Sunday, July 28, 2024

NXT 8-19-15 Review

Original Airdate: Wednesday, August 19th, 2015
Full Sail University
Winter Park, Florida

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

After a recap of last weeks show, William Regal is out. He brings out Bayley and Sasha Banks for the contract signing for their match at TakeOver. Bayley says that she has had title opportunities before, but she has let them slip away. Sasha makes fun of the fans by saying that they are the reason TakeOver is in Brooklyn and not here. Sasha says that Bayley isn't worth her time and that TakeOver is it for Bayley. Sasha heads to the back, but Bayley runs up the ramp an attacks her before being held back by officials. 

We get an Apollo Crews vignette. 

Tyler Breeze vs. Rob Ryzin

Breeze has a Jushin Liger mask hanging from the bottom of his selfie stick. Breeze hits a Supermodel Kick and that's all. Your typical go home squash. After the match, he puts the mask on his opponent's head and then hits him with the Beauty Shot. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Hype Bros, Enzo & Big Cass vs. Aaron Solo, Jesse Sorensen, Jesus De Leon & Jobber

These 4 are going to take on Chad Gable, Jason Jordan, Dash and Dawson next week, so this is their warmup match. This is what you would expect it to be. Each guy gets a moment to shine and then Big Cass launches Enzo on whichever guy and they get the easy win. This just all feels so random. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Their opponents next week and they just act like a bunch of dorks. 

Samoa Joe vs. Steve Cutler

This barnburner of an episode continues. Joe puts on the Coquina Clutch for the quick win. They certainly put a lot of thought into this show. After the match, you'd never guess it, but Baron Corbin attacks him. He hits the End of Days and lays out Joe.

Match Rating: 1/4*

Blake & Murphy vs. Angelo Dawkins & Sawyer Fulton

Dawkins gets some offense in to start before running into a clothesline. Fulton even gets a chance to get a hot tag here and gets to pull the straps down. It doesn't work though and the champs hit the running suplex/frog splash combo for the win. This looked like a 5 star classic compared to the rest of the night.

Match Rating: 3/4*

The Vaudevillains are out and Alexis Bliss and goes up to them again and slaps them both. They try to start talking again and she does it again. 

Next week, it's Carmella vs. Eva Marie. You won't want to miss that...Plus it will be Becky Lynch vs. Dana Brooke vs. Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch. That's better.

Kevin Owens is out with a ladder and sets it up in the ring. He rips on the fans for a few minutes. He cuts a pretty fired up promo until the lights go out and in comes Finn Balor. Finn looks to be having a bad day. They start brawling until Owens escapes the ring. Finn then says that on Saturday he's going to shut Owens' mouth. 

This show was pretty terrible from top to bottom. I mean the two title hype segments were fine, but nothing out of the ordinary. The rest mostly was uninspired and boring. Thankfully I know that isn't the case for the upcoming TakeOver.

Overall Rating: 30%

Thursday, July 25, 2024

SummerSlam 1995 Review

Sunday, August 27th, 1995
Civic Arena
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork22

It's only fitting that my 900th post is the first pay per view that I ordered when becoming a fan again in 1995. This show is often panned because of the infamous main event, but I have always defended this as an underrated show. Let's see how it holds up. 

Oh, good. Dean Douglas is doing a live classroom from Pittsburgh.

1-2-3 Kid vs. Hakushi

I kind of love that it's still the old school SummerSlam banner around the ring here in 1995. We get some solid wrestling and athleticism to start and the crowd is appreciative of it. After some 50/50 stuff until Hakushi is able to hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Hakushi hits the cartwheel elbow in the corner and gets some cheers. Hakushi hits the big splash in the corner and a back body drop. Kid gets knocked outside and Hakushi hits the cartwheel moonsault over the top rope. He throws him back in the ring and hits a top rope shoulder tackle for a 2 count. Kid makes his comeback and hits a diving crossbody to the outside. He follows it up with a leg drop and a frog splash, both for nearfalls. Hakushi catches a spin kick from Kid and slams him down for the victory. The crowd loved this and so did I. This is one of those personal favorite matches of mine and it still holds up. 

Match Rating: ****

Dok Hendrix is with Mabel backstage talking about the royal plan. Yeah, sure. 

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Bob Holly

This is Hunter's pay per view debut and it's in a match with no build. He's gotten a little bit more shine than some of the other newcomers, but he is among the many with no direction as of yet. Helmsley catches a charging Holly and drops his throat on the top rope. He sends Holly in the corner with an Irish whip and gets an awesome noise out of the impact there. The crowd cheers that, as the fans at ringside are liking the heels so far. The show British Bulldog arriving to the arena as Helmsley slaps on the abdominal stretch and uses the rope for leverage. Holly reverses it, but then Helmsley hits a hip toss that sends Holly over the top and to the floor. Back in the ring, Holly catches Helmsley's head down too early and hits a DDT. Holly hits a dropkick Holly hits an inverted atomic drop and a clothesline. Holly hits another dropkick. Holly then makes the mistake of putting his head down too early and that leads to a Pedigree and a victory for Helmsley. This was actually more fun than I remembered. 

Match Rating: **1/4

It wouldn't be a SummerSlam without having some pointless contest that they make a bigger deal than it probably was. It was a tug of war between Pittsburgh fire fighters and WWF Superstars. 

Jacob & Eli Blu vs. Smoking Gunns

The Blu twins have actually been better than I remembered. Probably because 8 Ball and Skull sucked so bad. Both teams get a little bit of shine to begin, with the Gunns using combos to take down the big man. The Blu twins then hit a double chokeslam type move behind the referee's back and again the front rows are cheering the heels. We get a really close call on a powerslam by one of the twins, almost to the point where it looked like a mistake. Bart gets the hot tag and hits a couple of body slams before running into a big boot. The Blu twins have a miscommunication and it ends up with Gunns hitting the Sidewinder for the victory. The action was good even if the ending was a little abrupt. 

