Sunday, July 21, 2024

Superstars 8-26-95 Review

Original Airdate: Saturday, August 26th, 1995
Portland Civic Center
Portland, Maine

Follow me on Twitter: @WorkTheNetwork2

Skip vs. 1-2-3 Kid

I can dig this one. Kid hits a nice pop up dropkick and then a headscissors. Kid then hits a leaping crossbody off the second rope onto Skip on the floor. He goes for another headscissors, but this time Skip slams him face first to the mat. The match is good, so of course they go to commercial. Kid is back in control and hits a frog splash for a 2 count. Kid goes for a spin kick, but Skip ducks and Kid goes to the outside. Sunny gets in a cheap shot and then out comes Barry Horowitz. The distraction causes Skip to get counted out and goes to the back. We don't even get an official announcement. This match was going along very well and then it just ended. 

Match Rating: *3/4

We go to Dean Douglas because lord knows we need to. He criticizes Kid for being redundant with going for the same move twice. Aren't these vignettes the epitome of redundant? He gets a grade of HI, which stands for Hopelessly Incomplete. Hilarious. 

It's Stridex time. Oh, and Todd Pettengill is here too. The card is already set, so nothing new here. We hear quickly from both Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels. 

Sid vs. Brian Walsh

Sid dismantles Walsh, as one would expect. He hits a big boot and then a one arm chokeslam. The powerbomb ends it. This is exactly what you would expect as they hype him for his September 11th title match.

Match Rating: 1/4*

We get the Hollywood sign vignette from Goldust. 

Dok Hendrix is dressed up in Undertaker gear for his interview with him and Paul Bearer. Bearer calls him out for being a wolf in sheep's clothing. They wheeled out a casket to if that does anything for you. 

We get a new fall season commercial that is terrible. 

We get a recap of British Bulldog turning on Diesel. Mabel promises that the grand finale of his royal plan will happen at SummerSlam. Diesel says there will be armageddon in Mabel's kingdom. 

Henry Godwinn vs. Brooklyn Brawler

I sort of feel like Godwinn only turned face so that he could feud with Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Although, I guess Vince does like having his farm stables. Godwinn quickly hits a Slop Drop and gets the easy win. He then dumps the slop bucket on Brawler. 

Match Rating: 1/4*

We get a cheesy voicemail for Isaac Yankem's office saying that he has an appointment with Bret Hart.

Rad Radford vs. Bret Hart

Uh oh, it's Jean Pierre Lafitte and he's stolen Bret Hart's jacket. This allows Radford the opportunity to jump Bret, but Bret's right back on offense after a few seconds. Radford is able to hit a big spinebuster before choking Bret. Radford ducks too early and Bret makes him pay, but a rake in the eyes stops anything from happening. Radford hits a snapmare takedown and again goes back to the choke. Bret comes back with a Lou Thesz press and the side Russian leg sweep. Bret hits a bulldog and then slaps on the Sharpshooter for the victory. This was a fairly competitive match considering Radford has been presented as a nobody so far. 

Match Rating: **

We go back to the Toddster to run down tomorrow's card one more time. We actually get an Alundra Blayze promo for a feud that has gotten pretty much no time on Superstars or Raw. I'm not sure if maybe there was some stuff on Action Zone, but this has just been hyped up at all. 

Vince and Dok close us out to hype up SummerSlam some more. The mention of Lex Luger is pretty funny in hindsight. We then get a video package of most of the matches for SummerSlam.

This was a pretty good show as far as Superstars goes, with two feature matches bookending the show. My excitement as a kid was at an all time high and I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen at SummerSlam. Viewing it nearly 30 years later, the build for a lot of the matches is pretty weak, outside of maybe Mabel/Diesel. The other ones are either thrown together or are feuds that have been going on for awhile, but with such little progression.

Overall Rating: 51%

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