Saturday, May 25, 2024

NXT 7-29-15 Review

Original Airdate: Wednesday, July 29th, 2015
Full Sail University
Winter Park, Florida

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

Enzo & Big Cass vs. Dash & Dawson

We are starting to see Dash and Dawson a little bit more now. Let's see if they let them hang here. They do get themselves an early heat segment, but it all just leads to the usual hot tag to Big Cass. There is not much in the way of variety when it comes to Enzo and Cass. They basically have the same match every time. Enzo goes up top, but Wilder grabs Cass off the apron and into the steps. Dawson nails Enzo with a clothesline outside the ring. Dash and Dawson hit the Shatter Machine and pick up the big surprise victory. They get a few cheers, but it is mostly shock from the crowd. Obviously, this was the right decision. The match was your usual stuff.

Match Rating: *3/4

Jason Jordan and Chad Gable are interviewed backstage and try to give an attitude era jokey style interview. Jordan still refuses to say Gable to finish the ready, willing and gable catchphrase. 

We get a hype video for Charlotte vs. Dana Brooke. 

Baron Corbin vs. Jesse Sorensen

By the time it takes me to find out how to spell Sorensen's name, Corbin hits End Of Days for the win. They've never figured out anything interesting to do with Corbin and he isn't interesting by himself. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Tyler Breeze goes into William Regal's office and he demands to know who his TakeOver opponent is going to be. Regal says he's gone to the ends of the Earth for Breeze and to be careful for what you wish for. 

Jason Jordan & Chad Gable vs. Elias Sampson & Levis Valenzuela Jr. 

Elias and No Way Jose are the opponents here. They're doubling down on tag team wrestling here tonight. Valenzuela actually gets a couple of moves in on Gable, as this is going a little longer than expected. Gable hits an overhead German suplex and Jordan hits a spear in the corner. They hit their double team back suplex for the victory. 

Match Rating: 1/2*

It's time to hear from Dana Brooke and Emma. Dana talks about taking over the NXT women's division. She is the type of heel that makes you want to change the channel rather than boo. 

Speaking of changing the channel, it's the "Bull Dempsey can't stop eating" storyline. They show him dressed up in 80s style workout clothes attempting to work out and failing. All that for a tag line of "It's time to gett Bull-fit". 

Charlotte vs. Dana Brooke

Charlotte is fired up and hits a few knee drops to the face of Brooke. Emma's quickly distracts her and it leads to Charlotte hitting her shoulder into the ring post. Did Brooke wear Converse's to wrestle for a long time? I don't recall that being a thing. Charlotte fights back with a spear and knocks Emma off the apron. She hits Natural Selection and that's all. That was a pretty definitive loss for Brooke there, not that I'm complaining.

Match Rating: 1/2*

We get a pre-taped interview with Samoa Joe who says that he's here to win the NXT Championship. He tells Rhyno that his future will end next week. 

They show Regal from last week with Kevin Owens coming in and apologizing to Regal. Regal looks unsure and then Regal says that he can't wait to see him get beat in Brooklyn.

Eva Marie is now interviewed and she wants the NXT Women's Championship. Major LOL vibes there. 

Kevin Owens vs. Danny Burch

Owens hits all the greatest hits here. The cannonball, the senton and the pop up powerbomb for the victory. This was just here to remind you of Owens. After the match, he hits a powerbomb on Burch into the hardest part of the ring. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

We get a Rhyno hype video. This whole Rhyno run just feels like one of the more random things that happened during this time period. 

NXT Tag Team Championship Match
Vaudevillains vs. Blake & Murphy

We get the standard nothing really happens beginning into the commercial break. Aiden gets the heat segment and finally gets a hot tag to Simon Gotch. He gets a nearfall with a roll up. They go for the Whirling Dervish, but Alexa Bliss grabs English's leg and that leads to the finish for the champs. This one was disappointing, as this was a typical match. The Vaudevillains attack the champs after the match and hit Whirling Dervish before celebrating with the belts. Alexa isn't happy about it. The challengers circle her, before lowing the middle rope for her. She calls them pathetic and slaps Gotch. She slaps English to and walks out. Obviously, there is more to come here. 

Match Rating: *

This was a pretty typical episode here. They crammed a lot in, but it was nothing memorable at all. The slump continues a little bit here. 

Overall Rating: 46%

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