Match Rating: **1/2

Skip vs. Barry Horowitz

Barry gets music and suspenders for his big feature match debut. Barry is all over Skip to begin and he hits a clothesline over the top rope. Barry brings him in the hard way, but runs into a kick to the gut. Barry falls outside, but then he hits a suplex on Skip that sends him over the top rope and to the floor. Sunny comes into the ring to try and stop the match, but it doesn't work. The referee gets in the middle of some action and it allows Sunny to trip Barry up. Skip hits a second rope leg drop and then flexes over him. They do a nice job of having Skip dominate and Barry getting in small moments here and there. Skip hits a splash off the second rope, but decides to pull up Barry's shoulders at 2. Barry makes a comeback and climbs to the top rope. Sunny shakes the ropes and that allows Skip to hit a superplex. Hakushi is now out to the ring. He leaps over both men and that distraction allows Barry to roll Skip up and get the big win. This was a cool moment and still holds up to me knowing Barry's history as a jobber. They did a solid job of telling a story here and the action was pretty good. 

Match Rating: **3/4

Isn't it bad enough that we have to watch Dean Douglas on free TV? Vivify is the word today. He shows the ending of Skip and Barry and rambles on forever. He then sends it to Vince at ringside, but that's wrong and we go to Todd Pettengill instead. He's with Shawn Michaels and he talks about how his loss at WrestleMania X has been eating him alive. He then admits that he's got nothing in his life other than that title. 

WWF Women's Championship Match
Bertha Faye vs. Alundra Blayze

Blayze plays the underdog role, as you would expect here. She's able to move out of the way of a second rope splash and then goes up on her shoulders for a pin attempt. She hits some more offense until Harvey Wippleman distracts the referee. Blayze goes after him and rips off his jacket. Back in the ring, she gets a 2 count with a crucifix. She hits a hurricanrana and gets another 2 count. Blayze hits two second rope missile dropkicks, but misses with the third one. Bertha hits the sit down powerbomb and that's all. That was extremely abrupt and pretty anti-climatic. Jim Ross interviews Bertha and Harvey on their way to the back. He tells Ross that he can look, but he can't touch.

Match Rating: 3/4*

Casket Match
Kama vs. Undertaker

We get a pretty short entrance by Undertaker standards. We did get a pretty lengthy hype video for it. I mean to think that for some reason this feud started like 4 months ago is wild to me. If you aren't a fan of Vince as an announcer (we all know he's a garbage human), this match won't change your mind. This is just Vince doing his high yell every time someone gets in the casket. It's a Kama match, so it's lots of punching and kicking. Kama hits a clothesline to Undertaker on the apron and he falls on top of the casket. Then for some reason, he just kind of lets him get up instead of capitalizing on it. Ted DiBiase gets in a few cheap shot and that enrages Paul Bearer. He takes off his jacket, but officials are able to hold him back. Kama is able to drive Taker into the ring post and then gives Undertaker a vertical suplex onto the casket. Kama hits a big powerslam in the ring and then goes for a cover like an idiot. I mean in all honesty, I don't get why the rest of the Million Dollar Corporation don't come down and throw him in the casket. Although, other than Sid, who is even left any more? Taker makes his comeback and hits the leaping clothesline. Both men tumble into the casket with the door shut. Kama starts climbing out, but Taker is able to drag him back in. Taker hits him with some right hands, crawls out, but can't get to the lid before Kama crawls out. You know, for a guy that is so weird about words, Vince sure is calling the casket a coffin a lot. Probably because it is a coffin and not a casket. The crowd hits a Tombstone and the crowd loves it. Taker rolls Kama into the casket and closes the door for the victory. That was far from great, but it wasn't as bad as you would have expected either. It just didn't need to be as long as it was.

Match Rating: **

Isaac Yankem vs. Bret Hart

After a lengthy hype video, Jerry Lawler is in the ring to introduce Isaac Yankem. I'm not sure what's worse, the wrestler or the entrance theme. You're right, it's definitely the wrestler. We get a quick interview with Bret while the crowd is stuck listening to the drill over and over. Bret then says that Lawler can send a chiropractor after him, he doesn't care. Don't go giving them any more bad ideas, Bret. For those who think Bret was good enough to wrestle a broomstick to 3 stars, Glenn Jacobs is about as close as it gets to a broomstick. The broomstick has the higher IQ though. For weeks and weeks we have been forced to watch vignettes on this guy about how sick and twisted he is. Meanwhile, in the ring he's about as intimidating as a naked mole rat. Bret brought the intensity at least, hitting a dive to the outside. Yankem kind of lifts him up over his head and then screws up dropping him on the top rope. Yankem is choking Bret on the ropes, so the referee pulls him off by his hair for some reason. Yankem then clotheslines Bret out to the floor. Yankem drapes Bret over the top rope, climbs the top rope, almost falls and then barely grazes the back of Bret with a leg drop. Bret seems like he's tired of this crappy match, so he hits a dive through the ropes and then throws Yankem into the steps. Back in the ring, Bret hits the bulldog and a side Russian leg sweep. He slaps on the Sharpshooter, but Lawler jumps up and helps him grab the bottom rope. Bret dumps Yankem to the floor, but he lands on his feet. He grabs Bret and throws him into the steps with the first ounce of intensity he has shown the entire match. He climbs the top rope again and Bret throws him off the top. Bret drags him to the corner and ties his legs up with a cable. He starts kicking him in the back of the head while the referee tries to untie him. Lawler jumps up on the apron and Bret goes after him. He gets to him, but then Kane hits him with a double ax handle off the top rope. Back in the ring, Bret comes back with a leaping forearm. He goes off the ropes again and this time Lawler trips him up. The distraction works again, as Yankem squashes the back of his head. They tie Bret's head up in the top two ropes and the referee calls for the bell. They continue to pull him by his legs until officials come down to break it up. Bret pushes off the help and walks himself to the back. There's your proof that Bret was a miracle worker as he had a good match with one of the worst successful wrestlers of all time. 

Match Rating: ***

Dok Hendrix is with Razor Ramon, who says history has a way of repeating itself. 

