Saturday, June 1, 2024

Monday Night Raw 8-14-95 Review

Monday, August 14th, 1995
Worcester Centrum
Worcester, Massachusetts

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork22

We get a quick hype video for the Jerry Lawler/Shawn Michaels match tonight. We are live here, which typically results in a better show. However, Ted DiBiase is the guest announcer tonight with Lawler wrestling. 

Doink vs. Waylon Mercy

Ah yes, Doink still exists. I know it is easy to make fun of the smaller arenas that WWF was running at this time, but this particular one is that old school arena that just works for wrestling. Plus, it's not a high school gym. Doink outsmarts Mercy early on, but that just makes Mercy mad, ya know what I mean? He slaps on the sleeper hold pretty quickly and that's all. Doink was hardly even a credible character at this point, so it's not that surprising that he jobbed so quickly. This was just a squash.

Match Rating: 1/4*

We finally get a look at what Goldust looks like. They show him in front of the Warner Brothers movie studio and the Tiny Toons logo clearly in the background. His outfit is quite a bit different from what he would eventually wear. He also talks a little more like Dustin Rhodes than what he eventually does for the debut. 

DiBiase makes a bacon joke about Henry Godwinn and wouldn't you know it, he walks down to confront him. DiBiase tries to walk him to the back, but Godwinn shoves his arm off his shoulder and tells him to get on his knees. DiBiase does and then Godwinn tells him to squeal like a pig. Godwinn then dumps the slop bucket all over DiBiase into the commercial break. 

Smoking Gunns vs. Cody Wade & Bill Garrett

Dok Hendrix has now filled in for DiBiase. They announce that the Gunns will face Jacob and Eli Blu at SummerSlam. Bart goes for a hip toss on Garrett and he doesn't comply, leading to some boos from the crowd. Billy looks like he's maybe a little upset about it and Garrett tags in Wade. This just leads to him getting the finisher and that's all. Gunn squashes are usually pretty good, but their opponents sucked here and this was 90 seconds long. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Now it's time for Dean Douglas. He critiques Bret Hart for not hooking his opponent's legs and arguing with the referee. Douglas was so bad in these vignettes. 

We get a live interview with Shawn Michaels and he makes a lame Humpy Dumpty joke about gyrating. 

Next week, we'll be getting Undertaker vs. Tatanka. 

Hunter Hearst Helsmley vs. Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy is 12 years old here. They are going quickly here through the card tonight, as Hunter easily defeats Jeff with the Pedigree. They try to hype up his match with Bob Holly, but there is no story there. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

We go to Todd Pettengill for the SummerSlam Insider. Todd announces Barry Horowitz and Skip will square off one more time at SummerSlam. They also announce 1-2-3 Kid vs. Hakushi. Todd hypes up Gorilla Monsoon as booking the show like we would. 

Henry Godwinn vs. Ross Greenberg

Godwinn's music doesn't really say babyface, so he doesn't get much of a reaction despite what he did earlier in the show. He quickly hits a Slop Drop for the win. After the match, Greenberg gets slopped. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

We go to Isaac Yankem's office again and a lady screaming in pain. The performance here by Glenn Jacobs is embarrassing, but not as embarrassing as him as a mayor and human being. 

Savio Vega and 1-2-3 Kid are playing "Mat Caps" and you can buy a whole sheet of them for $19.00 (plus $3.95 shipping and handling). Plus, you get 3 months of WWF Magazine!

Jerry Lawler vs. Shawn Michaels

As over as Shawn is, you can see a lot of males in the crowd not especially into the gimmick. Bret Hart was always right in that regard. I liked Shawn, but it was certainly not for the gimmick he was doing here. Shawn ducks his head too early and Lawler sets him up for the piledriver. Shawn blocks it during the move and I have to say that I don't believe that I've seen that done before. Out comes Sid and he gets his hands on the Intercontinental title belt and we go into a commercial break. Lawler hits a DDT when we come back, but Michaels kicks out at 2. Michaels makes his comeback and hits the top rope elbow drop. He gets ready for the Sweet Chin Music and hits it. Lawler's momentum takes him out of the ring and in comes Sid to attack Michaels. Sid hits the chokeslam and then out comes Razor Ramon. He attacks Sid before he can hit the Powerbomb. Razor goes for the Razor's Edge, but Lawler pulls Sid's legs out of it and they head to the locker room. Razor and Shawn start arguing over the title and out comes Diesel. We get two commercial breaks in about 30 seconds for some reason. As far as 1995 Shawn matches go, this was on the lower end.

Match Rating: *

This one was a bit disappointing. The live energy was there, but the show didn't really deliver much. I had completely forgotten that Sid showed up here, so that was a surprise. 

Overall Rating: 41%

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