Saturday, May 11, 2024

Superstars 8-5-95 Review

Original Airdate: Saturday, August 5th, 1995
Roberts Stadium
Evansville, Indiana

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

Skip vs. Shawn Michaels

An early distraction allows Skip to hit a big back body drop. He tries to throw Michaels over the top rope, but Michaels skins the cat. Michaels charges at Skip, but hits his shoulder on the ring post instead. Skip hits a second rope leg drop, but Michaels kicks out at 2. Vince is cramming so many words in here, it reminds me of the Micro Machine commercials. He brings up the Shawn Michaels/Sid match at SummerSlam, which I promise you is going to absolutely happen. Michaels is able to knock Skip out of the ring. Michaels grabs the mic and calls Skip a crybaby. Out comes Barry Horowitz to distract him. Michaels hits a flying forearm and Sweet Chin Music for the victory. They crammed a lot of action in a short amount of time there. As Shawn is dancing, Sunny says "not bad" to the camera. Shawn invites her to the ring while Skip is unconscious. Shawn has her come in to kiss her and then turns his head on her. This little ending isn't that enjoyable knowing what happened in real life, but the match was good.

Match Rating: **1/2

Oh good, Dean Douglas is here. He breaks down Shawn Michaels and charisma. He gives him a F-. These are just so incredibly stupid. 

We go to the interim WWF President, Gorilla Monsoon. He said he's reviewing the SummerSlam and making some changes. Gorilla doesn't think Sid should be the #1 contender and instead it will be Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon in a ladder match. He says to expect other changes to rules and regulations as well. As a kid, I ate this all up as a huge fan of Gorilla.

Jean Pierre Lafitte vs. David Haskins

Lafitte hits a clothesline and then ties Haskins up in the ropes to hit a couple of splashes. He hits a DDT and then hits the Cannonball for the victory. After the match, he steals Bret Hart glasses from a kid. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Todd Pettengill for the SummerSlam Insider. He talks about the updated Intercontinental ladder match. He then says that Undertaker will take on Kama and we hear from Undertaker. 

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. AC Connor

Connor is D'Lo Brown. For some reason this match gets a commercial break before it starts and then in the middle of it. This match is nothing and is finished with a headbutt.

Match Rating: 1/4*

Next week it will be Aldo Montoya vs. Hakushi. They weren't even trying, were they?

Allied Powers vs. War Machines

We join this match in progress. I'd love to know why they thought doing that sort of thing was beneficial on a taped show. Bulldog hits a running powerslam and picks up the victory. Dok Hendrix mentions that Bulldog is the one who always wins for the team. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Skip challenges to a 10 minute match with Barry Horowitz. 

Henry Godwinn vs. Jerry Flynn

Flynn gets in a few moves here and a couple pin attempts. Godwinn doesn't like it and hits a big clothesline. He hits the Slop Drop and that's all. There really are quite a few talents that come nowhere near the SummerSlam card. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Kama vs. Scott Taylor

This is a pretty good roster of jobbers here today. As soon as the match starts, they interview Razor Ramon. They don't care about the match at all and Razor says nothing of value. Kama wins and no one cared about it. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

We go back to Todd and he shows us Mabel attacking Diesel. Diesel says nothing.

Barry Horowitz accepts the challenge and talks himself into it that he can do it. 

This show started out fun, but just felt pointless after that. They have so many guys that just sort of exist on the roster and are never given anything. In the case of Godwinn and Lafitte, they are both solid in the ring and deserve more. So why does Kama get a chance when the crowd couldn't care less about him? 

Overall Rating: 40%

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