Ladder Match For The Intercontinental Championship 
Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels

We get some good action to start and rather than recap it, I'm just enjoying it. The first big spot of the match is when Razor suplexes Michaels from the apron to the floor, with Michaels leg hitting the guardrail. They both get a chance to go for their finishers, with both men avoiding them and then hitting a double clothesline. Razor then hits a fall away slam from the second rope and heads out for a ladder. They show Sid in the back watching the match. Razor starts climbing, but Shawn sprints in and knocks the ladder and Razor over. Shawn then suffers a similar fate, with his knee falling awkwardly into the ladder. Razor goes to work on the injured knee, slamming it into the ladder in multiple ways. I can't believe that I slept on Razor as a worker as much as I did. I always liked him, but I have truly enjoyed watching his WWF run from 1992 to this point. Razor is just relentless on the knee, slamming it into the ring post. Razor starts climbing and Michaels digs down deep to leap off the second rope to knock him off. Michaels hits an Irish whip on Razor into the ladder and sends him over the top. The pacing and intensity in this match has been fantastic. Michaels sets up the ladder in the corner and hits a moonsault. He climbs up again, this time to the very top and misses with the big splash. Both men climb the ladder and start trading right hands near the top. Razor hits a headbutt and the ladder tips over, with Razor going to the floor. Razor is up on the apron, so Michaels charges at him with the ladder. Razor moves out of the way and Michaels falls through the ropes. Razor goes under the ring and pulls out another ladder while Michaels sets the other one up in the ring. Razor goes behind Michaels and grabs him for the Razor's Edge. We eventually get both ladders up again and both men climbing. Michaels hits him with Sweet Chin Music. Michaels tries to reach it by leaping and misses. Razor goes for the Razor's Edge, but Michaels hits a back body drop to the floor. Michaels climbs the ladder and grabs the belt, but he falls to the mat. An angered Michaels throws the ladder down and climbs the other one to grab the title and win what was an amazing match. Razor goes into the ring and grabs the title belt and spins Michaels around. He then hands him the belt and shakes his hand. While modern ladder matches are car crashes way beyond this, they are much more contrived. This was more realistic and whatever happened, happened. This is just phenomenal stuff, almost as good as the original. 

Match Rating: ****3/4

Coming off of a nearly perfect match, what is the best way to switch things up? Make us listen to Dean Douglas, of course. He talks about the definition of the word "bad". In comes Razor to interrupt saying that he doesn't need some armchair quarterback. He says he is all bluff and no stuff. Razor nails him with a right hand, while Douglas just sits there and breathes heavily. I can't believe he didn't get over. 

WWF Championship Match
King Mabel vs. Diesel

Diesel gets interviewed by Todd while Mabel is on his way to the ring. He says he's going to get medieval on Mabel, baby. They go at it right away and Mabel knocks him down with a shoulder tackle. Diesel comes back with a clothesline in the corner and follows it up with another, this time with a big running start. Diesel makes the mistake of going for the body slam. Diesel is able to come back and hit two clotheslines, but Mabel is still on his feet. Diesel hits a shoulder tackle from behind that sends him through the ropes and to the floor. Diesel then hits a dangerous looking leap over the top rope to the floor. Mabel then is able to throw Diesel into the ring post. Mabel charges at him, but Diesel is able to get the boot up into Mabel's face. Back in the ring, Mabel is able to squash Diesel on the back and then does a weak looking Camel Clutch. The announcers note that the top turnbuckle has been removed by Mo. Mabel runs the ropes and looks to intentionally run into the referee, knocking him out of the ring. Mo is now in the ring and they double team Diesel. Out comes Lex Luger to help make the save, but Diesel clotheslines him over the top rope. Mabel then does the same to Diesel and the attack continues. Luger is back up and goes after Mo all the way to the back. In the ring, Mabel hits a belly to belly suplex and the referee is back to count to 2. Mabel climbs to the second rope and just barely misses the splash. Diesel now goes to the second rope and hits a forearm. He rolls Mabel over and that's it? Honestly, the match is nowhere near as bad as its reputation. The finish is extremely poor though. I get that no one wanted to see Mabel here, but he didn't do that bad of a job and the match was more than watchable. It was way better than Undertaker vs. Undertaker. You would have thought they would have come up with a way to get British Bulldog involved, but I guess not. 

Match Rating: *1/4

Go ahead and take away my good taste card, but I liked this show when it happened and I still like it 29 years later. Hakushi/Kid is an underrated gem and Razor/Michaels is one of the best ladder matches in history. That alone is good enough to make this a thumbs up for me. There is some enjoyable stuff scattered throughout and the main event is nowhere near as bad as people will tell you it is. 

Overall Rating: 80%

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Superstars 8-26-95 Review

Original Airdate: Saturday, August 26th, 1995
Portland Civic Center
Portland, Maine

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

Skip vs. 1-2-3 Kid

I can dig this one. Kid hits a nice pop up dropkick and then a headscissors. Kid then hits a leaping crossbody off the second rope onto Skip on the floor. He goes for another headscissors, but this time Skip slams him face first to the mat. The match is good, so of course they go to commercial. Kid is back in control and hits a frog splash for a 2 count. Kid goes for a spin kick, but Skip ducks and Kid goes to the outside. Sunny gets in a cheap shot and then out comes Barry Horowitz. The distraction causes Skip to get counted out and goes to the back. We don't even get an official announcement. This match was going along very well and then it just ended. 

Match Rating: *3/4

We go to Dean Douglas because lord knows we need to. He criticizes Kid for being redundant with going for the same move twice. Aren't these vignettes the epitome of redundant? He gets a grade of HI, which stands for Hopelessly Incomplete. Hilarious. 

It's Stridex time. Oh, and Todd Pettengill is here too. The card is already set, so nothing new here. We hear quickly from both Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels. 

Sid vs. Brian Walsh

Sid dismantles Walsh, as one would expect. He hits a big boot and then a one arm chokeslam. The powerbomb ends it. This is exactly what you would expect as they hype him for his September 11th title match.

Match Rating: 1/4*

We get the Hollywood sign vignette from Goldust. 

Dok Hendrix is dressed up in Undertaker gear for his interview with him and Paul Bearer. Bearer calls him out for being a wolf in sheep's clothing. They wheeled out a casket to if that does anything for you. 

We get a new fall season commercial that is terrible. 

We get a recap of British Bulldog turning on Diesel. Mabel promises that the grand finale of his royal plan will happen at SummerSlam. Diesel says there will be armageddon in Mabel's kingdom. 

Henry Godwinn vs. Brooklyn Brawler

I sort of feel like Godwinn only turned face so that he could feud with Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Although, I guess Vince does like having his farm stables. Godwinn quickly hits a Slop Drop and gets the easy win. He then dumps the slop bucket on Brawler. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

We get a cheesy voicemail for Isaac Yankem's office saying that he has an appointment with Bret Hart.

