Sunday, June 9, 2024

NXT 8-5-15 Review

Original Airdate: Wednesday, August 5th, 2015
Full Sail University
Winter Park, Florida

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

Charlotte vs. Bayley

I think I can live with this one as an opener. The two competitors shake hands and we're underway. We get some standard, but solid wrestling into the commercial break. Bayley hits a top rope hurricanrana and the crowd is getting into this one. We get a cool segment where Bayley leaps over Charlotte's back by using the turnbuckles and hits a Bayley To Belly for a 2 count. Bayley runs into a boot from Charlotte and then gets the back of her head thrown into the bottom turnbuckle. They battle up on the second turnbuckle and Bayley is able to hit a super Bayley To Belly for the victory. This was a little out of nowhere, so I'm not sure it had as much of an impact as it could have, but it was still a cool moment and a good match.

Match Rating: ***1/4

We get a pre-taped sit down interview with Kevin Owens hosted by Michael Cole in an empty arena. Owens makes a "real man's man" reference, so this was a success. Owens has watched Regal throughout his career and doesn't trust him or any referee that will be assigned. Owens wants it to be a ladder match to make sure the match is fair. Cole asks Owens if he can beat Finn Balor and Owens takes off his mic and gives it to Cole before walking away. 

We go to Bull Dempsey going to the gym and it just ends with a "To be continued...". 

Baron Corbin vs. Steve Cutler

End Of Days and that's all. I'm sure there was more, I just didn't want to watch it.

Match Rating: 1/4*

Bayley goes into Regal's office and she wants a NXT Women Championship match. Regal says she deserves one, but she's not the only one. Next week, Bayley will face Becky Lynch to determine a #1 contender for NXT TakeOver. 

Tyler Breeze vs. Aaron Solo

Breeze hits a Beauty Shot and that's all. This continues his "I want better competition" gimmick. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

After the match, Regal comes out and he says that he found an opponent for Breeze at TakeOver. It's none other than Jushin Thunder Liger. We then get a video package of Liger's highlights. Liger is 50 years old here in 2015.

We get a quick Apollo Crews video. 

Finn Balor gets a pre-taped interview, but he gets stuck with Byron Saxton in a locker room. Not much to report here.

Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder vs. Hype Bros

This one feels rushed from the get-go. Both teams do get in a little bit of offense in, but it's pretty obvious who is going over here. The Hype Bros hit a double team Rough Ryder for the victory. After the match, Dash and Dawson attack the victors and hit their finisher on Ryder. This was fine for the time given.

Match Rating: 3/4*

Regal is now with the Vaudevillains to inform them that they will get another shot at Blake and Murphy at TakeOver. 

Samoa Joe vs. Rhyno

Joe seems to have lost a little steam, but it may just be because I feel like I haven't been able to watch as much NXT lately. Joe knocks Rhyno out of the ring and hits an early dive. This one is a little flat so far. It feels like they are just kind of doing moves. Joe hits a second rope kick for a 2 count. Rhyno comes back with a belly to belly suplex and sets up for the Gore. He runs into a boot, but then eventually comes back with a clothesline. Rhyno climbs the ropes, but Joe catches him with an enzuigiri and hits the Muscle Buster for the victory. This was a pretty big disappointment. 

Match Rating: 3/4*

This one started off hot with the Bayley match, but everything else was just filler for me. The TakeOver card is shaping up nicely, but it seems like the focus of the weekly show is losing it's star power because of it. 

Overall Rating: 54%

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