Sunday, July 28, 2024

NXT 8-19-15 Review

Original Airdate: Wednesday, August 19th, 2015
Full Sail University
Winter Park, Florida

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

After a recap of last weeks show, William Regal is out. He brings out Bayley and Sasha Banks for the contract signing for their match at TakeOver. Bayley says that she has had title opportunities before, but she has let them slip away. Sasha makes fun of the fans by saying that they are the reason TakeOver is in Brooklyn and not here. Sasha says that Bayley isn't worth her time and that TakeOver is it for Bayley. Sasha heads to the back, but Bayley runs up the ramp an attacks her before being held back by officials. 

We get an Apollo Crews vignette. 

Tyler Breeze vs. Rob Ryzin

Breeze has a Jushin Liger mask hanging from the bottom of his selfie stick. Breeze hits a Supermodel Kick and that's all. Your typical go home squash. After the match, he puts the mask on his opponent's head and then hits him with the Beauty Shot. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Hype Bros, Enzo & Big Cass vs. Aaron Solo, Jesse Sorensen, Jesus De Leon & Jobber

These 4 are going to take on Chad Gable, Jason Jordan, Dash and Dawson next week, so this is their warmup match. This is what you would expect it to be. Each guy gets a moment to shine and then Big Cass launches Enzo on whichever guy and they get the easy win. This just all feels so random. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Their opponents next week and they just act like a bunch of dorks. 

Samoa Joe vs. Steve Cutler

This barnburner of an episode continues. Joe puts on the Coquina Clutch for the quick win. They certainly put a lot of thought into this show. After the match, you'd never guess it, but Baron Corbin attacks him. He hits the End of Days and lays out Joe.

Match Rating: 1/4*

Blake & Murphy vs. Angelo Dawkins & Sawyer Fulton

Dawkins gets some offense in to start before running into a clothesline. Fulton even gets a chance to get a hot tag here and gets to pull the straps down. It doesn't work though and the champs hit the running suplex/frog splash combo for the win. This looked like a 5 star classic compared to the rest of the night.

Match Rating: 3/4*

The Vaudevillains are out and Alexis Bliss and goes up to them again and slaps them both. They try to start talking again and she does it again. 

Next week, it's Carmella vs. Eva Marie. You won't want to miss that...Plus it will be Becky Lynch vs. Dana Brooke vs. Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch. That's better.

Kevin Owens is out with a ladder and sets it up in the ring. He rips on the fans for a few minutes. He cuts a pretty fired up promo until the lights go out and in comes Finn Balor. Finn looks to be having a bad day. They start brawling until Owens escapes the ring. Finn then says that on Saturday he's going to shut Owens' mouth. 

This show was pretty terrible from top to bottom. I mean the two title hype segments were fine, but nothing out of the ordinary. The rest mostly was uninspired and boring. Thankfully I know that isn't the case for the upcoming TakeOver.

Overall Rating: 30%

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