Rad Radford vs. Bret Hart

Uh oh, it's Jean Pierre Lafitte and he's stolen Bret Hart's jacket. This allows Radford the opportunity to jump Bret, but Bret's right back on offense after a few seconds. Radford is able to hit a big spinebuster before choking Bret. Radford ducks too early and Bret makes him pay, but a rake in the eyes stops anything from happening. Radford hits a snapmare takedown and again goes back to the choke. Bret comes back with a Lou Thesz press and the side Russian leg sweep. Bret hits a bulldog and then slaps on the Sharpshooter for the victory. This was a fairly competitive match considering Radford has been presented as a nobody so far. 

Match Rating: **

We go back to the Toddster to run down tomorrow's card one more time. We actually get an Alundra Blayze promo for a feud that has gotten pretty much no time on Superstars or Raw. I'm not sure if maybe there was some stuff on Action Zone, but this has just been hyped up at all. 

Vince and Dok close us out to hype up SummerSlam some more. The mention of Lex Luger is pretty funny in hindsight. We then get a video package of most of the matches for SummerSlam.

This was a pretty good show as far as Superstars goes, with two feature matches bookending the show. My excitement as a kid was at an all time high and I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen at SummerSlam. Viewing it nearly 30 years later, the build for a lot of the matches is pretty weak, outside of maybe Mabel/Diesel. The other ones are either thrown together or are feuds that have been going on for awhile, but with such little progression.

Overall Rating: 51%

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Off The Grid, Volume 48: Bash At The Beach 1995 Review

Sunday, July 16th, 1995
The Beach
Huntington Beach, California

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

Off The Grid, Volume 48:

Well, I'm getting close to starting to review Monday Nitro, so I guess this one makes sense for me to watch again. We get a Slim Jim/Randy Savage heavy opening and then get a Meng hype video. We then go to Mean Gene, who is with Meng's opponent, Sting. I dig Sting's color scheme here. 

United States Championship Match
Meng vs. Sting

This is a rematch from Great American Bash, which I rated **. The beach atmosphere looks cool, but I can't imagine that it's that great for the live crowd or wrestlers. Then there's the fact that it's free. We get off to a slow start with Meng on offense. Sting's able to get Meng in the Scorpion Death Lock, but gets distracted by Col. Parker and that once again leads to Meng on offense. This match is dragging and hasn't really done its job as an opener. Now it's time for the abdominal stretch. It does feel odd with Sting as the United States Champion. Sting finally makes a comeback and hits a back body drop. He hits a chop block and a Thesz press for a 2 count. Meng catches a leaping Sting, but he turns it into a weak looking hurricanrana. Sting goes for a Stinger Splash, but Meng nails him with a big boot. That was undoubtedly the highlight of this match. Meng hits a top rope splash and Sting barely kicks out. Meng can't believe it and that allows Sting to roll him up for the victory. Meng attacks him after the bell and then out comes Road Warrior Hawk. He helps Sting to the back. This match stunk.

Match Rating: 3/4*

Mean Gene is with Renegade and Jimmy Hart. This is a real thing. Poor Jimmy. 

Television Championship Match
Paul Orndorff vs. Renegade

It's pretty well documented how stupid this Renegade gimmick was and the fact that the performer wasn't good in general doesn't help. Orndorff is able to get off to a quick start and grounds his opponent. Renegade hits a back body drop and then two of the worst dropkicks I have seen. He then hits a powerslam. Renegade gets dropped outside the ring. Orndorff attacks him on his way back into the ring. Renegade blocks a vertical suplex and then picks up Orndorff for a back suplex and the victory. This was terrible. Orndorff hits a piledriver and then Renegade no sells it and hits a top rope crossbody. The crowd boos Renegade

Match Rating: 0 Stars (out of 5)

If that wasn't bad enough, here's the Dungeon of Doom. They bring out Kamala and then we go to Mean Gene with Hacksaw Jim Duggan. He yells some things. 

Kamala vs. Jim Duggan

It just blows my mind that these two were wrestling each other in 1995. After some stalling, Duggan is able to knock Kamala down after a few blows. Kamala does his outdated offense, then Duggan makes his comeback. Kevin Sullivan gets on the apron and distracts Duggan, which allows Zodiac to run in and hit Duggan with Kamala's mask. The referee turns around and Kamala gets the win. This had no business being on pay per view. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Mean Gene is now with Macho Man and he's excited to be talking about Slim Jims. 

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Dave Sullivan

Sullivan shoves some flowers in DDP's face that some "Hulkamaniac" gave Kimberly before the match. I remember reading the Pro Wrestling Illustrated Wrestling Almanac religiously and seeing Sullivan's name and just wondering who this guy was and why I knew nothing about him. Then I saw him wrestle and I immediately knew why. These last 3 matches are hardly worthy of being on WCW Saturday Night, let alone Bash At The Beach. DDP misses in the corner and Sullivan hits a clothesline. The crowd is getting into something that's going on, but it's not the match. Max Muscle distracts Sullivan and DDP hits the Diamond Cutter for the win. Awful stuff.

Match Rating: 1/4*

Sherri and Harlem Heat are here and are very purple. 

Triangle Match For The WCW Tag Team Championships
Blue Bloods vs. Nasty Boys vs. Harlem Heat

I would say Steven Regal's music is one of the better WCW themes. We get a brawl early on and Regal gets the Pit Stop. Brian Knobbs then runs into a Booker T boot, but then hits him with a clothesline. I guess the idea of a triple threat tag match was still pretty new here and the announce team seems confused by it. We're kind of just getting a bunch of moves happening and the announcers not sure of what's going on. Sags hits a back body drop on Booker onto Regal. Knobbs then hits a splash on them and pins them. They then give the victory to Harlem Heat since he was the one on top of Regal. Yeah, I'm not buying that. The match was fine until the finish.

Match Rating: **1/4

Mean Gene is back with Harlem Heat again and he reminds them that Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck will get their chance against them. This just feels like they realized the show was running short and they needed them to fill some time. 

Ric Flair is with Mean Gene and he talks about taking Elizabeth to Space Mountain.

