to do the serious voice telling us that Savage is hurt. Norton hits a draping DDT from the top rope and climbs to the top rope. Savage catches him and slams him face-first to the mat. Savage makes the comeback and then out comes the Dungeon of Doom. Avalanche falls on top of Norton's legs. Savage hits the top rope elbow and pins him with Avalanche still on top of him. Norton isn't happy about it after. Bischoff called him Avalanche despite him wearing the Shark gear. I'm not sure a single person cares. The match was fun, as is usually the case with Savage matches. 

Match Rating: **

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Lex Luger vs. Hulk Hogan

I'm trying to remember what the buzz was for this match. They are obviously trying to hype this up as a dream match. I was always such a Hogan hater, that nothing with Hogan was a dream match. We get mostly standard muscle man stuff here. Hogan gives us an early Hulk up and he hits a big boot and a leg drop. In comes the Dungeon of Doom and we have a DQ finish. Macho Man and Sting are out to help try and make a save. I'm surprised they let Hogan hit his finisher so early if this was the way they were going to go. There are still a few minutes left in the show. After the match, Hogan shoves Luger and we go to commercial. This wasn't much of a match.

Match Rating: 1/2*

Mean Gene is in the ring to interview Hogan. He's all fired up about Vader not being in their corner this Sunday. Hogan wants to know why the Dungeon of Doom didn't jump him when they attacked? Savage agrees, but Sting of course sticks up for his buddy. Sting thinks that Luger should be the fourth man, but Savage says he'd rather be down a man. Savage then throws Jimmy Hart under the bus too. Savage sticks with no, but Hogan uses his deciding vote to have Luger on the team. Luger says he'll be their partner, but he wants that title shot down the line. Next week on Nitro, it will be Johnny B. Badd vs. Paul Orndorff and watch Fall Brawl. 

This was the first head to head Raw vs. Nitro and Nitro wins it easily. There was nothing super memorable, but the pacing was good and the storyline progression was better than Raw. 

Overall Rating: 64%

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