Saturday, July 6, 2024

ECW 5-8-07 Review

Tuesday, May 8th, 2007
Mellon Arena
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork22

We start with Lashley attempting to enter the arena and Armando Alejandro Estrada with some cops stopping him. If he tries to enter, he will be arrested and if he lays a hand on Estrada, he will press charges and will go to jail. He takes Estrada's wheelchair and pushes it down the slope into a bunch of garbage and says that he guesses he will have to be arrested. 

CM Punk vs. Marcus Cor Von

They announce that Punk will take on Elijah Burke at Judgment Day. The action spills outside the ring and Cor Von drives Punk into the ring post. Back in the ring, Cor Von hits a bulldog, but then Punk comes back with a neckbreaker. Punk comes back with a springboard clothesline and gets a 2 count. Punk goes for a DDT off the second rope, but Cor Von dumps him to the floor instead. Burke is out and hits him with a kick to the injured ribs. Cor Von hits the Pounce and that's enough for the win. Cor Von finally gets a big win and of course it is at the expense at the only face with any potential on the brand. The match was decent but forgettable. The Pounce rules though. 

Match Rating: **

They do something that they rarely do and tell us what is going to happen on SmackDown before it happens. They announce that Edge is  is the new World Heavyweight Champion from the taping that happened before ECW started. 

Sandman vs. Snitsky

Talk about dream matches. Snitsky steamrolls him and hits a big boot for the ugly win. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Vince, Shane and Umaga are hanging out backstage. It leads to Umaga yelling. 

Extreme Exposé is out as we continue to just waste television time. 

Elijah Burke tells Matt Striker that his leadership helped get the New Breed back on track tonight. 

Brian Major vs. Elijah Burke

Brian misses with a reverse crossbody and Elijah hits the Elijah Experience for the fairly quick victory. There was a little bit of action before, but I mean, do you actually care to read it? 

Match Rating: 1/2*

Kevin Thorn is with Ariel doing tarot cards. Thorn says his future was never with the New Breed or these cards. Yeah, his future is being in real estate. 

Handicap Match For The ECW Championship
Shane McMahon, Umaga & Vince McMahon vs. Rob Van Dam

RVD hits a monkey flip on Shane and follows it up with a spinning heel kick in the corner. He then knocks Umaga off the apron. Vince tries to distract Vince, but Umaga's attack is greeted with a kick to the jaw. The second time works out and this time Shane hits him with a baseball slide kick. RVD comes back pretty quickly until Umaga lowers the top rope and he falls to the floor. Umaga throws RVD into the steel steps and then hits a leg drop in the ring. Vince tags in to try and get the win, but RVD kicks out at 2. Umaga hits a Samoan drop and again tags in Vince. Once again, RVD kicks out at 2. RVD fights back on Umaga, chopping the big man down with kicks. RVD blocks a Samoan Spike and hits a springboard kick. RVD climbs up top, but Shane crotches him behind the referee's back. Not that it matters. Shane hits a top rope superplex. Umaga then hits a top rope splash and a Samoan Spike before tagging in Vince for the victory. There was an awkward pause in the pin attempt because RVD's shoulder was up. They were up for the other ones too, but whatever. RVD actually looked pretty strong there and the match was entertaining as a result. Tommy Dreamer and Sabu run into the ring to prevent any further attacks. 

Match Rating: **3/4

This was a halfway decent episode this week. We got a pretty good main event despite the whole Vince thing already being tired. Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Von both got some shine, which is a good thing as well. Too bad we still had Snitsky. 

Overall Rating: 55%

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