Tuesday, August 20, 2024

ECW 5-15-07 Review

Tuesday, May 15th, 2007
1st Mariner Arena
Baltimore, Maryland

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork22

We get a recap of the Bobby Lashley/Jonathan Coachman match from Raw. We then are forced to watch Vince live from the WWE Studios. He's still mad about having to wear something on his head because of what Lashley did to him at WrestleMania. He tells him that he will face the 3 members of the New Breed tonight before his 3 on 1 at Judgment Day. 

Rob Van Dam vs. Snitsky

What did RVD do to deserve this? It's funny that if this match happened during Snitsky's last run, it would have been a 2 minute RVD squash. It's pretty much all Snitsky here and about 90 seconds in, he's already repeating moves. RVD finally makes a comeback and hits a springboard reverse kick. He hits the spinning heel kick, but misses with the single leg kick from the top rope. That almost looked like it may have been a mistake by Snitsky. RVD misses with Rolling Thunder, but then Snitsky misses with a boot. RVD knocks him to the floor with a spin kick. Snitsky greets him with a clothesline when he gets outside and then nails him with a chair for the disqualification. This was whatever.

Match Rating: 3/4*

CM Punk vs. Stevie Richards

Did Richards have a contract that only allowed him to wrestle CM Punk? Punk has his ribs wrapped up and Richards goes right after them. Now speaking in kayfabe, but Richards always gets a fair amount of offense on Punk. Shouldn't that mean he should get some more opportunities to face some other wrestlers on the roster for him to work his way up? Richards hits a double stomp on Punk before going to the abdominal stretch. Richards goes for a tornado DDT, but Punk counters and hits the Go To Sleep for the victory. This was all storyline for Punk's injury before his match with Elijah Burke at Judgment Day. 

Match Rating: 3/4*

They show the New Breed backstage and they say some stuff. My analysis is elite. 

Kevin Thorn vs. Nunzio

Thorn never really fit in with the New Breed, so it makes sense that he has moved on. Unfortunately, he isn't very good either so I don't think that he was going to succeed with however he was booked. Nunzio on the other hand continues to be one of the best squash wrestlers of the era. Thorn obviously dominates here, with Nunzio throwing in some unexpected offense. He hits a missile dropkick and gets a 2 count. Thorn comes right back and hits the Dark Kiss for the win. He gets absolutely no reaction for the win there. Nunzio put in a great performance though. 

Match Rating: 3/4*

Extreme Exposé are here if you care. 

We get the Lashley recap again for some reason. We then get an interview with Lashley and he says tonight he doesn't see the New Breed across the ring from him. He sees Vince, Shane and Umaga. 

Handicap Match
New Breed vs. Bobby Lashley

Cor Von deserves better than the way he has been booked so far. He and Lashley get a moment together and of course Lashley gets the better of it. Striker then tags himself in and gets knocked off the apron. A Burke distraction leads to Cor Von hitting the Pounce and knocking Lashley out of the ring. Cor Von hits a back suplex and gets a 2 count. Lashley hits an overhead German suplex with a release on Burke and then throws Striker into the ring. Lashley hits him with a Spear and picks up the victory while Burke and Cor Von watch from outside the ring. This was fine for what it was, but knowing that Lashley is going to be leaving soon just makes this all seem so poorly thought out. 

Match Rating: *1/2

This is about what you can expect from ECW. A few squash matches and a decent main event. That's usually if we are lucky. There just isn't a strong case for anyone to watch it. 

Overall Rating: 48%

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