Sunday, May 12, 2024

Monday Night Raw 8-7-95 Review

Original Airdate: Monday, August 7th, 1995
Louisville Gardens
Louisville, Kentucky

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork22

We get the intro they loved to do during this era where we get both guys talking in a studio facing opposite angles with Sir Mo and Diesel. 

WWF Tag Team Championship Match
Razor Ramon & Savio Vega vs. Owen Hart & Yokozuna

Sometimes you just need a good formula tag team match. Unsurprisingly, these four guys follow that. Owen and Yoko use the referee's distraction to take advantage of the rules and Yoko has Razor in a nerve hold when we go into commercial break. When we come back, Owen is jumping on the back of Razor while draped on the second rope. Owen then sends Razor over the top and tags Yoko back in. He once again puts on that dreaded nerve hold. Razor battles up to his feet, but Owen was tagged in. Razor runs into a spin kick and that gets a 2 count. Razor blocks a hip toss and turns it into a backslide for 2. Owen goes up to the top rope and surprisingly hits a headbutt. He then jumps on Razor's back for a sleeper hold. Razor battles out with a back suplex and both men are able to crawl to make a tag to their partners. Savio is a house of fire, but the numbers game catches up to him. He ducks a double clothesline, but gets hit with a Samoan drop by Yokozuna. Razor pulled Owen out of the ring, but Yoko then hits a leg drop. Razor is too late trying to make the save and the champions retain in a good match.

Match Rating: ***

Just in time to ruin the show, it's Dean Douglas. Who was writing these? You could just feel people changing the channel every time these aired. 

Speaking of changing the channel, it's Jerry Lawler and Isaac Yankem taking x-rays. They even threw in an x-ray effect every time he takes one. Don't worry, they zoom into his teeth also. 

Fatu vs. Tony DeVito

Fatu leaves his hat on for this very big time match. DeVito attempts to slam Fatu's head into the turnbuckle, but he didn't do his homework there and gets hit with a superkick. Fatu hits a top rope splash and continues to be in that cluster of superstars that just exist. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

It's time for the SummerSlam Insider with Todd Pettengill. Don't forget to buy your Stridex pads. We hear from Mo and Mabel to talk about that highly anticipated main event. In talking about the new Intercontinental match, he talks to Gorilla Monsoon. Gorilla announces that Alundra Blayze will defend her title against Bertha Faye. Isaac Yankem will face Bret Hart and Undertaker will take on Kama as well. 

I'm definitely ready for a new Goldust vignette. 

Kama vs. Tony Haste

As with most Kama matches, they find something to distract you from it and this time it's a phone call with Sid. He is furious about Gorilla Monsoon's decision to take him out of the Intercontinental Championship match. Kama puts on an arm submission for the victory. This is the usual Kama match.

Match Rating: 1/4*

Next week, it will be Jerry Lawler vs. Shawn Michaels. 

For only $16, you can have a hideous Shawn Michaels shirt. 

Sir Mo vs. Diesel

For whatever reason, Mabel is not with Mo. After a mostly dominating start to the match by Diesel, Mabel makes his way down to the ring to distract Diesel. Mo takes advantage and that brings Shawn Michaels out to the ring. Mo is able to shove Diesel into the ring post while Mabel and Michaels argue. Diesel shockingly battles back and hits a side suplex. He follows it up with a big boot and the Jackknife for the victory. As soon as the match is over, Mabel blindsides him until Michaels makes the save. Michaels dives over the top, but Mabel catches him and rams him into the ring post. Diesel checks in on him while Lawler mocks him. This was a little better than you would expect, but pretty basic. 

Match Rating: *

This was a solid episode, even if they still don't care about Kama, but expect us to. I can't really explain why I like this era as much as I do, but the shows are just very comfortable to watch. 

Overall Rating: 50%

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