Saturday, August 24, 2024

Superstars 9-2-95 Review

Original Airdate: Saturday, September 2nd, 1995
Portland Civic Center
Portland, Maine

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

So there is no Raw this week and we get a Superstars episode that was taped before SummerSlam. Can you imagine that happening in 2024? We get some talk about the Bret Hart/Isaac Yankem match because Bret is facing Waylon Mercy today on Superstars. 

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. John Faulkner

They turned a heel into a face and now they have nothing for him to do. They probably should have booked him like they eventually did with Vader in 1996 since Bam Bam was still young in 1993 and could have handled it physically. Faulkner gets his 30 seconds of offense until Bam Bam hits him with a clothesline. It is worth noting that this particular crowd is into Bam Bam here. Bam Bam goes up top and hits the reverse splash for the victory. This probably should have been a tad shorter, but fine enough for what it was. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

We go to Todd Pettengill for the SummerSlam Insider. Todd talks about how great SummerSlam was and how they broke the attendance record at the Igloo. Todd announces the big news about the next In Your House. They show Gorilla Monsoon with Yokozuna, Owen Hart, Jim Cornette and Mr. Fuji. He announces that all 3 titles will be on the line in one match when Owen and Yokozuna take on Diesel and Shawn Michaels. We get a promo with Camp Cornette and he says there's a lot more to being a great team than Diesel and Shawn think. I know they kind of botched it in the end, but as a kid I thought this was the coolest idea. 

Jean Pierre Lafitte vs. Rodney Anoui 

We get a Bret Hart promo during the match where he runs down all 15 of his feuds. Anoui shows off some athleticism for a man his size until he gets hit with a shoulder tackle from Lafitte. Lafitte ties up Anoui in the ropes and hits two running splashes. He hits the Cannonball and picks up the win. After the match, he steals a kids Bret Hart glasses and out comes Bret. Bret attacks him from behind and they start brawling. That was well done.

Match Rating: 1/4*

Well, we go from that to Dean Douglas. He talks about the word "abrogate" and shows Shawn Michaels grabbing the Intercontinental Championship in the ladder match and shows Razor Ramon as a loser. He gives him a grade of a MF. Yes, really. He means as a miserable failure. Next week he's going to show 1-2-3 Kid what it's like to learn a lesson. 

Henry Godwinn vs. AC Conner

Ted DiBiase makes his way to ringside as Godwinn is easily taking care of Conner. Conner is D'Lo Brown. The distraction allows Conner to get in a few moves before getting hit with the Slop Drop. DiBiase grabs Godwinn's bucket and that allows King Kong Bundy to attack him from behind. Of course Godwinn ducks and Bundy gets slopped instead. I didn't even know Bundy still worked here. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Vince McTrash is in the ring with Jim Cornette and British Bulldog to talk about Bulldog attacking Diesel. Cornette does a good job telling the story of Davey Boy getting passed over and now Davey Boy is dead. He is just the British Bulldog. People have asked him if he's sorry for what he did and he says that he's sorry for not doing it sooner. This was a really effective promo because the story made sense and they were straight to the point. 

Bret Hart vs. Waylon Mercy

There is a lot of time left in the show here, but I can't see them giving Waylon Mercy 15 minutes. Bret works on the left arm of Mercy for a little bit before getting caught with a slam and gets dumped out of the ring. When we come back from commercial break, Bret is able to counter a piledriver into a back body drop. Bret starts hitting the signature moves and then out comes Lafitte wearing Bret's jacket. He attacks Bret and that's enough for the DQ. Man, I really wish Mercy had more left in the tank than I had thought. Mercy joins in on the attack until Bret starts fighting back. Mercy tries to surprise him from the top rope, but Bret knocks him off first. Bret and Lafitte start brawling outside again and it's too bad that this feud didn't turn into much more than a one off. 

Match Rating: 3/4*

We go back to Todd for the final SummerSlam Insider. He announces that Bam Bam Bigelow will take on British Bulldog at In Your House. Gorilla is here to announce that Jean Pierre Lafitte and Bret Hart are also going to lock up at In Your House. Todd goes over the main event again and honestly the card for this show is pretty solid. We hear from Diesel and Shawn, with Diesel wearing a headband. Two dudes with attitudes. 

Vince and Dok go over 1-2-3 Kid against Dean Douglas and we'll hear from Lex Luger next week. Will we? Shawn Michaels will also take on Tatanka next week. 

The Bret match was disappointing mostly because Mercy just couldn't go, but the stuff with Bret and Lafitte was really good and I thought the Bulldog promo was really well done. The other squash matches were fine for what they were as well. 

Overall Rating: 46%

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