Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Monday Night Raw 8-21-95 Review

Original Airdate: Monday, August 21st, 1995
Worcester Centrum
Worcester, Massachusetts

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork22

They show Kama attacking the creature of the night on Superstars. Tonight, Undertaker will take on Tatanka. Remember him? 

Men On A Mission vs. Roy Raymond & Joe Handcock

I'm not sure I really understand them doing a tag match here rather than just another Mabel squash. Mabel hits a piledriver, which I don't think I remember ever seeing him hit. He hits a belly to belly suplex while the crowd chants "Diesel" for the easy victory. Mabel grabs a mic after the match and tells everyone to shut up. He then says that he and Mo are the greatest tag team of all time and calls out the Allied Powers for a match. He gives them 5 seconds and decides that is long enough for them to decline. This is weird booking. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

Oh great, more Dean Douglas. He talks about King Mabel and the definition of dominate. He gives him a NC for New Champion. 

If you join America Online, you can chat with Vince McMahon tonight. 

On September 11th, Sid will take on the winner of the Intercontinental Championship match at SummerSlam.

1-2-3 Kid vs. Brooklyn Brawler

Brawler attacks Kid outside the ring before the match, but we all know how this one is going to go. Kid hits some kicks and picks up the win. Lawler then draws a pimple on Kid so they can advertise for Stridex.

Match Rating: 1/4*

Tatanka vs. Undertaker

It's crazy that the "main event" of King Of The Ring panned out. Tatanka is a jobber, Bam Bam is basically a jobber and Sid got kicked off the SummerSlam card and will also be gone soon. Undertaker is more aggressive to start, but quickly gets back to his methodical ways. Tatanka gets in a Samoan drop and then slows the match down even more. Taker battles out of a rest hold with a back suplex and hits a clothesline into the commercial break. Taker comes back and hits a chokeslam before nailing him with the Tombstone and the win. This was a house show match. 

Match Rating: 3/4*

It's time to go to Todd Pettengill for a rundown of the SummerSlam card. We get a cheesy voicemail bit with Isaac Yankem's office and then Mabel brings up the challenge to the Allied Powers again. 

It's time for...Tee Vee Trivia. It's a mock game show where they ask questions that are all about Monday Night Raw. The new season starts September 11th. 

Jean Pierre Lafitte vs. Scott Taylor

Lafitte attacks Taylor before the bell and we have lots of fake crowd noise here. Taylor hits a top rope crossbody and gets a 2 count. They make mention of British Bulldog not able to find his partner, Lex Luger. Taylor's offense doesn't last long and Lafitte hits a Cannonball for the victory. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

We get a new Goldust vignette of him in front of the Hollywood sign. 

Vince McMahon is in the ring for a Diesel interview. He says that we'll find out if he can Jackknife Mabel at SummerSlam. Out comes British Bulldog and he tells us that Lex Luger had a medical emergency. He then asks Diesel if he'll be his partner to take on Men On A Mission.

Diesel & British Bulldog vs. Men On A Mission

Diesel steamrolls Mo in the early going. He looks like he'll be going for the Jackknife, but then Mabel comes in. British Bulldog comes in and knocks Diesel from behind and right into a Mabel slam. Mabel holds Diesel while Bulldog slaps him in the face. Jim Cornette has come out to make sure we know this is a heel turn. Bulldog then hits Diesel with the running powerslam and Mabel hits the leg drop. I will say that I remember watching this live and just being shocked. Watching it as an adult, it all feels so random that you almost knew something had to happen here. Mabel hits another leg drop while wearing his crown and holds up the title while Bulldog walks to the back with Cornette. This obviously wasn't really a match, but it was at least an angle that was fairly interesting. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

After the commercial, Lawler is in the locker room with all of the heels. Mabel says that this is the first part of his royal plan. They show the footage again and once again hype up Sid vs. either Razor Ramon or Shawn Michaels on September 11th.

Well the episode as a whole wasn't very good, but it ended with an entertaining angle at least to get you more interested in SummerSlam. I know the Mabel main event is heavily mocked, but in all honesty, they didn't do a terrible job with it. 

Overall Rating: 42%

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