Monday, May 27, 2024

Superstars 8-12-95 Review

Original Airdate: Saturday, August 12th, 1995
Roberts Stadium
Evansville, Indiana

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

Hakushi vs. Aldo Montoya

Hakushi attacks Montoya before the bell and now we're underway. They announce that Hakushi will be taking on 1-2-3 Kid at SummerSlam. Montoya comes back and hits a dive over the top and to the floor. Montoya misses with a top rope reverse crossbody. Hakushi comes back and hits him with a top rope headbutt for the victory. They packed a lot of action in there, but this was really short. 

Match Rating: *3/4

We go to Todd Pettengill to talk about SummerSlam where Bret Hart tells us he likes to knock out teeth the old fashioned way. He also mentions that interim president Gorilla Monsoon is considering stipulations for the Kama/Undertaker match. 

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Brickhouse Brown

Vince announces that Hunter will be facing Bob Holly at SummerSlam. Brown surprises Hunter with a couple of dropkicks and some right hands. He goes for a hip toss, but Hunter blocks it and he hits the Pedigree for the victory. Hunter continues to look pretty good.

Match Rating: 1/4*

The same Goldust vignette is shown for about the 10th time.

They show the buildup of Skip/Barry Horowitz. They then look as if we are going to get our match, but Skip attacks him before the match. We just decide it's best to go to Dean Douglas instead. That is never the right choice. 

Dean Douglas talks about Aldo Montoya and gives him an AA grade for absolutely abomindable. Just let this guy wrestle. These promos are just so terrible. 

Adam Bomb vs. Nick Barberi

Bomb does his usual stuff here. He hits a body slam and then a top rope clothesline for the easy victory. He seems to be going nowhere fast. They show Bob Backlund out in the crowd campaigning if I needed some verification of that opinion.

Match Rating: 1/4*

10 Minute Challenge Match
Skip vs. Barry Horowitz

Barry just needs to be able to survive 10 minutes with Skip and he wins. This one tells the exact story you would expect here. After a few quick bursts of offense from Barry, Skip slows things down. They announce that there are 4 minutes remaining as Barry is able to crawl to the bottom rope while in the Boston crab. Skip misses with running knees in the corner and Barry hits him with some uppercuts. Barry then misses in the corner with an elbow, but does get a 2 count with a roll up and a reverse crossbody. We're down to 2 minutes. Skip hits a suplex for a 2. Barry rolls outside, but Skip throws him back in. He hits a body slam and that also gets a 2 and again Barry rolls out to kill time. We're down to 1 minute and we have a countdown clock now. Skip climbs up to the top rope and misses with a splash with 30 seconds left. Barry hits a dropkick and Skip kicks out at 2. Barry gets another pin attempt, but we're out of time. Shouldn't that have been Skip trying to get the last second pin there? The match itself was decent enough, but I'm not sure I understand the logic of the final minute. Skip and Sunny are obviously distraught over this match. 

Match Rating: **

Now it's time for more Isaac Yankem and Jerry Lawler. 

Waylon Mercy vs. Buck Quartermain

Buck goes after Mercy, but it doesn't end well for him. He gets hit with a chokeslam and an overhead belly to belly suplex. He slaps on the sleeper hold and that's all for poor Buck.

Match Rating: 1/4*

We go back to Todd and he talks about Bertha Faye vs. Alundra Blayze. We hear from Razor Ramon about his ladder match. 

Mabel will be taking on Bam Bam Bigelow next week on Superstars. Bam Bam has fallen pretty fast here. 

Superstars continues to be pretty entertaining despite the constant Isaac Yankem and Dean Douglas vignettes. Wrestling always has it's good and bad, but this era is mostly remembered for how low the lows are. 

Overall Rating: 47%

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