Lifeguard Match
Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage

This is just a lumberjack match on the beach. Savage quickly starts unleashing right hands and then a back body drop. This is the type of match where the crowd hurts. They're into it, but not like they would be at an arena. Savage is able to suplex Flair over the top rope into the lifeguards. Flair does get some work in on the leg and eventually gets the Figure Four on. Savage is able to reverse it, but Flair quickly escapes. The lifeguards are just doing their job and haven't really caused any drama to the match. That's about to change. Savage goes up top and hits the double ax handle. An Anderson comes in and Savage knocks him down, which allows Flair to hit a thumb in the eye. Savage tosses him out of the ring and that distraction allows Arn to hit a DDT. Flair covers him and Savage kicks out at 2. Flair tries to go up top, but Savage press slams him. Savage hits the top rope elbow drop and picks up the victory. Savage was basically Undertaker throughout this match, with him not selling a whole lot and just essentially overcoming everything. The action was pretty good, but it still felt like a TV main event.

Match Rating: **3/4

They show Big Van Vader's "Roadkill Tour" that leads us up to the main event here. Vader then tells Mean Gene is about to show everyone what time it is. Did someone bet Vader that he couldn't say "brother" more than Hulk Hogan normally does?

They hype up Collision In Korea, which I still can't believe was a thing. 

That leads to Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart with special guest Dennis Rodman. I don't know about you, but I find it hard to even focus during a Hogan interview during this era. 

Steel Cage Match For WCW Championship
Vader vs. Hulk Hogan

Hogan goes right after Vader and uses his ripped shirt around Vader's neck. I will say that Hogan is showing a little bit more intensity here. Hogan then puts on Vader's headgear. Heenan wonders if it's made out of steel and Schiavone agrees. Sure. Vader comes back and hits two Vader Bombs, but Hogan kicks out. Vader misses with a splash and Hogan makes a comeback. Hogan hits the slam, but then Vader comes back with a second rope splash. Now it's time for Hogan to Hulk up. Out comes Zodiac and Kevin Sullivan, but Dennis Rodman grabs a chair and that scares them away. Sure. Hogan hits a leg drop and then tries to escape the cage. Vader meets him up on the top rope , but Hogan knocks him off with a right hand. Hogan climbs over and picks up the victory. I mean, this was far from great, but it also was pretty entertaining for a Hogan match. Both guys put in a good effort. As soon as the match over there is a huge mass exit from the crowd. 

Match Rating: **1/2

After the match is over, Flair comes to the ring with Vader. Flair is upset at Vader, so Vader grabs him by the throat. Arn comes out, but escapes along with Flair. Vader then says he'll take both of them on. That's a weird ending. 

I will say this wasn't quite as bad as I had remembered. Before the last 3 matches was horrendous. That section of the show would have been a terrible TV episode, let alone a pay per view. However, the last 3 matches were entertaining enough to not be bored. This is still a bad show, just not in the December To Dismember category. 

Overall Rating: 33%

Monday, July 15, 2024

SmackDown 5-11-07 Review

Original Airdate: Friday, May 11th, 2007
Mellon Arena
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork22

MVP & Finlay vs. Chris Benoit & Matt Hardy

It's weird how Matt Hardy kind of just has this side gig with his brother on Raw and on SmackDown he is a singles competitor. Benoit gets the Crossface on MVP early on, but he gets his feet to the ropes almost immediately. He and Benoit will wrestle yet again at Judgment Day. We go outside the ring and Benoit is able to hit a suplex on Finlay. Benoit goes in the ring and we see Hornswoggle talking to Finlay as we go to commercial break. When we come back, Hardy hits a bulldog on Finlay, but he's able to make a tag to MVP. Hardy hits a Side Effect on MVP, but Finlay breaks up the pin attempt. Hardy hits a top rope moonsault, but hurts his knee in the process. They work on the knee for a bit, but Hardy is able to get a hot tag to Benoit. He hits the three German suplexes on Finlay and then knocks MVP off the apron. He misses with the top rope headbutt and in comes MVP. We get an awkward spot that leads to Benoit pinning MVP with a jacknife cover. That was a terrible ending to an otherwise good match.

Match Rating: **3/4

We get a Batista/Undertaker hype video and then a commercial for the WrestleMania 23 DVD. Want one more commercial? Sure. Ozzy Osbourne will be on SmackDown next week. 

Jillian is in the ring singing and then Michelle McCool's music interrupts.

Jillian vs. Michelle McCool

It takes about 30 seconds for this match to turn into a sloppy mess. When I say that, it's not these performers faults always. WWE had a terrible habit of throwing people who weren't ready to wrestle on TV and obviously McCool would go on to be much better than she is here. Jillian hits a cartwheel into an elbow drop for a 2 count. McCool hits a backbreaker and wins with that? This was really bad. 

Match Rating: 0 Stars

Teddy Long is getting a massage from Kristal and she's about to tell him something, but they are interrupted by Jesse and Festus. Teddy is excited to have them here and they ask for a match tonight. Teddy says that he's busy looking for an assistant, but he'll give them a match next week. Kristal recommends Vickie Guerrero for her assistant, but Teddy doesn't trust her. Kristal says that they are best friends and that she's going through a lot. That's enough for him to tell Vickie to come to SmackDown next week and he'll give her an interview. This was all cringe. 

We get a recap of Edge taking the Money In The Bank briefcase from Mr. Kennedy.

Michael Cole now is interviewing Ashley from Stamford. She is anxious to get back in the ring from her injury. They probably should have went with a pre-taped interview here. 

Paul London vs. Domino

We get a bit of a standoff to start, showcasing that these two know each other well. London possibly makes a mistake, as we get a little bit of an awkward pause before Domino decides to go on offense. We get a few quick pin attempts and then London hits a flapjack. The announcers cover for London saying that he is rusty from being injured. London hits a spin kick and Kendrick holds off Deuce from interfering. London hits a dropsault and gets the win here. This was sloppy. 

Match Rating: 1/2*

We get more hype for Batista/Undertaker, which it deserves but we already know what happens. 

I assure you, no one cares that Snitsky is coming. 

Kane vs. Dave Taylor

Who on this planet thought this was a good idea? Boogeyman is out with Kane just to make things even worse. I know this is shocking, but no one cares about this. Has anyone ever cared about Kane since his first feud with Undertaker? At least when he was in WWE, he wasn't polluting our government. Kane hits a chokeslam and puts us all out of our misery.

Match Rating: 1/4*

We now get recaps of the Undertaker/Batista WrestleMania and Backlash matches.

