Sunday, May 5, 2024

SmackDown 4-27-07 Review

Original Airdate: Friday, April 27th, 2007
Earl's Court
London, England

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

We start the show seeing Batista destroying Kennedy backstage. In comes what looks to be Finlay, but we can't see because he bumped into the cameraman and it went out. We're out in the aisle and it's Batista beating up Finlay and using the UK themed set. Out comes Kennedy to help and now they get Batista down. The lights go out and Undertaker's bell tolls. When the lights come on, he's in the ring. The lights go out again and this time Undertaker is gone. 

Backstage, Teddy Long tells Finlay and Mr. Kennedy that they will face Batista and Undertaker in a no disqualification match. 

Kane & Boogeyman vs. William Regal & Dave Taylor

Why? At least this isn't a 30 second squash like Vince probably wanted it to be. They even get a commercial break and a heat segment in here. Boogeyman gets the hot tag since he can only handle wrestling for about 90 seconds. The referee turns his back and Kane hits a boot, leading to Boogeyman's double handed chokeslam. I had absolutely no interest in this. Poor Regal. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Deuce vs. Brian Kendrick

Paul London is selling an injury here. This match is slow paced and is lacking any real drama. The finish is just Domino going after London, which distracts Kendrick. Deuce hits him with a dropkick and that's enough for the victory. This was only here to establish the new champs and didn't really do too much for them, despite getting time. That's two matches in a row that got time, but didn't really interest me. 

Match Rating: 1/2*

We get a weird interview with Deuce, Domino and Cherry and get nothing out of it. 

MVP vs. Hamlet Macbeth

I guess this is still going to be a thing. The only thing that is noteworthy here is that JBL says MVP's high boot is better than Bruiser Brody's. The rest is your standard version of this match. Oh, and then there's the fact that Hamlet Macbeth was none other than Drew McIntyre. You would have never known. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

MVP says he has his next opponent, but then is interrupted by Chris Benoit. He says that he'll be his next opponent instead. So we're getting a match we are going to be getting at Backlash for free. 

MVP vs. Chris Benoit

Ah, yes. It's the "building momentum before the pay-per-view" match. JBL claims that the matches between these two have been classics. In a profession full of overstatements, this is definitely one of them. This one has had some solid action for a TV match, but nothing out of the ordinary. Benoit hits five German suplexes in a row on MVP and he signals for the headbutt. MVP is able to roll out of the ring and decides to call it a night. The ref counts to 10 and we have a countout. I mean, it makes sense. 

Match Rating: **

Kristal and Teddy Long are talking about their time in Europe. Kristal tells him that she loves him and she wishes that they could spend more time together. Teddy says that maybe he can find someone to help him out on SmackDown. Is it really more work than a normal job? 

Mark Henry is coming.

Jillian Hall vs. Michelle McCool

Great. McCool does look like she is a lot more confident here. She gets a quick burst of offense only to get hit with the X Factor for the Jillian victory. That was quick. We then get an awkward cut to the commercial. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

No Disqualification Match
Mr. Kennedy & Finlay vs. Batista & Undertaker

Taker goes for Old School, but a Finlay distraction allows for Kennedy to block it. So naturally, he no sells and then gives both guys Old School. With the no DQ stipulation, the shillelagh naturally plays a role and Finlay uses it on Batista's leg. No DQ tag matches really don't make sense because there is nothing stopping it from being 2 on 2 at all times. Instead, we have Undertaker pacing on the apron while they work on Batista's leg. Batista comes back and hits a Spear on Kennedy. He goes for a Batista Bomb, but Kennedy is able to hit the leg. He tags in Finlay and he knocks Taker off the apron. He grabs the shillelagh and he hits Batista with it. Taker is in and destroys both guys because he's Undertaker. They block a double chokeslam, but he hits a double clothesline out of it. He hits a chokeslam on Finlay and then on Kennedy. Batista comes in and hits a spinebuster while Taker signals for the Tombstone and pins Finlay before he can go for one. Batista tells Taker after the match that no one keeps him down for a 10 count and at Backlash, he's taking his title back. As Batista is heading to the back, Taker says that he is no ordinary man and he will take Batista's soul. This was pretty standard stuff.

Match Rating: **

This was a pretty blah go home episode for the blue brand. SmackDown has really been the only thing halfway decent here in 2007 for me, so I'll let them off the hook this week. 

Overall Rating: 40%

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