Saturday, October 12, 2024

Monday Night Raw 5-21-07 Review

Monday, May 21st, 2007 
Mark Of The Quad
Moline, Illinois

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork22

Bobby Lashley is here to kick off the show. He says that since he has to beat Vince McMahon in order to win the ECW Championship, he proposes the match tonight. Out comes Vince, Shane and Umaga. Vince declines and says that he is on to One Night Stand, where every match will be Extreme Rules. He will defend his match in a Street Fight with the #1 contender, the Blue Meanie. Lashley doesn't understand why it's not him. Shane interrupts Vince and says that Vince will take him on because he is invincible in Street Fights. Vince then says that Lashley has to run the gauntlet. I don't think I could possibly care any less than I do about any of this. 

Ric Flair vs. Carlito

Was the match at Judgment Day so good that they had to do the rematch the very next night? Carlito is aggressive to start and works on the arm of Flair that he worked on in the aforementioned match. Flair comes back with some chops and goes to work on the leg. Carlito hits a thumb to the eye and clotheslines both Flair and himself over the top. They brawl outside and we get a double countout. Before the announcement can be made, Carlito attacks Flair some more. He then spits his apple in Flair's face and walks to the back. This was just storyline for an angle that just needs to be put to rest. 

Match Rating: 1/2*

Melina vs. Candice Michelle

Usually when someone has to keep telling you they're improving at something, it means they aren't. In this case, it's Jim Ross continuing to tell us how much better Candice Michelle is at wrestling. She does 3 moves and they act like she is capable of main eventing WrestleMania. She hits a surprise pinfall and gets the victory. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Great Khali is backstage and looks to be upset. 

Bobby Lashley vs. Chris Masters

There aren't many lower honors that you can have than being the first mystery opponent in a gauntlet match. Masters actually dominates early on and gets the Master Lock put on. They remind us that Lashley is the only one to break the hold. Lashley is able to break it by grabbing the rope this time. We all know it's not going to last and of course Lashley hits a Spear and wins. 

Match Rating: 1/2*

The Hardys vs. Johnny Nitro & Kenny Dykstra

This is the Raw debut of Dykstra teaming with Nitro. I actually did think they had potential as a team, but of course WWE lost interest in tag teams again. I think the most underrated aspect of Nitro's career is that he always went all in when he tagged with someone. He is truly one of the best tag team wrestlers of the last 20 years in WWE. The Hardys pick up the quick win and then The World's Greatest Tag Team run into attack the Hardys. They were watching at ringside and then Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch come in and make the save. They celebrate together and no attack. 

Match Rating: 1/2*

The Great Khali is out and Ranjin Singh is along with him. They talk about being cheated last night and that he knew his foot was under the rope. They show the footage and it is in fact correct. He says that Cena can't beat him and wouldn't you know it, out comes Cena. Cena says that two things are true. One is that Khali's foot was under the rope and the other is that he made Khali tap out. Cena says he isn't scared of Khali anymore and can beat him anywhere in the arena. He wants a rematch and they go at it. Khali destroys him and stands over him. 

Bobby Lashley vs. Viscera

Just a reminder that Lashley is supposed to be on ECW. Speaking of which, how was Viscera not on ECW? Lashley hits a body slam and gets a 2 count. Viscera hits a sidewalk slam and does his signature rolling kick. Lashley battles back and hits the Spear for the victory. Vince is upset backstage. He truly thought that people that never win on TV would beat Lashley. 

Match Rating: 1/2*

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about Shawn Michaels concussion from last night and pretend like WWE cares about concussions. Out comes Randy Orton and we get a video package. He says that all he did was take advantage of a weakness like any professional would have done. He beat Shawn Michaels not because of a concussion, but because he is the Legend Killer. How is there still 20 minutes left in this show? 

Vince is talking to Umaga, getting him ready for Lashley. 

Bobby Lashley vs. Umaga

This is just too much Lashley for this variation of him. This is his third match of the night, so naturally Umaga is taking advantage of that. He hits a Samoan drop. Lashley makes a comeback while JR insists that Umaga weighs more than 350. Lashley gets hit with a kick when he leaps off the apron and then Umaga hits Lashley in the head with a chair. Like I said, WWE cared a lot about concussions. Lawler for some reason is shocked that Lashley won the match by disqualification. At this point, I don't think anyone cares about anything. They are completely on autopilot here. 

Match Rating: 1/2*

They show that Umaga hit a Samoan Spike during the commercial break.

Bobby Lashley vs. Shane McMahon

Lashley is having a hard time getting to his feet to start the match, but he does and the bell rings. Shane takes advantage and the action goes outside. Umaga wants to hit him with a chair again, but the McMahons talk him out of it. They send Umaga to the back and Lashley comes back with a spinebuster. Shane comes back with a DDT and gets a 2 count. Shane puts on the Boston Crab, but Lashley powers out of it. Shane is back on the attack and then hits a second rope elbow drop. He now goes to a Camel Clutch. Lashley gets out and goes for a powerslam, but Shane gets out of it. He goes up top, but Lashley hits him with the Spear in midair and wins. That means he will face Vince at One Night Stand. Good riddance to this Raw. 

Match Rating: 1/2*

This was an atrocious episode of Raw after a boring pay per view. That's not how it's supposed to work. This was way too much Lashley and absolutely no drama whatsoever. The roster feels so thin at this point and there are very few interesting things going on for Raw. 

Overall Rating: 19%

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