Steel Cage Match For The World Heavyweight Championship
Batista vs. Undertaker

They have tried so hard to make this match feel important and all I keep thinking of is how long are they going to let them wrestle before Edge cashes in? We get a pretty standard cage match that keeps getting interrupted by commercial breaks. When we come back, Undertaker gets pulled off the ropes and to the mat. Michael Cole and JBL talking about this feud as the best in the last decade is pretty ridiculous. I say that as someone who has enjoyed these matches, but I mean are you really going to even compare this to Steve Austin and Rock? Undertaker comes back an hits the chokeslam for a 2 count. Batista escapes a Tombstone attempt and throws Taker into the cage and we get our third commercial break. There is a lot of time afterwards, so hopefully that helps because this many commercials is ridiculous. When we come back, Taker is gushing blood from his head. He tries to crawl out of the cage, but Batista grabs the ankle and we're back at it. They battle up on the top rope and Batista is able to knock Taker off. Batista starts climbing, but of course Taker sits up. Instead of going after Batista, he starts climbing as well and we get the boring tied finish. The referees ask the announce team for a replay, which is obviously very easy to fake. They watch the replay shows no conclusive evidence and they declare it a draw, which the crowd hates. The cage raises and all of a sudden Mark Henry is out and attacks Undertaker. The world was just clamoring for a rematch to their WrestleMania 22 classic. As Henry goes to the back, Edge's music hits. This match was fine, but nothing memorable.

Match Rating: **3/4

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Undertaker vs. Edge

Edge goes right to cover him, but he kicks out at 2. He tries again and unsurprisingly gets the same result. Edge seems to be questioning his decision a little bit. Taker halfway sits up, but then falls over. After much delay, Edge hits the Spear and is the new World Heavyweight Champion. This was not as good as the first, especially since he so randomly won the briefcase on Raw. After his celebration, Edge hits Taker in the head with the briefcase for good measure. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Well, stuff happened and that's good. However, we still got a women's match that was horrendous and were force fed more Kane. The main event was disappointing because they spoiled the finish on ECW and and also because they hyped it up so much. Edge winning the title should breathe some new life into SmackDown and kind of leaves Raw in a weird spot. 

Overall Rating: 57%

Saturday, July 6, 2024

ECW 5-8-07 Review

Tuesday, May 8th, 2007
Mellon Arena
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork22

We start with Lashley attempting to enter the arena and Armando Alejandro Estrada with some cops stopping him. If he tries to enter, he will be arrested and if he lays a hand on Estrada, he will press charges and will go to jail. He takes Estrada's wheelchair and pushes it down the slope into a bunch of garbage and says that he guesses he will have to be arrested. 

CM Punk vs. Marcus Cor Von

They announce that Punk will take on Elijah Burke at Judgment Day. The action spills outside the ring and Cor Von drives Punk into the ring post. Back in the ring, Cor Von hits a bulldog, but then Punk comes back with a neckbreaker. Punk comes back with a springboard clothesline and gets a 2 count. Punk goes for a DDT off the second rope, but Cor Von dumps him to the floor instead. Burke is out and hits him with a kick to the injured ribs. Cor Von hits the Pounce and that's enough for the win. Cor Von finally gets a big win and of course it is at the expense at the only face with any potential on the brand. The match was decent but forgettable. The Pounce rules though. 

Match Rating: **

They do something that they rarely do and tell us what is going to happen on SmackDown before it happens. They announce that Edge is  is the new World Heavyweight Champion from the taping that happened before ECW started. 

Sandman vs. Snitsky

Talk about dream matches. Snitsky steamrolls him and hits a big boot for the ugly win. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Vince, Shane and Umaga are hanging out backstage. It leads to Umaga yelling. 

Extreme ExposĂ© is out as we continue to just waste television time. 

Elijah Burke tells Matt Striker that his leadership helped get the New Breed back on track tonight. 

Brian Major vs. Elijah Burke

Brian misses with a reverse crossbody and Elijah hits the Elijah Experience for the fairly quick victory. There was a little bit of action before, but I mean, do you actually care to read it? 

Match Rating: 1/2*

Kevin Thorn is with Ariel doing tarot cards. Thorn says his future was never with the New Breed or these cards. Yeah, his future is being in real estate. 

Handicap Match For The ECW Championship
Shane McMahon, Umaga & Vince McMahon vs. Rob Van Dam

RVD hits a monkey flip on Shane and follows it up with a spinning heel kick in the corner. He then knocks Umaga off the apron. Vince tries to distract Vince, but Umaga's attack is greeted with a kick to the jaw. The second time works out and this time Shane hits him with a baseball slide kick. RVD comes back pretty quickly until Umaga lowers the top rope and he falls to the floor. Umaga throws RVD into the steel steps and then hits a leg drop in the ring. Vince tags in to try and get the win, but RVD kicks out at 2. Umaga hits a Samoan drop and again tags in Vince. Once again, RVD kicks out at 2. RVD fights back on Umaga, chopping the big man down with kicks. RVD blocks a Samoan Spike and hits a springboard kick. RVD climbs up top, but Shane crotches him behind the referee's back. Not that it matters. Shane hits a top rope superplex. Umaga then hits a top rope splash and a Samoan Spike before tagging in Vince for the victory. There was an awkward pause in the pin attempt because RVD's shoulder was up. They were up for the other ones too, but whatever. RVD actually looked pretty strong there and the match was entertaining as a result. Tommy Dreamer and Sabu run into the ring to prevent any further attacks. 

Match Rating: **3/4

This was a halfway decent episode this week. We got a pretty good main event despite the whole Vince thing already being tired. Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Von both got some shine, which is a good thing as well. Too bad we still had Snitsky. 

Overall Rating: 55%

Friday, July 5, 2024

Monday Night Raw 5-7-07 Review

Monday, May 7th, 2007 
Bryce Jordan Center
University Park, Pennsylvania

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork22

Oh good, it's Vince McMahon and more cringe racism. We get a video package of Great Khali's reign of terror last week. Man, this show is off to a great start. Shawn Michaels comes out and reminds Vince that he was the one who was supposed to be the #1 contender. Shawn wants Great Khali and the winner will face John Cena at Judgment Day. Vince then goes back to the ECW Championship and Bobby Lashley is out to interrupt now. I have pretty much zoned out to this whole segment. I don't think I could care any less about this feud than I do. Anyway, they are going to fight at Judgment Day and Vince tried to provoke him into attacking him, which he isn't allowed to do unless it is done physically. The ban isn't on Jonathan Coachman, so Lashley grabs him and attacks him instead. Lashley chokes Coach with a microphone cord and this segment just won't end. About 22% of the televised portion of this episode was just used on this opening segment. 

