Thursday, July 4, 2024

NXT 8-12-15 Review

Original Airdate: Wednesday, August 12th, 2015
Full Sail University
Winter Park, Florida

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

They show William Regal getting interviewed from last week about Kevin Owens wanting a ladder match at TakeOver. Regal says that he doesn't want to give into his demands, but he talked to Finn Balor and he wants to take him on in any kind of match. This will be the biggest match in front of the biggest crowd in NXT history. 

Solomon Crowe vs. Tye Dillinger

Tye now officially has the perfect 10 character here. We get lots of "10" chants in the early going until Crowe knocks Tye in the jaw with a big boot. We get a little bit of awkward action and then Dillinger hits a knee to the face and gets the win. I am no fan of Crowe and this match didn't do anything to change that. I do like Tye and am glad they finally have something for him. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

They show Mojo and Zack Ryder playing the odd couple, with Mojo bragging about being with "12 chicks". 

Baron Corbin vs. Axel Tischer

Baron hits End Of Days while the crowd chants "Boring". This is going well. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

After the match, Corbin gets on the mic and I don't even bother to listen. Steve Cutler runs out and attacks him, so he gives him the End Of Days. He says that no one gets up from End Of Days, so then Samoa Joe's music hits, who has to be contemplating his decision to come back at this point. Corbin beats him down for a moment until Joe comes back and puts on the Coquina Clutch and knocks him out. 

Tyler Breeze talks about Jushin Liger and says that he'll do the same thing he did to Hideo Itami. 

Marcus Louis vs. Finn Balor

Apparently Marcus Louis is still a thing. For some reason the NXT Champion has to sell for him too. Naturally it isn't long before he hits the Coup de Grace and gets the win on this show of squashes. 

Match Rating: 1/2*

Naturally, Kevin Owens attacks Balor on his way back up the entrance ramp. Balor escapes a powerbomb and hits a running dropkick into the barricade. They go into the ring and Owens hits the pop up powerbomb. He grabs the title and holds it up over Balor, drops it on him and steps on him on his way out of the ring. 

Alexa Bliss interrupts a Vaudevillains interview and slaps them both. 

Apollo Crews gets a vignette and he will be making his debut at TakeOver.

They run down the TakeOver card and that leads to Sasha Banks making her way to the announce table.

NXT Women's Championship #1 Contender Match
Bayley vs. Becky Lynch

Let's see if these two can save this episode. Bayley gets the best of Becky in the early on, most notably hitting a running bulldog. Becky comes back with a suplex and some hard right forearms to the face. After a commercial break, Bayley tries to make a comeback and turns that into a few nearfalls. Bayley hits the big elbow off the second rope, but Becky kicks out at 2. Becky tries to go up top, but Bayley is there to meet her. Bayley hits a powerslam and gets another 2 count. Becky is able to turn into a Disarm-her, but Bayley gets to the ropes. Bayley goes for the Bayley to Belly, but Becky counters into an arm hold. Bayley turns that into a pin and becomes the #1 contender. This was a good match, but it never really turned into more than that. 

Match Rating: **1/2

To say I have been disappointed in the weekly NXT shows would be an understatement. So many people were talking about how great NXT was at the time and while there are plenty of performers that I really like, the stories just aren't that compelling. It's really just the TakeOvers that have been carrying the brand for me and that's because they actually just let them wrestle there. We'll see what happens as the year continues, but 2015 has been a disappointment in terms of the weekly programming. 

Overall Rating: 44%

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