Mickie James helps Candice Michelle put her top on backstage. What is this episode?

Mickie James & Candice Michelle vs. Victoria & Melina

I mean this match is exactly what you would think. The only reason it exists is so that we can be told that Candice Michelle is really improving. Nevermind the three other performers who are much better. Candice does a blind tag, almost screws up her timing and then hits a kick to pin Melina. Candice stinks. 

Match Rating: 1/2*

Intercontinental Championship Match
Chris Masters vs. Santino Marella

Masters gets the already in the ring treatment and Santino gets close to a zero reaction. They play up the fact that Santino is an underdog and Masters dominated the early portion of the match. He hits a big clothesline on Santino. Masters misses with a knee drop and hits a series of kicks on Masters. Masters misses Santino in the corner and hits his shoulder on the ring post. Santino rolls him up and is successful in his first title defense. There wasn't much drama here. 

Match Rating: 1/2*

Mr. Kennedy is out in street clothes and he lets us know that there are 328 days until WrestleMania XXIV. That's when he'll cash in and become the new champion. 

Maria is with Randy Orton, who requested his match with John Cena tonight. It won't take him an hour to beat John Cena like it did for Shawn Michaels. He says that his life will get back on track tonight. 

Handicap Match
Highlanders vs. Umaga

I forgot that the Highlanders still worked here. Umaga quickly does the butt bop and the Samoan Spike. He then gives it to the other Highlander, rolls him on top of the other and hits a top rope splash for the win. Squash. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Edge approaches Mr. Kennedy backstage. He goats Kennedy into defending his Money In The Bank briefcase tonight. It's all kind of strange with them both being heels. 

WWE Championship No Disqualification #1 Contender Match
Shawn Michaels vs. Great Khali

Michaels jumps him as soon as he gets in the ring and Khali ends up tied in the ropes. He quickly gets out of it and hits Michaels with a big boot. Khali misses with a leg drop and Michaels grabs a chair. He smacks Khali in the head with it. He hits the top rope elbow drop, but his Sweet Chin Music attempt was blocked and Khali hits him with a chop to the head. Michaels makes another comeback and hits a baseball slide. He clears off the table and attempts to hit a DDT, but Khali just chucks him in the air. He then grabs him by the throat and hits the double chokeslam through the table. The referee then calls for the bell? Why not just have him get pinned? I mean it took Michaels working frantically, but he pulled off a watchable Khali match here. I just don't love that ending. 

Match Rating: *1/2

John Cena is interviewed and says that he doesn't back down from any challenge, even Great Khali. 

Cryme Tyme is here, remember them? They're having a Mother's Day sale. They have a steak that they stole from Viscera, prescription pills they stole from Eugene and a Hummer they stole from Ron Simmons. They show clips of the reactions and this was a complete waste of time. At the end, Big Dick Johnson shows up wearing a Spider-Man costume. Shad says that he's Batman and hits him with a baseball bat. Get it? 

Hardys vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch are out again to watch the match. Jeff gets a hot tag after a short heat segment on Matt. He hits Whisper In The Wind and Matt hits a Twist Of Fate. Jeff goes up top, but Charlie Haas gets up there. Matt tags in and hits a back suplex. Jeff hits the Swanton for the win. Cade and Murdoch say that they want to congratulate the Hardys and go in the ring to talk to them. This time the Hardys shake their hands and head to the back. 

Match Rating: 3/4*

They show the saga of Carlito and Ric Flair. 


Carlito and Torrie Wilson are out and calls out Flair. Flair doesn't show up and then says he's going to get rid of the bad things in his life and that means Torrie. He then starts speaking in Spanish. No one cares. 

Money In The Bank Briefcase Match
Mr. Kennedy vs. Edge

Edge attacks Mr. Kennedy when he's walking down the aisle and then throws him into the barricade. He throws him into the ring post and then hits him in the head with a TV monitor. Edge rolls him into the ring and the referee makes Edge back off to check on Kennedy. Kennedy insists on the match starting and then he runs right into a spear. This was obviously panic booking and it felt like that. After the match, Edge hits Kennedy in the head with the briefcase. This wasn't a match and Mr. Kennedy didn't even end up being out as long as they thought. This really was the moment that Kennedy lost all momentum. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Randy Orton vs. John Cena

I have a feeling we are going to see this match a few more times over the years. They basically have no time here, so we get a rushed match here. Orton still gets a rest hold in though. Cena hits the 5 Knuckle Suffle and then out comes Great Khali. He has Orton up for the FU, but Khali grabs his title and Cena drops Orton. Orton attacks him, but then Cena gets him in the STFU. Orton gets to the bottom rope and then Cena chases after Khali, but Khali nails him with the title belt. He stands over him on the ramp and we have no finish to the match as we go off the air. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Well stuff happened on this episode, but the bulk of the show was a total drag. The stuff that did happen, wasn't good. Khali becoming #1 contender, Carlito dumping Torrie and Edge randomly stealing another heel's briefcase aren't exactly big memorable moments. 

Overall Rating: 43%

Thursday, July 4, 2024

NXT 8-12-15 Review

Original Airdate: Wednesday, August 12th, 2015
Full Sail University
Winter Park, Florida

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

They show William Regal getting interviewed from last week about Kevin Owens wanting a ladder match at TakeOver. Regal says that he doesn't want to give into his demands, but he talked to Finn Balor and he wants to take him on in any kind of match. This will be the biggest match in front of the biggest crowd in NXT history. 

Solomon Crowe vs. Tye Dillinger

Tye now officially has the perfect 10 character here. We get lots of "10" chants in the early going until Crowe knocks Tye in the jaw with a big boot. We get a little bit of awkward action and then Dillinger hits a knee to the face and gets the win. I am no fan of Crowe and this match didn't do anything to change that. I do like Tye and am glad they finally have something for him. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

They show Mojo and Zack Ryder playing the odd couple, with Mojo bragging about being with "12 chicks". 

Baron Corbin vs. Axel Tischer

Baron hits End Of Days while the crowd chants "Boring". This is going well. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

After the match, Corbin gets on the mic and I don't even bother to listen. Steve Cutler runs out and attacks him, so he gives him the End Of Days. He says that no one gets up from End Of Days, so then Samoa Joe's music hits, who has to be contemplating his decision to come back at this point. Corbin beats him down for a moment until Joe comes back and puts on the Coquina Clutch and knocks him out. 

Tyler Breeze talks about Jushin Liger and says that he'll do the same thing he did to Hideo Itami. 

Marcus Louis vs. Finn Balor

Apparently Marcus Louis is still a thing. For some reason the NXT Champion has to sell for him too. Naturally it isn't long before he hits the Coup de Grace and gets the win on this show of squashes. 

Match Rating: 1/2*

Naturally, Kevin Owens attacks Balor on his way back up the entrance ramp. Balor escapes a powerbomb and hits a running dropkick into the barricade. They go into the ring and Owens hits the pop up powerbomb. He grabs the title and holds it up over Balor, drops it on him and steps on him on his way out of the ring. 

Alexa Bliss interrupts a Vaudevillains interview and slaps them both. 

Apollo Crews gets a vignette and he will be making his debut at TakeOver.

They run down the TakeOver card and that leads to Sasha Banks making her way to the announce table.

NXT Women's Championship #1 Contender Match
Bayley vs. Becky Lynch

Let's see if these two can save this episode. Bayley gets the best of Becky in the early on, most notably hitting a running bulldog. Becky comes back with a suplex and some hard right forearms to the face. After a commercial break, Bayley tries to make a comeback and turns that into a few nearfalls. Bayley hits the big elbow off the second rope, but Becky kicks out at 2. Becky tries to go up top, but Bayley is there to meet her. Bayley hits a powerslam and gets another 2 count. Becky is able to turn into a Disarm-her, but Bayley gets to the ropes. Bayley goes for the Bayley to Belly, but Becky counters into an arm hold. Bayley turns that into a pin and becomes the #1 contender. This was a good match, but it never really turned into more than that. 

Match Rating: **1/2

To say I have been disappointed in the weekly NXT shows would be an understatement. So many people were talking about how great NXT was at the time and while there are plenty of performers that I really like, the stories just aren't that compelling. It's really just the TakeOvers that have been carrying the brand for me and that's because they actually just let them wrestle there. We'll see what happens as the year continues, but 2015 has been a disappointment in terms of the weekly programming. 

Overall Rating: 44%

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Monday Night Raw 8-21-95 Review

Original Airdate: Monday, August 21st, 1995
Worcester Centrum
Worcester, Massachusetts

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork22

They show Kama attacking the creature of the night on Superstars. Tonight, Undertaker will take on Tatanka. Remember him? 

Men On A Mission vs. Roy Raymond & Joe Handcock

I'm not sure I really understand them doing a tag match here rather than just another Mabel squash. Mabel hits a piledriver, which I don't think I remember ever seeing him hit. He hits a belly to belly suplex while the crowd chants "Diesel" for the easy victory. Mabel grabs a mic after the match and tells everyone to shut up. He then says that he and Mo are the greatest tag team of all time and calls out the Allied Powers for a match. He gives them 5 seconds and decides that is long enough for them to decline. This is weird booking. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Oh great, more Dean Douglas. He talks about King Mabel and the definition of dominate. He gives him a NC for New Champion. 

If you join America Online, you can chat with Vince McMahon tonight. 

On September 11th, Sid will take on the winner of the Intercontinental Championship match at SummerSlam.

1-2-3 Kid vs. Brooklyn Brawler

Brawler attacks Kid outside the ring before the match, but we all know how this one is going to go. Kid hits some kicks and picks up the win. Lawler then draws a pimple on Kid so they can advertise for Stridex.

Match Rating: 1/4*

Tatanka vs. Undertaker

It's crazy that the "main event" of King Of The Ring panned out. Tatanka is a jobber, Bam Bam is basically a jobber and Sid got kicked off the SummerSlam card and will also be gone soon. Undertaker is more aggressive to start, but quickly gets back to his methodical ways. Tatanka gets in a Samoan drop and then slows the match down even more. Taker battles out of a rest hold with a back suplex and hits a clothesline into the commercial break. Taker comes back and hits a chokeslam before nailing him with the Tombstone and the win. This was a house show match. 

Match Rating: 3/4*

It's time to go to Todd Pettengill for a rundown of the SummerSlam card. We get a cheesy voicemail bit with Isaac Yankem's office and then Mabel brings up the challenge to the Allied Powers again. 

It's time for...Tee Vee Trivia. It's a mock game show where they ask questions that are all about Monday Night Raw. The new season starts September 11th. 

Jean Pierre Lafitte vs. Scott Taylor

Lafitte attacks Taylor before the bell and we have lots of fake crowd noise here. Taylor hits a top rope crossbody and gets a 2 count. They make mention of British Bulldog not able to find his partner, Lex Luger. Taylor's offense doesn't last long and Lafitte hits a Cannonball for the victory. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

We get a new Goldust vignette of him in front of the Hollywood sign. 

Vince McMahon is in the ring for a Diesel interview. He says that we'll find out if he can Jackknife Mabel at SummerSlam. Out comes British Bulldog and he tells us that Lex Luger had a medical emergency. He then asks Diesel if he'll be his partner to take on Men On A Mission.

Diesel & British Bulldog vs. Men On A Mission

Diesel steamrolls Mo in the early going. He looks like he'll be going for the Jackknife, but then Mabel comes in. British Bulldog comes in and knocks Diesel from behind and right into a Mabel slam. Mabel holds Diesel while Bulldog slaps him in the face. Jim Cornette has come out to make sure we know this is a heel turn. Bulldog then hits Diesel with the running powerslam and Mabel hits the leg drop. I will say that I remember watching this live and just being shocked. Watching it as an adult, it all feels so random that you almost knew something had to happen here. Mabel hits another leg drop while wearing his crown and holds up the title while Bulldog walks to the back with Cornette. This obviously wasn't really a match, but it was at least an angle that was fairly interesting. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

After the commercial, Lawler is in the locker room with all of the heels. Mabel says that this is the first part of his royal plan. They show the footage again and once again hype up Sid vs. either Razor Ramon or Shawn Michaels on September 11th.

Well the episode as a whole wasn't very good, but it ended with an entertaining angle at least to get you more interested in SummerSlam. I know the Mabel main event is heavily mocked, but in all honesty, they didn't do a terrible job with it. 

Overall Rating: 42%